Tsukiyama Rei (Golden Gateways)



1 year, 2 months ago


Tsukiyama Rei, 月山 令

Wandering Blossom

“Zenko, 善狐 are often known as the benevolent kitsunes of Inari, a Shinto kami. With pure white fur and a heart of gold. They act as the deity’s messenger and envoys, providing aid to mortals in need. To see one has been said to be a blessing from the deity, thus most are treated with the utmost respect. Trickery is often done by the lower ranking Kitsune, the Yako.”

Gender Genderfluid (She/They/He)
Age 824 Years (August 15th)
Height 5'8" ft / 172 cm
Affiliation Pan-Fera Confederation
Occupation Private Investigator

[ Courteous, Driven, Patient, Outspoken, Reliable ]

[ Adventurous, Sensitive, Focused, Cheeky, Confident ]

[ Perfectionist, Prideful, Neglectful, Hedonistic, Nosy ]

Not much is known about the mysterious Kitsune, and they are pretty tight lipped about their story. Their private investigator agency, The Vulpine Eye Investigative Agency has also seemed to have popped out of thin air, their origins being muddy at best and suspicious at worst.

However, Rei seems to be a trustworthy enough addition to the city with a gained trust of the Pan-Fera Confederation to even work alongside them. Their jobs don’t seem out of the ordinary to a Sleeper, but to the Awakened world, Rei provides another business of “paranormal investigation”. Aiding in any problems Awakeneds may encounter with evil or even vengeful spirits and ghosts.

Those who have met this Kitsune before may recognize the familiar pink glow and twinkle of mischief, those eyes spell trouble and a long history in a far away land. Only those who hail from the said motherland may share some of her stories of joy, beauty and pain.


They started out the same with every other Kitsune, a mundane fox who slowly grew wise and gained intelligence. Intelligence that would later be used to garner spiritual and magical energy, and a brimming curiosity to learn about the vast world. Rei lived many lives, once as an onmyouji, another as a daimyo’s samurai and even as a humble kannushi. Each they’ve enjoyed to the fullest, filled with pride and even arrogance before their slumber to cultivate more magical energy.

Each story was a stepping stone to learn about the world, to learn of its difficulties, its trials, its cruelty and its beauty. It didn’t take Rei too long to see a path for herself, presenting herself before a shrine and pledging to the Shinto kami, Inari with a promise to help and guide. Despite where their homeland stayed, Rei traveled beyond the island they called home. To countless realms beyond her deity’s domain to discover what else the world has to offer, while many protested against it, Rei took the path nonetheless.

It’ll be a long story to tell how Rei ended up in San Francisco, but they seem to have settled to open a new chapter in their stories in this coastal city. Starting a new arc and story for herself, and if possible, maybe help write someone else’s story along the way.

INT 2 [+1]   WIT 4 [+2]   RES 4 [+2]  
STR 1 [+0]   DEX 4 [+2]   STA 2 [+1]  
CHA 4 [+2]   PRE 1 [+0]   COM 2 [+1]  
  • Hidden Spirits
    Rei enters her spirit form that allows her to phase by physical objects and attacks. However, when damaged by magical attacks, she will be forced back into her physical form. Useful for playing support, as she can break in almost anywhere.
  • A Thousand Li
    Spiritual sight to perceive souls and spirits around, each target has their own unique soul signature that Rei can identify and monitor. She can also spot curses, possessions or otherwise soul-influencing magic placed on someone.
  • Kitsunebi
    Ghostly appendages that manifest as extensions of herself, Rei can control them to perform tasks from a distance but they can never be used to attack someone. If targeted, these appendages disappear upon taking any damage. They give off a weird numbing sensation when touched.
  • Timid Soul
    Foxes are naturally fearful of canines and other canine-like creatures. As such, Rei is often uncomfortable and even timid when around canines and canine-like Awakeneds. When faced with intimidation and or threatened by them, Rei has disadvantage on Composure checks.
  • Hoshi no Tama
    Better known as a fox marble or orb, it’s a piece of jewelry that contains Rei’s magical powers. If this orb is ever stolen or lost, their stats would all drop to 1 and Resolve is rolled at a disadvantage until the orb is retrieved. Thankfully, this orb is pretty well hidden.
  • Incomplete Glamour
    Whenever Rei takes on a human form they will always pertain a few supernatural traits that can expose them. Ranging from a fox-shaped shadow, reflection of their true self in a mirror, a hidden tail or fur covered body. Exposing her traits could sometimes even unravel her glamor entirely.
  • Vulpine Charm
    Rei exudes an aura of allure and charm, which allows her to seduce or more easily become friends with a target. It can also ease and comfort others. Activates after 4 turns, targets can roll Composure to resist. Nullified if Rei attacks them.
  • Spiritual Sleuth
    Rei can peer into the memory of spirits found in objects or a location to learn of their history. Capable of seeing what has happened to said or area, to give her more insight into various scenarios. Objects might have limited vision while locations have blurry memories.
  • Purifying Aura
    A minty aura that purifies, capable of cleansing evil, healing minor wounds, purging disease and infection or dispelling curses. In combat, it may heal a target d4 HP. If the target is an "evil aligned" being, it may deal d4 damage instead.
  • Shiki no Kami
    Summoning spirits into her paper dolls, these dolls can stun Awakeneds upon contact. Targets who fail a Stamina roll against Rei's Resolve are stunned for 1 round, where they are unable to take any action or movement. Can be used outside of combat for utility usage.
  • Shinki
    Calling upon her spirit friends, they can manifest into physical object and items up to handheld size to aid Rei. Usually used for utility such as keys or a camera but they may also manifest as weapons. They last for 24 hours and those with supernatural senses may perceive its true nature.