


1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Emily Sunstone

Gender: Female (she/her)

Age: 20

Height: 175cm

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Season: Autumn

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla 

Emily is the daughter of the Grand Duke of the Selenian Empire, a prestigious position held by the current duke/duchess of Central Selenia. She has a cousin named Kirk. She's sweet, kind, and has an interest in mechanics, machinery, and technology, making it her goal to further the technological advancement of the nation. Her most iconic invention is a unique tool known as the Hookshot, a special grappling hook based on an ancient Hyrulean design that had been impossible to replicate until her attempt succeeded.

Emily's high rank allowed her to grow up close to Prince Matthew, often offering him her emotional support and nurturing encouragement as they grew up together. The two have been best friends since childhood and stayed very close, although they had different pursuits. While Emily tinkered with technology, Matthew studied magic. The two of them worked together despite their drastically different fields, even having a joint project in the form of a golem that utilized both mechanical and magical methods to function.

One day, after a long night tabletop gaming, Emily and Matthew wake up to notice a third person in the very same room. This new person, Melina, turns out to be Matthew's counterpart from another timeline that merged with theirs. Matthew and Melina eventually form a very close bond, while he and Emily fall in love, and their bond becomes just as unbreakable.