


1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Matthew Moonstone
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: 18
Height: 160cm
Favorite Color: Violet
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate

Matthew is the crown prince of the Selenian Empire, founded by his ancestor Selene a thousand years prior. His mother Artemis is the current Empress, and he has a cousin named Rosalyn. He studies magic (specifically elemental magic) and often reads books on history, culture, myths, legends, magic, and alchemy in his spare time. He enjoys the cold and often uses cold-based spells. He is meek and intelligent, always analyzing any given situation to figure out the best strategy or solution to execute.

Matthew grew up in the capital city of Selenium with his best friend since childhood, Emily. The two stayed very close, although they had different pursuits. While Matthew studied magic, Emily tinkered with technology. The two of them worked together despite their drastically different fields, even having a joint project in the form of a golem that utilized both magical and mechanical methods to function.

One day, after a long night tabletop gaming, Matthew and Emily wake up to notice a third person in the very same room. This new person, Melina, turns out to be Matthew's counterpart from another timeline that merged with theirs. Despite initial misunderstandings, Matthew and Melina form a very close bond, coming to a mutual understanding that makes them feel whole as they learn to love each other and themselves in the process.

Eventually, Matthew and Emily fall in love, and their bond becomes just as unbreakable.