


1 year, 10 months ago


me, hi

Name Hythea Frayoak
Race night elf
Gender female
Age 13k?
Sexuality pansexual
Pronouns she/her

Occupation protector of nature, druid
Alignment CG
Status alive
Affiliation Azeroth
Residence Un'Goro Crater
(Since) forever?

Aliases Maleala
(changed her name)


Everything's a wip from the 2nd to the 8th tab

Height 251 cm, 8'3"
Blood Type O-
Skin color light green
Weight 129 kg, 284 lbs
Eye color light green
Hair color very light green

Voice Soft
She talks in a sweet, pleasant tone, rarely really high so it can easily be missed, sometimes heavily stuttering, especially in presence of strangers. With people she's comfortable with she's quite talkative though.
Handwriting Right-handed
Her handwritting is neat, delicate runes always in somewhat wavy lines. She doesn't write particularly quickly because she doesn't need to bother doing so. She knows most alphabets enough to replicate them correctly.

Appearance stuff about your character.


Iwi'va's clothes are generally simple white ones, very light with a lot of skin shown— Zuldazar rarely gets cold. She does have clothes of a lot of different colors since she dresses up for every celebration held in the capital, be it for a specific loa, a certain time of the year or a royal birthday.


Iwi'va has a lot of accessories, many jewels, necklaces, piercings and bracelets that Ag'kamuah gifted her and that she often keeps on her but the ones that she holds dearest to her heart are her large engraved necklace, her long one with a pendant as well as the two chain ear piercings and, the most important of all, her forehead piece. She absolutely never takes it off.

Body Modifications

Iwi'va has several piercings; at least six on her ears, one on her bottom lip, one on her nose and two around her navel. Aside from that she has a large scar on her back from when she was a child.

Design Notes
  • She has very soft and gentle features.
  • The spots on her shoulders and cheeks aren't actually spots, they're scales. There's eleven.
  • None of her jewelry is optional but the one that should always be on all her art is her forehead piece.
Positive Traits
empathetic kind generous patient welcoming
Neutral Traits
quiet skittish determined ? ?
Negative Traits
clumsy awkward timid indecisive ?

She's never had many goals– not big ones, at least. She considers wanting to try a new activity or learn a new language as goals and when she reaches them she simply finds new ones.
It had always been what she hoped for but it's even more the case after the recent events, she just hopes for peace and prosperity for her people.
Nothing in her life is really a secret as Ag'kamuah knows all of it but she heavily avoids talking about her family and she's only ever shown her back to him.
She's always loved children and wanted to have some of her own. She knows if it ever happens it won't be any time soon and she's glad but she still dreams of it.

Personality stuff about your character.

  • Fruits, that's almost all she eats.
  • Children, for who she tries to give the best of herself.
  • Counting stories, something she's surprisingly very good at.
  • Cooking, even if she's terrible at it.
  • Rainy days, that she finds really relaxing and nice to see.
  • Jewelry, since she grew only dreaming of one day owning one.
  • ?
  • Her back scar, that she always covers.
  • Heavy clothes, she prefers to be free of moving as she pleases.
  • Meat, she'd absolutely never eat it.
  • Crowded places, that she finds very uncomfortable.
  • Loud noises and sudden movements, it really puts her on edge.


Iwi'va is awkward; she stutters heavily and can even be seen trembling at times. She often has her arms close to her body, hesitating to join others. She struggles to keep eye contact the majority of the time but when she's geniunely interested in the person or topic she'll not break eye contact at all which can be a bit disturbing. She's not very talkative but smiles a lot.


Iwi'va is very forgiving of others and loved –almost– everyone that she met until now. She thinks there's not a living being who doesn't deserve happiness and try to give a bit of joy to anyone she crosses path with.

  • She laughs a lot when nervous.
  • She often holds friends' arms when walking with them.
  • When it's an option she prefers to have a wall behind her to prevent someone surprising her.
  • She always has a straight face when she listens attentively.
  • She unconsciously plays with her hands and touches her jewelry a lot.
  • She tends to bump in people she walks with because she's turned towards them.
pessimist optimist
naive perceptive
introverted extroverted
open reserved
sassy polite
moral immoral
timid foolhardy
cowardly courageous

fight flight
fawn freeze

  • Agility
  • Patience
  • Healing magic
  • Endurance
  • Healing herself
  • Physical strength
  • She is really good at telling stories.
  • She knows a lot of languages, mostly written.
  • A good singer and dancer tho very robotic-like when nervous.
  • She is usually really loved by animals.
  • Her healing ability is outside the charts.
  • She is an incredible academical learner and there's few things she'd struggle to learn if she had someone teaching her.

some heartbreak,

No, thank you, he doesn't like it”, she says but as the words leave her lips she briefly wonders where she heard he didn't. Maybe she imagined it so she steals a glance in his direction and she's met with a face colder than she thought possible. His jaw is clenched and his eyes are hard on her features. She feels intimated and unsure for a bit— did she make a mistake? She opens her mouth to apologize immediatly, heartbroken that she might have said something wrong but that's when she realizes what his expression means. As if someone was whispering it in her ear, she knew it. He was devastated. It was not anger, nor was it coldness; it was grief. He seemed like he saw his life crumble in front of him and any fear was replaced by a deep worry. Were they close enough for her to hug him? She desperatly wanted to. She didn't try to speak again. Instead, she went to put her hand on his arm but before she could touch him everything in him changed and there were no traces left of the crumbling sadness that had made his pupils shake. He was smiling at her, nodding vaguely as to say that yes, it was correct, he didn't like purple grape. She stopped before she could reach him because it seemed like she would hurt him by continuing. She searched in his eyes but the wall that he sometimes would place around him was back again and this time she knew she couldn't go past it. Not without making things worse. So she smiled at him too and they seemed perfectly happy again, as if nothing had happened. And, in truth, not much happened, yet it felt like a tragedy tore them apart. She prayed time would make it better; It didn't. At least not in the way she had hoped for.

Fun Facts
  • She has 11 scales present on her shoulders and cheeks, soft to the touch and quite small.
  • While everyone and Iwi'va herself thinks she's simply a zandalari she's actually only a half– the other half being forest troll, which is why her eyes and skin are different.
  • Due to her being mixed her blood is green with a blueish tint. It's also thicker than blood normally is.
  • Dazar'alor isn't that big of a place so she passed by her biological father several times– none of them even aware of the other's existence. She cares for an orphan that he took under his wing so he heard a lot about her but they never exchanged a word.
  • She is an exceptional healer and could easily become a high priestess of Lukou if she only wished so. She is probably one of the best healers of Zandalar yet it's only by instinct since she never had anyone to properly teach her. Despite that she truly struggles to heal herself.
  • When she was a kid she met Lukou and on the course of her life she did again on a few occasions.
  • As odd as it may seem, an AU where Ag'kamuah saves Vik'th is tragic. They would have gotten each other killed by always taking the other lower, Ag'kamuah and Iwi'va would have never met because he wouldn't have allowed himself to look at her twice and she would have died at her father's hands. None of them would have lived to be 20 except A'kina.

  • Counting stories and caring for the orphans of Dazar'alor.
  • Practicing cooking, from arranging fruit plates to trying new recipes.
  • Practicing new languages, especially writting their alphabets or runes.
  • Being kind.
  • Helping others as much as possible.
  • Being here for her people and loved ones.
  • Her headpiece is her favorite object of all, she never takes it off.
  • Her favorite aliment is the jungle sunfruit tho she enjoys all sorts.
  • Her favorite color is orange and it's the cloth color she owns the most after white.
  • Her jewelry, all gifts from Ag'kamuah.
  • Her clothes, of a lot of different colors and styles for different celebrations.
  • Her books, that she's using to learn various languages and cultures– all bought from her favorite stand of Dazar'alor's market.
Behavior Towards...
Occasional smiles and polite words directed to them, keeping a certain distance both physically and mentally.
She doesn't have many friends but she's really close to the ones who have this title, even initiating some contacts like holding their hand or hugging. Even if still stuttering from time to time and hesitating to start a conversation she'd always be overjoyed to talk to them and it would be obvious.
Love Interests
While really timid she is surprisingly stubborn with people she fall in love with and will do her best to be close to them. Might be the one to confess first but will probably mess up her words and fail to do so or simply not convey her exact feelings. Very embarassed but trying pretty bold things.
Her mother was absent and her father was violent and she was extremely scared of both, barely moving outside trembling in their presence. She used to love her mother a lot but that love was never reciprocated. She doesn't know this but they weren't her biological parents, only people that took her in after her biological mother asked her friend who herself begged her sister on her death bed.
She doesn't think she has any cousins.
She doesn't really understand rivals and doesn't consider anyone as such.
Even if very shy she'd be a bit more comfortable, accepting conversations with ease yet still stuttering from time to time. She wouldn't accept physical contact outside of polite greetings or needed help though.
Close Friends
Close friends are the same as simple friends since there are few people who she opens her heart to. Very affectionate and always eager to missing them.
Once together with the one she loves it may take years to go to the next step since she doesn't feel she really needs anything more than being with them. Once the first kiss done she'd figure she loves it and will probably want to do it often. Very loving and comfortable with her lover, she'd enjoy physical contact a lot.
She only had one brother who hated her deeply and who she was terrified of too. She tried to avoid him whenever she could and if she couldn't she just remained silent and obedient.
Other Relatives
She never met any other relatives and if she did she'd be worried they might be similar to her close family.
Even more than rivals, she wouldn't feel enough animosity towards anyone to consider someone her enemy. If we're talking opposite-faction kind of enemies she'd heal them and treat them as she would any zandalari.
Ag'kamuah  [mate]

Of course, he's the love of my life. The first and the last, I'm sure. Incredibly kind and deeply involved in Zandalar's fate, the gentlest troll I've ever met. There have been a time where I forgot all about him and it's something that I wish to never see happen again. Nothing could make me leave him behind and once Zandalar starts healing we'll travel– just he and I, as we said we'd do so many times.

Aezdi  [soul sister]

Vik'th  [Ag'kamuah's younger brother]

Iz'kave  [biological father]

He's my father. I wouldn't say we're very alike but some details make it obvious we're related. I know he's not lying and the love he has for me is geniune, we're slowly learning to live with a link we could never build before. I found he's someone I feel very comfortable around so maybe we'll be able to replace the decades during which we didn't know the other existed.

Seijel'ku  [biological mother]

My mother, it would seem. I hear a lot about her but I was too young so I don't remember anything. Dad talks about her fondly and while he tries to hide it, he always seem devastated. I won't tell him but I don't feel much. She's just the image of a loving mother and I can't really imagine it. I think I would have loved to know her but it's too late so I can just wonder how different my life would have been if she was still there.

Author's Trivia
  • Iwi'va was born only because I wanted to give the asshole that was Ag'kamuah the sweetest wife ever.
  • And boy did I succeed bc she's my cutest, most gentle oc.
  • Made me attach myself a *lot* to the both of them and now Iwi'va is just
  • one of my favorite characters to the point where i can't even try to get art for others because all I'm thinking is how gorgeous she'd be in new pieces,,
  • and eternal thanks to my adorable friend for helping me make her come to life, RuffleBatz. They took all my ideas and made them a thousand times better, I'm just so in love with everything about her. Just everything.
  • (Something fun which originally was a coincidence is that Ag'kamuah and Iwi'va have color palettes that are directly inverted. I just twisted lightly Iwi'va's because I wanted lighter colors but it's still very close.)

  • Lament – World of Warcraft
  • Tales of Akunda – Sharm
  • I said it in Ag'ka's sheet but;
  • the inspiration for their love story is the movie “50 first dates”.
  • You should watch it it's fcking good. Cried a lot but yk.
  • She is also partly inspired by Diana in “Who Made Me A Princess”.