Sombra Nightshade




Sombra Nightshade

don't overdo it please.

Nicknames Nighty
Gender Nonbinary (she/they/it/ze)
Orientation Queer
Age ???
Birthday April 12th
Species Yumenari
Type Nightmare
Type of Dreams being poisoned
Dex No. #559 (ML)
  • [UC] Acid Rain Weather
  • [C] 1 Tail
  • [UC] Face Markings
  • [B] Living Drapery
  • [B] Antennae
Items Used
  • Item Name (dd/mm/yy)
  • Item Name (dd/mm/yy)

Sombra is a hard working yume, and as been since she started delivering nightmares. Ze used to overwork zemself to exhaustion, but has since learned to take breaks and partake in hobbies. They now partake in poison making as their main hobby.

The nightmares that Sombra makes have always been poison based though. It makes nightmares where humans find themselves poisoned, and desperately looking for a cure that isn't there.

  • Butterflies
  • Poisons
  • Gardens
  • Hardwork
  • Slackers
  • Overworking
  • ???
  • ???
Hardworking Dedicated Serious Steady-handed Caring Thoughtful

Sombra is a hardworking yume who quickly earned her blessings from her hard work from a young age. Sombra doesn't harp on others to work as hard as ze does, but ze will still encourage them to do better.

Sombra is more likely to fiercely get after anybody who is overworking themselves. It had more than one incident shortly before getting it's blessings where it would collapse from exhaustion. After she got her blessings she learned to make time to take breaks and partake in hobbies.

Sombra's favorite hobby and long-time interest is poison making. They love to study poisonous things in nature, and make different potions, tonics, and poisons out of these things. Sombra is very meticulous in labeling these bottles so that there are no dangerous accidents in her home. Ze also makes sure to have solutions and cures for the more dangerous liquids ze keeps.

The nightmares that it makes are far less forgiving and careful. Sombra's nightmares leave humans having been poisoned in some manner. Sometimes by an animal or plant, or sometimes somebody in their life is the one who poisoned them. No matter the method, humans are left desperately searching for a cure that doesn't exist in these nightmares.

Being a crafter of potions and poisons Sombra has her own garden where she grows ingredients. She also has another garden for non-ingredients, but rather full of plants and flowers that she just enjoys.

  • Sombra sometimes visits butterfly gardens in the human realm.
  • Sombra loves goth fashion accented with toxic colors.
  • Sombra shares potions with other potion makers in the cove.

Design Notes
  • Charlotte's design is by nothingwitty with minor edits by me!
  • Charlotte's head wings are expressive!
  • No other design notes!

Character Name // relationship

Write the relationship of these two characters! The default text alignment is "justify" but if you don't like that, you can always change it to "text-align:right" in the code. You can also have new paragraphs!

While this part doesn't scroll, you have more than enough space to write as much as you'd like! That said, I don't reccomend writing a lot or else it might look funky.


Character Name // relationship

Write the relationship of these two characters! The default text alignment is "justify" but if you don't like that, you can always change it to "text-align:right" in the code. You can also have new paragraphs!

While this part doesn't scroll, you have more than enough space to write as much as you'd like! That said, I don't reccomend writing a lot or else it might look funky.


Character Name // relationship

Write the relationship of these two characters! The default text alignment is "justify" but if you don't like that, you can always change it to "text-align:right" in the code. You can also have new paragraphs!

While this part doesn't scroll, you have more than enough space to write as much as you'd like! That said, I don't reccomend writing a lot or else it might look funky.