Rory Spade



1 year, 7 months ago


Character Name


Name Rorran Spath
Nickname/Alias Rory, Rory Spade
Age 18yo (June 10th)
Pronouns He/Him & They/Them
Gender Male (CIS)
Sexuality Biromantic, Demisexual, Polyamorous
Alignment Chaotic Good
Race/Species Humanoid Witch
Track/Coven Illusion & Bard
Palisman Angel the Rabbit


  • My Little Pony
  • Comic books
  • Sculpting
  • Showmanship
  • Music
  • Sushi (or really anything fish-based)


  • Biological family
  • The "silent treatment"
  • The actual human realm (It scares them)
  • Water on hair/fur

Rory is the definition of a total sweetheart. He loves people, loves to make them smile, and will do anything he can to ensure that whenever he's around, the energy in the room is purely bubbly and sweet.

If someone expresses that they don't like Rory's interests, he'll quite literally do nothing about it. He'll just smile and leave them alone. But if someone outright shits on what they enjoy, attacking Rory or others nearby for it despite there being nothing wrong about it, Rory will step in and push them away. He's fine dealing with people shitting on his interests to him, but the moment it turns violent or aggressive, Rory will become angry for the first time ever.


  • 5'9" in height
  • Has a ponysona because he deserves one !!
  • Wants to be a ring leader to his own circus one day! He's still working up to it, though.
  • While the only two visual feline traits Rory has are the large fluffy cat tail he has and his sharp canines, he sometimes experiences cat-like tendencies! His ears move when he hears sound in a specific direction, he dislikes the feeling of water on his hair or fur, and he really likes fish products. Hand this man some sushi and he'll love you forever !!



Rory is the definition of a total sweetheart. He loves people, loves to make them smile, and will do anything he can to ensure that whenever he's around, the energy in the room is purely bubbly and sweet.

If someone expresses that they don't like Rory's interests, he'll quite literally do nothing about it. He'll just smile and leave them alone. But if someone outright shits on what they enjoy, attacking Rory or others nearby for it despite there being nothing wrong about it, Rory will step in and push them away. He's fine dealing with people shitting on his interests to him, but the moment it turns violent or aggressive, Rory will become angry for the first time ever.



Teenage Years


Fall of Belos


Adulthood (Future)


Magic Specifics


  • Spatial illusion magic
  • General bard magic
  • Simple oracle magic


  • "Follower" personality
  • Water (the dude takes after feline traits, what do you expect?)

Magic Moves

  • [ILLUSION] Basic Illusions › As a frequent user of illusion magic in the Boiling Isles, Rory can of course control simple illusions. He can change details about a person visually, can create an object that can be touched physically and even interact with someone verbally, and can overall just.. Illusion. I don't know how else to put it!
  • [ILLUSION] Spatial Illusions › As a magic classification, I don't think spatial illusions are talked about enough. Rory, like many masters over illusion magic, can set an illusion that extends through an entire space. Of course he can't go as far as casting one on an entire school like Gus did in the show, but he can use this to set the stage without any actual supplies, giving the illusion of prior prep.
  • [BARD] Basic Bards › As a frequent user of bard magic in the Boiling Isles, Rory can use an instrument of his choosing to control someone's actions or send a piercing set of soundwaves through a room. With enough focus, he can even control where sound travels from one end of a room to another.
  • [ORACLE] Simple Oracle › Before joining his passion in the bard & illusion tracks at Hexside, Rory was in the oracle track upon his parents' request. He studied for a few years in that track, learning how to generally tell a person's future and how to read such through a crystal ball and tarot cards. Since he hasn't really used his knowledge over oracle magic in a long time, he's a little rusty.



Angel [ PALISMAN ]

Rory's beloved palisman! He got Angel through the normal Hexside palisman program, naming it after the rabbit that Fluttershy has in MLP.


Crayon [ FRIENDS ]

Crayon's one of few friends that Rory's actually able to maintain! They're really cool, and since they're younger than Rory, he ends up treating them like a little sibling in most interactions.