Elliott "Eli" Ashwood



1 year, 10 months ago



"A home of flowers"


Who is Elliott?

Elliott Ashwood is a young nonbinary individual from the Toro region who uses she/they/he pronouns. Raised in Milano culture, Elliott has little recollection of their birth parents and is known for their honey-blonde hair, sea-salt blue eyes, and subtly feminine features. While they don’t emphasize their appearance, they choose outfits that reflect their gender expression, ranging from male to female styles, often accessorized with pink flower hair clips. Their wardrobe typically features accents of pink and green. Recently, Elliott lost their left ear and hand and now uses a prosthetic hand. After being abandoned, they were taken in by their guardian, Rhys, who changed his name from Elias Dubois to Elias Ashwood to leave his past behind.


  • Name Eliott Ashwood
  • Age 21
  • Gender Nonbinary
  • Pronouns They/She/He
  • Birthday Spring,5th,1121
  • Hair Honey Blonde
  • Eyes Seasalt Blue
  • Skin Olive slight tan
  • Build Tall and lanky
  • Home region Toro



In their youth, Elliott was a reserved and introverted child who preferred solitude and spoke only when necessary. As they grew older, they became more approachable and easier to talk to, although traces of their earlier self remained. Despite appearing aloof at first, Elliott is kind-hearted, intelligent, and fiercely loyal. Their passion for plants and education initially contributed to their distant demeanor, but their deep care for friends shines through, as they're always ready to defend them. Even as they grapple with inner conflicts and uncertainties, Elliott maintains a composed exterior, masking their nervousness with a calm smile. They avoid physical confrontations, preferring to handle such situations through their Pokémon. Feeling powerless makes them uneasy, especially when they believe they should be capable. Over time, Elliott has transformed from a timid youth into a more resilient individual, less prone to being pushed around and more comfortable in their gender. They often play the role of peacemaker among friends, striving to diffuse tense moments. While some people might see them as somewhat "mild" or "boring," Elliott is deeply passionate about their work and caring for others, traits nurtured by their love for tending to plants. They aspire to set a positive example for their younger adoptive brother, working diligently to maintain a reputation as a reliable and compassionate individual.


Elias Dubois, born a male on Spring,5, 1121, was the child of two Kalosian parents who moved to Toro due to financial difficulties. Though they had envisioned a future together, they were unprepared for the challenges of raising a child. Their resentment toward Elias grew as they felt he limited their freedom. Living in a modest Viridis apartment, they struggled financially, with only one parent working while the other stayed home with Elias. As their financial woes worsened, they turned to illegal activities, discreetly poaching and selling Pokémon for quick cash. Realizing the risk of investigation and arrest, they eventually disappeared. During the final order attack on the Toro Region, the parents left Elias alone at home with limited food and water.Elias’s absence from school and the lack of contact with his parents raised concerns among school staff and family friends. Eventually, he was found and taken in by Rhys, a close family friend who decided to adopt him after the region returned to peace. With his parents vanished, Rhys became Elias’s most familiar guardian. Elias changed his surname from Dubois to Ashwood and later adopted the name Elliott Ashwood upon realizing they were nonbinary. Elliott now lives in a cozy Canvas farm with one of their partners, Isaac Rosette, and their friend, Anne Clay.


Rhys Ashwood

Father figure

Rhys is Eli's legal gaurdian growing up, while they didn't always have a close bond Eli recently had grown more respect for him and now views him as a father figure. Often refering to him as 'dad'.

Isaac Rosette


Eli has always admired Isaac and loves him dearly. Despite their significant differences and clashing personalities, they stood by each other as they grew up, with Isaac doing so more than Eli. Now, Eli is determined to change that dynamic.

Eli is proud of the person Connor is becoming. Although they may occasionally get on each other's nerves, their lack of blood relation does not diminish the loyalty they share.

Netlia Ashwood


While Eli occasionally envies Netlia's easygoing nature and her boldness, the love Eli has for her is immense. They would do anything for her.


  • Likes:
    Any & all plants
    Art & Photography
    Scented candels

    Spending time with friends and family
  • Dislikes:
    Being alone
    Fighting & Conflict
    Spicy foods
    When his plants die or when they're ruined.
  • Elias is commonly referred to by his nickname, Eli, and he doesn't particularly enjoy being called by his full name. Using his real name feels unfamiliar to him, except when he's in trouble with his parents.
  • Eli mains grass type and knows the most about them versus other typings but has a various other pokemon.
  • Eli is Nonbinary changing their name from Elias to Elliott.
  • Eli's favorite colors are green, yellow, and pink, which they often incorporate into their clothing choices. He tends to favor these colors, but occasionally adds in some beige or dark purple accents to break up the color scheme.
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