


1 year, 7 months ago


will work on this profile soon

Works at a Chinese restaurant in the city that is open till 2am. She works as a delivery driver and helps out at the front of the restaurant when she is not delivering food. She drives a Moped when she is going out for delivery which is why September calls he Moped. September often will order out from this restaurant I the day time, or visit the restaurant at night. It is very close to where she lives. 

Moped has a very innocent face and acts very sweet towards her customer, but is in actually pretty cynical. She doesn’t put up with customer bs if they are verbal abusing or threatening others. She goes to self defense classes and knows how to protect herself. She can get tired of her job, but really enjoys driving around the city. She lives in a pretty bad apartment, but is happy to be living on her own. Her actaual name in Soleil Goodwyn. The restaurant she works at is owned by her Aunt and Uncle. She works really hard and it often leaves her exhausted. She spends most of her free time by herself or with family. She is half white half Chinese.

Septmber can be fun to see especially when no one is in the restaurant, but she is not a fan of being called Moped. She will first come of as sweet and innocent, but has a sarcastic sense of humor to the people she is close to. Short and Strong. Really loves coffee and has become reliant on it.