
Human | Age: 14 | He/Him

Reference Sheet



5ft 3in
BirthdayNovember 9th


The Color "Red", Cats, Seafood, Plushies, Glow in the Dark, Bunnies, Carrots, Books, Doors, Really Dumb Topics, Cleaning


Getting his shoes dirty, Germs, Video Games that are too difficult, Wearing his cat hoodie in public


Xavier! The kid who only wears his cat hoodie around his friends and family. People think he's too embarrassed to wear it out in public and they'd be correct! When he leaves the house, he goes out wearing a normal t-shirt and jeans just to blend in with the people around him. He never wears shoes when he is inside, he only wears his shoes when going outside. This method is helpful to him for keeping his shoes clean.

Ability: Can summon cosmic creatures to help out him and his allies.


Xavier is really loud and awkward at times when you first meet him mainly because he is super nervous being around people. He doesn't see that many people normally so he is adjusting to everything. After a while, he turns out to be more polite and more into listening to any stories people have. He does love reading and he spends lots of his time reading on his free time. Sometimes he even plays games. He does also sometimes spend time with his friends and for him, he may not know that many people but he never ever gets the feeling of loneliness.

Friends and Family

Ayla: Older Sister
Milo: Boyfriend
Ethan: Best Friend
Chris: Awesome Friend
Spirit: Good Friend

HTML Profile by Coywolfy