Miyu Akagi



1 year, 5 months ago



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Miyu Akagi

Miyu Akagi
RomajiAkagi Miyu
Height5'3" / 160cm
Weight102 lbs / 46.2 kg
BirthdayJune 10th, 1889 (Gemini)
Blood TypeAB
OccupationVigilante against Imperial Japan
StatusDeceased (at the end of the story)
LikesInsects, jointed dolls, beautiful eyes, hanafuda, snakes and Hatto
DislikesMortality, men and being watched
HobbiesHosting tea ceremonies, visiting shrines, practicing with her katana and playing koi-koi
Future DreamTo restore balance to Japan
FamilyNone mentioned
Voice Actors
Japanese Voice ActorYumi Hara (Yuuko Kanoe)
English Voice Actortbd

Miyu Akagi (赤城美由 Akagi Miyu) is a special character within Misatoverse. She is an original character created by Hatto Sudo, and acts as the main character of many of his stories and poetry.

Though only mentioned in most endings, Miyu plays a prominent role in REVERSE END, and her existence is the cause of Hatto’s darkening symptoms in the POST-TRUE END arc.


Miyu is a young woman of average height with pale white skin and long black hair that fades into a red ombré at the ends. Her hair is cut bluntly and reaches the full length of her back, and she often ties it in two low pigtails with bright red ribbons. She has complete heterochromia, with her right eye being bright red while her left eye is a steely gray. She has small, shaped eyebrows and two small moles on her left cheek. She often wears makeup, typically including red eyeshadow, red lipstick, and two small dots on the outside of each of her eyebrows. She has a variety of different dangling earrings, with her usual pair being small ribbons that match her hair ties, though she has others in the shape of paper talisman and hanafuda. Her nails are often painted the same shade of red as her hair ties.

Much of Miyu's figure is hidden by her kimono, which is an intentional ploy on her part to make herself appear more mysterious. Her usual attire consists of a black kimono with a rose pattern in colours of red, gold, white, brown and black, as well as a lace trim at the bottom. With it, she dons a bright red haori with long flowing sleeves, patterned with various species of moths, beetles and other insects. Additionally, she pairs her kimono with a mahogany-coloured obi, made with a lace-patterned fabric, as well as a red ribbon to act as an obijime. On her feet, she wears a pair of mahogany wood geta sandals with black straps. To add to her mystique, she often wears a kitsune-style mask that covers the upper half of her face. This mask is white with red accents on the ears, cheeks and above the eyelids, as well as a small red circle on the forehead to represent the rising sun, surrounded by gold accents. Her mask is intended to fool Imperial Japanese soldiers into believing she is simply a member of a military brothel, enabling her to seduce them and then kill them whenever she gets the chance.


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