Lagopus Doll



1 year, 6 months ago


'Drago's passing' is a tradition that many gray morph Lagopus take part in every year.  On the anniversary of the death of the younger brother from the Lagopus legend (P1, p2) many gray morph Lagopus will put a small, white crochet Lagopus in their windows as a way to apease his ghost and show they are on his side. 

They will place a few sides (their currency) in the two small pockets in the doll's feet as penance for their ancestor's misdeeds. In the morning 'Drago' will have taken the sides and replaced them with sweets as a way to thank them for honoring him. If a doll is not put out then Drago may slip into the gray morphs house and put a curse on the inhabitance as he did ages ago against his brother. 

It is mostly children that take part in this tradition as parents do their part to fullfill the legend. Although some parents may deny putting the candy next to the doll, without them there the treats won't appear the next day.