


1 year, 6 months ago


bartholomeus winona de jonker
26 years (5/15)
male (he/him)
bounty hunter
adventerous diligent meticulous

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Fleetwood Mac

  • cold drinks
  • scenic location
  • horse racing
  • sweet scents & flavors
  • green
  • clean guns
  • tough decisions
  • snakes
  • winter
  • wasting time
  • wine
  • assumptions
  • voiceclaim is joel miller from the last of us (game)
  • both of his parents were from the netherlands, but he can barely speak a lick of dutch.
  • his horse is a large male turkoman named mouse.
  • he's actually quite good at dancing, and has very good rhythm.
  • cat person
  • bird watching hobby
  • playlist
  • two beauty marks on his neck meant to look like a vampire bite
  • clothes always look rough/dirty
  • natural blond highlights in his hair
  • wears mostly browns and greens
  • athletic build, more on the stocky side

Winona hasn’t had the most fortunate life. Both of his parents were Dutch immigrants, and he was born shortly after they moved to America. His mother and father were hard workers, though he didn’t know anything greater than poor during his childhood. Illness took both his parents, only two years apart. Influenza took his father, and pneumonia his mother.

After his tragic losses, Winona was relocated to a rundown orphanage. The children were treated anything but greatly, and entering his teen years Winona felt a rebellious spark in his soul. He’d vowed to himself to get out and get going as soon as he could, all on his own; Winona hadn’t made much friends his 6 years in the orphanage, in fact he’d made more enemies. At 17 Winona found his way out, and managed to start making a living.


Fresh into the world, Winona found it difficult to find jobs with his social skills. He wasn’t the most charismatic person ever. But he had dreams, he’d always wanted land of his own, his own home, all to himself. It slowly became apparent to him that this dream would be difficult to achieve. Money was never easy to gain, and that realization is what lead Winona down a steep, steep hill.

He found the easiest way to make money was to do deeds for others, and disregard the nature of the deed. Soon Winona would find himself beating guys for cash, robbing people for others, just to get by. This path he went down made him realize that his dream was now near impossible to achieve. With his face and name plastered on wanted posters, he figured no one wanted him anywhere except behind bars.

Blue Skies and Red Cliffs

Constantly being on the run is certainly one way to make life exciting. Winona’s been chased by a new person every week. Most he outruns or kills, others simply give up chasing the slippery vermin that Winona is. At this point, Winona knows every backroad and trail like the back of his hand, he knows every scenic view and path he can go down, he’s learned to live with this life and the pressure; but most importantly of course, his skills with a pistol have been honed to their best.

The only enemy Winona hasn’t been able to take down is solitude. Though he has a sour attitude, and is slow to warm up to others, Winona can’t help but feel lonely on the coldest of nights and in the emptiest of saloons. He’s never had anyone to talk to or lean on, he’s been forced to be self dependent for a majority of his life. Every passing night he finds himself wishing harder to end the loneliness.

Arcángel "Lobo" Lopez

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A hurting heart only makes more hurting hearts.