EV's Comments

YESSSSS I still love this adorable bot!! Always has been one of my favorite animatronic designs, especially with how lifelike and expressive they are!
I'm really curious to see what their inner mechanisms would look like, especially with the robotics that allow them to emote so well! Do you think you might try to draw their endo one day? ^^

Thank you! I do really want to but I definitely still need a bit more practice with drawing mechanical things haha (that and more time, just a bit too busy lately). That being said, I think some elements will require an amount of suspension of disbelief, I'm no engineer (my current ideas for the eyebrow mechanisms are a bit conceptually flimsy in my opinion)

Hey, that's okay!! Practice makes perfect :D You're already an incredible artist too, so it shouldn't be that difficult!
Luckily for you, I'm a huuuge nerd when it comes to robots :3 I always love learning how they function and work, since I plan to build one in real life one day out of one of my robotic characters!
I'd be happy to help out with ideas and such for making it look good :D Since EV is a cartoonish character, you don't have to worry about making EVERYTHING 100% realistic!! As long as it looks realistic and somewhat accurate, it should be good enough!
I have a big stash of endoskeletons and mechanisms, both from drawings and real life, that I think could help a ton with designing EV's mechanisms ^^ Take a look and see if any pictures stand out to you!

Oh wow this is super helpful! Thank you so much!

whenever it is I go back to brainstorming some ideas I may take you up on that offer haha

You're absolutely welcome! Hopefully that gives you lots of reference and inspiration!
I'll always be here to help you out ^w^ I'm really curious to know more about EV, such as their personality, AI quirks, things they like to do, etc!