Zach Zane



6 years, 2 months ago


"Get the hell out of my way."

185cm (6'2")
26 (24 at time of death)
Forget Me Not Angel
(no number - $48 Discord slot)
Open for shipping and RP
Biromantic homosexual
Chaotic Neutral
  • His siblings
  • Dry, warm places
  • Dedication to a cause
  • Resilience, people who refuse to give up
  • Strays (of any species)
  • Anything that might set off his temper
  • Tears; the sound of others crying
  • Rich assholes
  • Authority figures
  • Accepting help

The eldest of six, Zane worked as a drug dealer of a minor gang in his low-income neighborhood, doing his best not to get too involved to no avail; a week after his littlest brother turned five, he was shot in a dispute and his body thrown into the nearest river. After being reborn, Zane was picked up and helped by a network of fellow FMNs, but insisted on leaving them almost immediately to rejoin his family despite their protests. He was stunned when they didn't recognise him, but he refused to let the fact crush him - instead, he became determined to pick up a stable job so he could continue to send money back to his family, a fact made more difficult by his newfound PTSD and intermittent explosive disorder. Combined with his appearance and general manner, he can't keep a job for long - but that doesn't mean he'll stop trying.


Zane isn't a bad person, but months of sleeping on benches has whittled away at what patience and kindness he had to spare. Most of his effort is reserved for people he needs to impress, and he's unlikely to give anyone else the time of day. Never a man of many words in the first place, he communicates mostly in one-word sentences and grunts, interspersed with an occasional bout of swearing. While foul-mouthed, he's slow to rouse to violence unless caught in one of his Moods, at which point he loses his temper completely and may seriously harm an unlucky attacker. He's good with kids, having essentially raised his siblings; when he lived at home the three youngest ones would sleep sprawling all over him like a particularly bony jungle gym. He feels responsible for his family, and his loyalty is reserved almost exclusively for them.

Flower Power

Zane's flowers are blue and black roses, of Portulaca grandiflora and Rosa centifolia respectively. Blue roses are supposed to represent royalty and splendor, which Zane thinks is bullshit - black roses symbolise anarchy (or danger and death, depending on the source) which at least makes sense even if he doesn't agree with it. Zane thought the entire thing was stupid when he was introduced to the concept by his fellow FMNs - he's supposed to use the flowers to figure out how to solve his "inner problems", and for what? To be reborn into a new body and forced to live life all over again? No thanks. He prefers to ignore their existence most of the time. Regardless, he does have powers related to his flowers; they are just yet to be seen, and if Zane knows what they are he isn't telling.

Design Notes

Zane's wings are based off of a Common Swift. The tips overlap slightly and touch the ground when folded. While long and strong, they're built for speed and are simply not wide enough for flapping flight; if Zane ever tried, he'd drop like a stone (... or maybe not; Adelland's wings are tiny, and she can still hover well enough. Maybe it's all up to mindset?)