Carlos Rosales



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Carlos Ramón Rosales
Nickname(s): Carl, Carl Repoman/Carl Rent-to-Own/Carl Ropeswing/etc., Fucking Hipster (By Giovanni)
Talent: Ultimate Yoga Instructor
Class: 75th
Home: Oaxaca, México
Age: 18 (Graduation, Entering Hope's Peak University), 20/21 (Tragedy Begins), 24/25 (Hope's Peak University Reopens)
Height: 163 cm (5'4")
Weight: 53 kg (116 lbs)
Birthday: August 28 (♍)
Family: Carmen Rosales (Mother), Unnamed Father, Fabian Rosales (Brother)
Position in Future Foundation: 15th Division - Special Branch; Member
Skills/Abilities: Yoga, Therapeutic Voice, Massage Therapy, Flexibility/Balance, Fashion
Languages: English, Spanish, Japanese
Dating: Marina Kelly, James Hepburn

Carlos was raised by a single parent alongside his half-brother Fabian. His mother Carmen played the role of both mother and father in his life (slightly more literally than most people mean) as she never settled down with any person for longer than a couple months, and Carlos never knew who his biological father was. Carmen was a successful model, leaving Carlos and Fabian free to explore various hobbies and interests. While both had an interest in fashion and flirting, Carlos became interested in the health movement and the connection between physical and spiritual health.

While Carlos enjoyed workouts like jogging and various cardio workouts, he enjoyed the more peaceful and breathing-oriented Yoga and quickly became the best in his class and took over teaching at a young age. He became a social media sensation with his effective techniques, new positions and all-inclusive attitude. He made several workout DVDs and has written several articles for health and fitness magazines, as well as having a very popular health vlog.

Carlos was reached out to by Hope's Peak similarly to the rest of his non-Japanese classmates and enrolled in a private school until classes began at Hope's Peak. During his time at Hope's Peak Academy Carlos bonded with all 15 of his fellow classmates, but was closest to Marina, James, Giovanni and Michael. He was especially close to Marina, who he began dating shortly after meeting her and with James, who he began dating near the end of their time at the academy. After their graduation, they were offered enrollment at Hope's Peak University, an experimental college for Ultimates. Carlos, along with his 15 other classmates accepted, and spent the remaining time leading up to The Tragedy there.

Once The Tragedy started, Class 75th was evacuated by Rahul's father, as well as their families. The group was eventually contacted to become part of the Future Foundation. They accepted, returning to Japan and fighting against the Despairs and attempting to rescue Class 78th. Shortly after, Makoto Naegi reached out to them to assist in helping the Remnants of Despair be rehabilitated, which Carlos was a part of.

After the world began returning to normal, both branches of Hope's Peak were reopened, and Carlos along with Class 75th returned to classes.


-Carlos is a Spanish form of the name 'Charles' meaning 'man' or 'army; warrior'.
-Rosales is a surname meaning 'bed of roses'
-Carlos wears heeled boots to appear taller
-Carlos is very health conscious and isn't fond of eating fast food much
-He's very attached to social media, and enjoys posting many photos of meals he makes and sunrises
-Carlos is catholic and as such is very afraid of his classmate Yumemi
-It has become a running joke with his classmates to call him butchered versions of his name.
-Carlos takes good care of his appearance, and has his bag full of various products and supplies he might need
-He almost always has a travel mug with him
-Although he's aware it's not healthy, Carlos is very fond of coffee
-His favorite thing to wear is yoga pants
-Carlos eventually begins learning Scottish Gaelic, but is very bad at it.
-He likes being the little spoon
-No one is quite sure, but Carlos has sometimes implied he doesn't actually need glasses and finds them fashionable.
-He's often teased for being a 'hipster' because of how he dresses
-He often goes on spa trips with Aki to get mani-pedis.
-Loves soap operas and daytime tv
-Has a proverb for every situation, possibly makes up proverbs for most situations
-Carlos is very ticklish on his sides
-His phones background is a photo of Marina and James