TBN's Comments

God I still love this design šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

Can I offer a few things in my th? I donā€™t get paied until Tuesday! But I wanna see if I can trade ya something for em!!

Unknown is off limits and Unsorted is up for grabs. And my mains are off limits but your welcome to still look in the folder for Mostly mains!!Ā 

I am not currently trading for characters atm, sorry ;v; but if you are still interested in them I can hold them until you get paid!

Sure!!! I get paied around 4:20 PM mountain standard time on Tuesday!

Ok! ^^ I'll hold them until then!

Just checking, did you mean tuesday as in yesterday or next tuesday? :O

Hello!!! Can we go with next Tuesday if thatā€™s alright? :D


Hiya! Just givin' a poke since its tuesday ^^ Are you still interested?

3 Replies


I can offer anyone in this folderĀ 


Or some in these folders but will be a bit pickyĀ 



I can also offer art !! (2 fullbody and bust all shaded)Ā 

I didn't see any chars I connected with unfortunately, but I'd definitely be interested in the art offer! ^^

https://toyhou.se/3874972.zodori/gallery#39338663 Could you do this char for the bust (Bonus points if I could maybe get a name added on kinda like a badge! If not thats ok!)

And these 2 for the fullbodies? https://toyhou.se/6037483.izarri/gallery#19881849 and https://toyhou.se/6479674.voskou/gallery#69097759 ? I can pick dif chars if you dont vibe with any of these!

I can totally draw them! Iā€™ll get started when I can ^^

Awesome! ^^ I marked you as pending!

Hello, Iā€™m very sorry but Iā€™m gonna cancel this trade ^^;; been hella busy lately with things going on in my life and lately tryna cut back on the amount of characters I have, I apologize for this.

Aaah thats ok! Ty for letting me know! ;o;

I can offer any character in my OTA folder, ofc besides the pending characters <3

^^ Le OTA folder:


I'm not seeking chars rn, sorry!

This user's account has been closed.

I don't see the seruunn char, but I don't particularly connect with the bunn either I'm afraid! ^^; I'd be willing to do USD but I think $30 is the lowest i'd be willing to go for it.

CorrieZodori aa I love them so much! I can offer art or characters trades! For characters, anyone on this account outside of ā€œMy Lovelies,ā€ and ā€œStories,ā€ or anyone over on _candybats_ !

Heya! In love with this guy (And Malibu Birdy). Does anyone in here interest you? https://toyhou.se/TheLionsRage/characters/folder:3987717 If not I can totally offer art! I usually try to offer equal to monetary value but I'm willing to haggle if you want smth different! https://toyhou.se/21872806.art-examples

Sorry but I did not see anyone ;v;

No worries thank you for looking!

Anyone in these folders interest you?


I did not see anyone I connected with, sorry! ^^;

No worries! Have a good one! :)