


1 year, 7 months ago











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Introduction · · ·

Issi aka "Angel" Is a street doctor. He has a small clinic where he treats people in need for a fair price. He is a trained sniper as for his background in the military and is often seen smoking. His eyes are cold and he shows little to no facial expressions most of the time. this can be seen as him being insensitive, but in reality he has a lot of internal emotions he wishes he could express. He and his shadowrun team work together to do shadowruns. aka odd jobs for blood money.


  • His smoke moments
  • Learning medicin and chemestry
  • Fashion
  • Nemo

  • Nagging
  • Sweden
  • Baby sitting Twitch
  • EVO

Personality · · ·

At first glance he seems cold and emotionless. Nemo sais he has made him laugh, but no one belives him. His facial expressions are almost paralyzed as his medicin dulls his muscles to some degree. He is calm, silent and calculative. When he talks it will be about something important. He has blurred morals and dont mind doing moraly questionable things for money. He is tought how to keep you alive after all.

Steady hands

Sniper as well as a doctor. His hands are very steady.


If Angel gets of his drugs, He will be on the floor unable to move. his joint stiff and in awful pain.

Side buissnes

Owns a clinic that he works at during days. low cost for poor people.


Has a passion for fasion. Too many clothes.

Stats · · ·









I'm the medic, You better be on my good side.

- Issi when introducing himself to a new team member

Trivia · · ·

Has a neurological condition wich makes him feel cronic pain unless he takes his medicin three times a day
Killed a past comrate in an experiment. The test subjects provided where war criminals.
Will kill(or do worse) anyone who harms kids
Has a hard time expressing emotion and read moods.
Has hired a hore only to vent to and then left
Works for a dragon (post game)

Backstory · · ·

Elias had a corporate life. As a child he played with the other kids from EVO families. He went to EVO kindergarten. Ate EVO food. Played with EVO toys. Both parents worked at EVO and they expected their son to grow up into a EVO Doctor. Just like themselves. A bright happy future. Ofc.
Elias studied hard and got praised by his family when he got the highest scores in class. But only then. He didn't see this as a problem until he got older. In his teens he was a fit popular guy. He wouldn't go to just any party, because he knew he would get hell at home if his grades went down. The school got tougher and his social life shrank and in the end he stopped going out. On top of school he was taking multiple side courses assigned by his parents. He slept less and pushed himself harder. It didn't help that the topic of medicine didn't interest him. He just knew that's what he was going to become. He had no choice. The stress of the years of pressure put a number on Elias. He felt his fingers tingle from time to time but he brushed it of as nothing. His back would get sore and feel like it was filled with needles, But he would blame his posture for his first symptoms.

The war

At 18 he had a choice. He took a flyer asking for people interested in mercenary training. He grabbed this opportunity after high school to make his first own choice. He basically ran from home into an unknown world.
He was trained as a sniper and made new friends. got to relax from studying for the first time since he was barely a toddler and started enjoying life again. This was until his group was called in to assist in the Amazonian War.
It was stressful, He saw things he wouldn't have known he would ever see in person. Including dragons. Elias noticed that his joints would sometimes cramp shut. He hid his problems away from his team as to not worry them. But the problems got in the way at the worst time. His team was at risk and he couldn't protect them. He stood holding the gun, But his trigger finger didn't move. His whole hand felt like it was on fire at this point. He got a whole new respect for medicine when he saw his team fall and had no idea what to do when his basic training didn't help them survive.

Defeated and ashamed he returned back home. With no sympathy, his family asked him to resume his studying. His will was broken and he complied. This time he wanted to make sure he knew enough to save people like the ones he lost. He was diagnosed with a neuroethical disease which was related to his stress levels. He got medicine provided by EVO. Which he bought using the money he earnt by working for EVO on the side of his studying. The stress would make his symptoms worse. He needed stronger medicine which was more pricy. He worked more, He got more stressed. Dependent. stuck in a spiral to unpreparable damage.

She helped him through it all. Isabella. She has had eyes on Elias from the start. She looked at him party with the cool kids when she was a teenager. She never saw herself cool enough to approach him. until now. Seeing him malnourished struggling to eat. She sat down with him and introduced herself. Elias had never noticed her until now. when everyone else had left him. She was smart and fun. He had an eye on her, but they where both way too busy for anything but work talk. comparing notes. the few movie nights. She got to know about his condition and why he turned out this way.

The medicine he took to fix his pain also affected the rest of his body. He didn't show face expressions as well anymore. He didn't feel big emotions. he was numb and his apatite faded. His muscles faded. Now a shell of what he once was he knew what he had to do. He didn't need a treatment he needed a cure. His later years studying, he researched a way to replace the bodies nerves. He was provided human test subjects by EVO for his testing. All failed. some failed less than others. EVO praised him for his breakthroughs. Elias learned to shut his morals off to endure the begging, the screams and seeing the failed tests bodies when he was done with them.
He didn't feel done. He graduated. He got a job. He wasn't done.


Elias looked at Isabella. He took a deep breath before talking. "I need to.. I would like you to.. uuhm.. " Stumbling over his words, Isabella interrupted "Stop standing standing there so awkwardly, come in, Want tea?" Elias complied and sat down in her kitchen fidgeting with his hands. "Thank you ... I.. I can't stay" He finally got out. taken aback she poured tea into two cups "well, It's too late now" she said giggling. "No Isabella I mean I cant Stay anymore.." She passes the cup and sat opposite from him. "what do you mean?" He looked down at the oak table as he touched the mug with a finger. "EVO" He covered his mug with his hands "I need an out and I think you.. out of anyone. I trust you to help me out" ... She said one thing and did another. She never agreed nor did she like the idea, but she knew it was for Elias sake. The Elias who lived for EVO in Toronto is dead now. His name is Issi. A male from Norway who lives in Seattle and works as a street doctor in the barrens.



The Face of the group.

Issi kinda fell for him very early on.


The noizy hard to control teenager of the group. She is an adult. has beer and anger issues.

The decker. has a cool drone dog who can transform into a motorbike.


The child. Always on drugs. he is also an adult. cant care for himself. Damn he makes the place messy. he is a mess... But he is good att killing ppl.


Neighbour who is good at guns. he showed up one day. silent and hard to talk to. useful on jobs tho


Old friend from Angels days as Elias. The only connection to his old self. Has had feeling for her before, but she moved on.

code by 00Ishikawa00