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yo! i'd like to buy this base :D

Sound good! Pls send points to tallystired and ill DM u with the transparent file:3

sent the points!

Can I DM it to you via discord? It’s just easier to give you the file rather than manually copying the link and putting it into the comment lol

That’d work!

I would say keep the price the same but if you do another base in the future with no add'ons maybe lower it to like 5$-10$ bucks?

i really like the base and I am definitly going to buy in the near future! but if you lowered the price I personnely would feel a little bit scammed if I had already purchased the base for the 15$ !

I think the price is reasonable, I’ve seen P2u bases of much lower quality for higher prices.

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seconding this!

thirding, yes it’s pretty hq, but it doesn’t have any extras. Somone said something about lower quality bases being sold for the 1500, but most if not all come with some sort of extras like ears and stuff. And if not it’s unlikely they get sold.  I’d say the 500-1000 is -pretty good

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Personally I’d go with maybe 5$? I’m not very good at pricing though so take my word with very very very big grain of salt

Purchasing! I have 1500 points exactly.

Ooh time to save up

hi quick question!! It says no doll commissions, but what if you were to do like an outfit sheet using this base? would you be able to charge pts for that or no?

Yes - it would have to be a base price of $15 though and then outfits ofc can be more money! 

oh i meant if someone who purchased the base, could they do outfit comms with it or would that fall under the doll commissions?

Outfit comms are fine!