
Knowledge is the key to our understanding of the world.


Abel Lintang Arifin, PhD, is the protagonist of The Paraffin Investigative Co., as well as the founder of the titular investigative agency. He is a lecturer at St. Lucy’s University. Together with his best friend, Chase Baldwin, and his three other friends, Vivienne St. Clair, Agatha Donohoe, and James Elroy, he acts as an amateur sleuth, uncovering the mysteries surrounding him (starting from the death of his friend Henry Zhang).

He partook in scouting in his youth, along with Chase and Vivienne. He was a child prodigy and had a penchant for invention which carried over to adulthood. Aside from that, he also reads (either by himself or with his friends), performs scientific experiments, and observes the stars in his spare time. He is an avid fan of automobiles and cricket.

In the band, he is the lead guitarist.


Lintang can be described as overly serious and stern, especially compared to his friends. He also has a dry sense of humour and can be quite snarky. He possesses a great intellect and a vast curiosity. On one hand, this has given him a wide range of skills, but on the other, this has made him easily bored. Because of this, he seeks out mental stimulation and takes on multiple projects at once. He is also eager to share his knowledge, though it is not always appreciated. He is mainly driven by logic.

He has a few quirks related to his condition, such as heightened sensory sensitivity, blunt honesty, lack of cognitive empathy, and a passionate interest in topics that intrigue him. Occasionally, he may feel that his intelligence and neurodivergence have made him misunderstood by others, but he does not let it bother him. He cares little for manners and social niceties, but due to his upbringing, he is forced to adapt to them.

While he is usually quiet and reserved, he enjoys spending time with his closest friends. He does not let people into his social circle easily, though. He has a noticeable competitive streak. He is loyal and will protect those who are closest to him. However, he can be quite vengeful, holding grudges for long periods and vowing to take revenge on those who have wronged him.

He is a worrywart, even more so as a child. His worries range from the mundane to the existential and are exacerbated by his sensory sensitivities. Notably, he has a fear of the dark, which he did not conquer until adulthood. He has a tendency towards paranoia and conspiracy-minded thinking. He is also a perfectionist, and he would avoid activities out of fear during his youth. Nowadays, his perfectionism manifests in him putting extra effort into his work.


Lintang is quite short and always has been short for his age. His stature is a point of contention for him, and he makes up for this by being well-built. He has tanned skin, brown eyes, and black hair styled into a quiff, as well as sparse stubble on his face. His normal attire consists of a blue raglan shirt with an image of a rocket on it, grey denim trousers, red-and-white trainers, and a dark green tweed jacket. Unlike his siblings, he has a preference for both male and female fashion, and would occasionally don a skirt.

In his childhood, he often wore a yellow short-sleeved shirt, blue denim OshKosh B’gosh overalls, and a red bow tie. He retained the bow tie in his teenage normal attire (which also consisted of a blue shirt, black trousers, and braces) and use it in special events during adulthood.


Full name
Abel Lintang Arifin
Lintang, Lin, Linny, Linseed
Date of birth
15 December 1982
Cisgender male (he/him)
168 cm / 5’ 6”
76 kg / 167 lbs
Blood type
Hathaway, Dristol
PhD Astrophysics, University of Crynaria
University lecturer
Muslim (Sunni)
Personality type
INTJ [MF - Ni/Te - BS/C(P)] #3
Enneagram type
5w6 sx/sp, 513 (269)
Big 5 (SLOAN)



Passion / Playfulness


  • Maths and science
  • Robotics
  • Automobiles
  • Firearms
  • Sports and bodybuilding
  • Skiing and snowboarding
  • Video games
  • Reading, especially sci-fi
  • Classical music
  • Northern soul
  • Alternative rock
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Snowy days


  • The dark
  • Woodland creatures
  • Uncertainty
  • Messy, chaotic environments
  • Failed experiments
  • Windy weather
  • Itchy jumpers
  • (Inconsiderate) cyclists
  • Being forced to be polite
  • Having his height made fun of
  • Pop and hip-hop music


  • Inventing and experimenting
  • Reading/doing research
  • Playing and/or watching cricket
  • Playing and/or watching basketball
  • Playing the violin
  • Playing the guitar
  • Tuning up his car
  • Playing video games
  • Browsing the conspiracy forum
  • Working out

Early history

Lintang was born on the 15th of December, 1982, in the district of Ospomere, Hathaway. His parents, Zainul Arifin and Widya Indriani, were migrants from Indonesia. His family had just relocated to the district during the time of his birth, as his father found work at the power plant that was built there. He also had a sister, Faiza, aged five.

His intelligence was apparent during infancy and early childhood. He achieved his milestones spontaneously, without assistance — he started walking at 16 months; learned the alphabet at 19 months; understood basic maths at the age of 3; and taught himself to read at the age of 4. Talking was one area where he fell behind, but even though he learned to talk at the age of 2 and a half, he quickly learned how to say fully-formed sentences. He also showed a keen interest in puzzles and problem-solving. His talents also extended to the arts — he started attending violin lessons when he was 3 and showed considerable promise.

When he was nearly three years old, his younger brother Fadhly was born. He was attending preschool at the time. He did not mingle with his peers, preferring to keep to himself or interact with adults, both because he had already surpassed them in skill and because he found them immature. His classmates also found him stuck-up and odd, and they either picked on him or left him alone. Although his parents were focused on taking care of his baby brother, they noticed that he was unchallenged and misunderstood at school. They took him to get tested when he was 5 and discovered that he was exceptionally gifted. He was allowed to skip a year of kindergarten and enter primary school as a result.

In his first year of primary school, he was seated with a particularly rambunctious boy named Chase Baldwin. They found each other annoying at first but unexpectedly became fast friends. The boys’ friendship was mutually beneficial; Lintang helped Chase with his schoolwork, and Chase helped Lintang come out of his shell. Lintang’s parents also enrolled him in activities where he could mingle with children his age, such as Scouting, cricket, and swimming. Nevertheless, his idiosyncrasies and sensory sensitivities remained, and he was brought for an evaluation once again when he was 10. This earned him a diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome and savant syndrome.

Scout Troop #9

In the summer of 1992, Lintang and Chase noticed something was off with one of the new members of their Cub Scout troop. They quickly discovered that said member, Vivienne St. Clair was switching places with her twin brother Vivian, who attended drama classes in her place. The two boys quickly formed a trio with Vivienne and defended her from the rest of the troop, who gave her a hard time for her gender. They also became friends with Agatha Donohoe, who was a junior assistant scoutmaster in their troop and a family friend of Chase’s.

Their friendship soon expanded outside of Scouting. Though Vivienne was two grades below the two boys, they still played together during breaks and outside of school. They hung out in either Lintang or Vivienne’s house often, to the point where the parents helped set up a treehouse in Vivienne’s yard for the three children to play in. It helped that Valerie, Vivienne’s mother, was already close with Lintang’s family — she was Faiza’s Latin teacher and Zainul’s best friend. Lintang’s friendship with both Chase and Vivienne came as a relief to his parents, who worried about his social development.

Adolescence and tertiary education

Lintang left primary school in 1994. He passed the PLCs with flying colours and was accepted into Littlewood Grammar School, the same secondary school Faiza attended. Unfortunately, this meant that he had to be separated from Chase, who attended Ospomere Comprehensive School. They still hung out after school, however, and he often invited Chase over to his house to study.

He was very involved as a student. Science was his favourite subject; he was drawn to his science teacher James Elroy’s teaching methods (even if he argued often with him during class). In addition, he joined his school’s science club, which was also led by Elroy. He showed off his intellectual prowess by participating in maths and science olympiads, at times having been selected by the school to serve as a representative. His academic achievements and performance at school allowed him to skip another grade, and he jumped from Secondary 1 to Secondary 3. The following year, Fadhly attended Littlewood as well, and Faiza left school to attend university in Germany.

In Secondary 3, he started going out with Rita O’Leary, a girl a grade above him. They had a completely chaste relationship. They got on perfectly with each other, although she tended to talk down on his friends and the rest of his cohort. She was also rather jealous and often pushed him away over perceived slights, but he was willing to overlook her behaviour, both because it was his first relationship and because he was head-over-heels for her. They broke it off after she left school and he entered Secondary 6, as she wanted to take the veil. This left him heartbroken for a while.

Despite the setback, he left secondary school in 1999 and studied astrophysics at the University of Crynaria. He faced a few challenges related to his status as a minor, and his parents had to manage some of the paperwork. Still, he managed his studies well and had little trouble living independently. He also obtained his driver’s licence after he turned 17, though he still relied on public transport while living in Crynaria.

Trouble waited for him at home after his first year of university. When he returned to Ospomere for the summer holidays, he could not spend it with Chase, as he was enlisted in military service that year. Instead, he had to help Vivienne by driving her to a clinic to have her pregnancy terminated. Vivienne’s boyfriend Pip was also brought to the clinic with them, and Lintang gave him a stern talking-to. At the same time, Fadhly was staying at a mental health facility for an eating disorder, which prompted Lintang to do as much research as he could about them. Upon returning to campus, he frequented the counsellor’s office and isolated himself in his dorm room for the entirety of the term.

He paused his studies in the middle of his second year to enlist in mandatory military service. He served in the army for a full year, from the beginning of 2001 to the beginning of 2002. Because of his health, he was assigned to clerk duty. He returned to university afterwards and continued his studies without much incident. As always, he spends his term breaks with his family — he travelled to Indonesia to attend his maternal grandmother’s funeral during the winter of 2002, and in the summer of 2003, he travelled to Armani to celebrate Fadhly leaving school. He met his second girlfriend, Alessandra Navarro, in Armani, and exchanged emails with her after he returned to Dristol. They broke up 5 years later, in 2008.

He obtained his bachelor’s degree in 2004 and stayed in Crynaria to obtain his master’s degree and doctorate at the same university. His postgraduate education went relatively smoothly (save for a few major incidents), and he was able to obtain his PhD in 2010. He then returned home and started working as a lecturer at St. Lucy’s University, a Catholic university located there.

The origins of the Paraffin Investigative Co.

In 2005, Agatha married Henry Zhang, and Lintang attended their wedding near the end of his summer break along with his friends. Henry befriended Chase, Vivienne, and Elroy quite easily; however, it took a while for Lintang and Henry to warm up to each other, both due to their vast differences in intellect and because Lintang did not meet him as often as the others did. Nevertheless, the six of them formed a close-knit group. They initially hung out in the Zhangs’ house, then Agatha’s café after it opened.

Henry’s death at the beginning of 2010 came as a shock to the group. Lintang was fixated on the circumstances of his death; he wondered how Henry could die after a quick jog to the Warwick Forest, why his body was found wrinkled and covered in black tar, and why the authorities listed his death as ‘pneumonia’. Roughly a year after Henry was gone, Lintang encountered someone suffering from a similar fate while driving through the forest, which led him to form the Paraffin Investigative Co. with the remaining members of the group.

Paraffin Investigative Co.

Chase Baldwin

Chase: Best friend

Has known each other since: 1988

Lintang and Chase have been friends since they were in primary school. In fact, they were each others’ first friends. They pledge absolute loyalty to each other, though they aren’t afraid to call out the other if they do something wrong. Naturally, due to their vastly differing traits, there are times when they have gotten into major disagreements. However, they have always worked it out. Still, Lintang tries to get Chase to be more responsible, and Chase tries to get Lintang to lighten up. Lintang has also acted as an honorary uncle to Chase’s children.

Vivienne St. Clair

Vivienne: Friend (and later love interest)

Has known each other since: 1992

Lintang met Vivienne when she joined the Cub Scouts. He and Chase defended her from bullies and let her into their inner circle. They maintain a very close friendship, even if they snark at and bicker with each other regularly. Vivienne also refers to him with unflattering nicknames, such as 'egghead' and 'birdbrain'. Their friendship is marked by sexual tension, with both of them unable to admit their feelings for each other initially.

Agatha Donohoe

Agatha: Friend

Has known each other since: 1992

Lintang knew Agatha through Chase and met again during Scouting. Agatha has also babysat him and his siblings when they were younger. Nowadays, they maintain a friendship based on mutual respect, though he is annoyed by her manners-minded attitude. He is also a loyal customer of her café, enough for her to remember his usual order. Because his elder sister, Faiza, lives with her, he trusts her enough to take care of her.

James Elroy

Elroy: Former teacher and friend

Has known each other since: 1995

Elroy was Lintang's science teacher and form tutor in Secondary 1, later becoming Lintang's economics teacher. He considered Lintang one of his star pupils, and Lintang considered him one of his favourite teachers. They still kept in touch after Lintang left school, which was not difficult considering they shared the same hometown. Elroy would impart wisdom and advice to Lintang, and Lintang would share scientific insights with him in return.


Auberon: Friend

Has known each other since: 2011

Lintang was introduced to Auberon shortly after he was adopted by Agatha and Faiza. He appreciates Auberon’s presence in the agency and considers his skills valuable to the team. He also considers Auberon as the team’s moral support. There are several times when he would use him as a test subject for his experiments, though he treats him like a friend otherwise.


Zainul Arifin

Zainul: Father

Has known each other since: 1982

Lintang has an uneasy relationship with his father. Their tension stemmed from Zainul’s insistence on drilling manners onto him. The two men share a fair amount of similarities, something Lintang is aware of and suspects as the motive behind his desire to make him ‘normal’. They do have their moments, though, with the both of them engaging in each others’ interests. Zainul also acknowledges Lintang for his achievements.

Widya Indriani

Widya: Mother

Has known each other since: 1982

Lintang and his mother are quite close, as she is a lot more supportive. She was the one who advocated for his education, something he is eternally grateful for. He also appreciated the freedom she gave him and the values she instilled in him. However, she had habits that annoyed him, such as a lack of punctuality and a fixation on an all-natural lifestyle. He is also aware of her strained relationship with Zainul.

Faiza Arifin

Faiza: Sister

Has known each other since: 1982

Lintang sees Faiza as a cool elder sister and looks up to her at first. Even when she messes with him, he still admires her ambition and hopes to make her proud. As he grew older, though, he became aware of her feelings of inferiority towards him and Fadhly. He has also witnessed her mental breakdowns, her addictions, and her falling out with their parents. Now he worries for her and considers it a duty to protect her.

Fadhly Arifin

Fadhly: Brother

Has known each other since: 1985

Lintang usually acts aloof towards Fadhly. This is mostly out of envy, as Fadhly was one of the few people who managed to outdo him in everything but academics. He also thinks Fadhly has a martyr complex and finds him insufferable at times. Still, he does his best to care for him, even though he may come across as harsh. He encourages Fadhly to work through his issues whenever possible as he wants to see him flourish.


  • He was raised in an interfaith household; his mother was a Christian, his father was a Muslim, and he was raised Muslim along with his siblings.
  • He is asthmatic and has beta thalassaemia minor. The latter was passed down to him from his mother, and he has a maternal aunt who passed away due to complications related to thalassaemia major.
  • He completely abstains from drinking, smoking, or consuming illegal substances, owing to both his health and his beliefs.
  • He owns a pink security blanket, hand-knitted by his mother and given to him when he was a baby. He likes to prance around with it when no one is looking.
  • His most frequent stims are hand-flapping and steepling his hands.
  • He started reading novels in kindergarten. His favourite author was Roald Dahl. His teachers doubted his ability to comprehend what he was reading until he asked them about the plot of The BFG.
  • The first time he attended cricket practice, he was so intimidated by the other players that he refused to get on the field for a while. He opted to practise in secret at home instead until he got better.
  • The Paraffin Co. took its name from a malapropism of his own name. One of his scoutmasters during his time in the Cub Scouts would always mispronounce his surname, Arifin, as Paraffin.
  • His childhood idols were Nikola Tesla and Abbas ibn Firnas. He made a presentation about the latter in primary school.
  • He was farsighted as a child. His vision resolved itself when he was in his teens.
  • He needs to have a bolster or a pillow to cuddle when he sleeps. In university, he opted for small star-shaped pillows. He was not allowed to bring them with him during military service, to his great disappointment.
  • When he was living in Crynaria, he had a lot of cyclists run into him, and he developed a fear of cyclists and bicycles ever since.
  • He used to share his sister’s distaste for television. He outgrew it after watching Top Gear in university.
  • He and Chase would always watch The Ashes and the NBA finals together.
  • After suffering from a bout of meningitis when he was 26, he has become sensitive to light.
  • He owns a dark blue Lotus Elise S2, which he bought using a car loan.
  • He is fluent in three languages: English, Indonesian, and Spanish. He can also speak French on an intermediate level and knows a smattering of Latin.
  • He has a videographic memory, with vivid audio and slightly less vivid visuals. He can also create detailed 3D models of his inventions in his head, though he still creates blueprints to ensure the dimensions are correct.
  • He can identify up to 5-digit primes and do mental calculations in seconds. Sometimes he lists prime numbers and calculates numbers in his head for fun, or to calm himself down.
  • He is the only one of his siblings who can swim.
  • He is an excellent draughtsman and can draw landscapes well, but he absolutely sucks at drawing people. This has earned him Vivienne’s wrath at least once.
  • His favourite foods are nuts and chocolate. He keeps a jar of mixed nuts in his desk drawer at work. He also eats rice grains individually while waiting for the side dishes to arrive.
  • One of his samefoods is hagelslag.
  • His favourite ice cream flavour is Rocky Road.
  • Like his mother, he has a predilection for strange ‘healthy’ food combinations.
  • He is a kavalierbariton.
  • He uses the username ‘epsiloncorvi’ on everything.
  • He uses 4chan and Reddit, amongst other websites. His most frequented boards on the former are /x/, /v/, /o/, /sci/, and /r9k/.
  • He often uses minced oaths such as ‘by Jove’, ‘by George’, ‘sweet pumpkin pie’, and ‘for Pete's sake’.