Seville Caballero



1 year, 6 months ago


This inkling was much like others in the beginning. Starting off his small career with simple Turf Wars and occasionally Ranked Battles, though as time went by his interest in those ceased. As the events of Splatoon 2 started, he moved over to Inkopolis Square with everyone else and ended up putting more of his time and effort into the new employer known as "Grizzco Industries". Though he never grew particularly too close with his employer, he did get to know him some by spending a lot of his time at the agency. Even on its' off days Seville would spend his time there cleaning up equipment, as in his own opinion it would be better than Turf Wars. Now why would this specific inkling hate Turf Wars so much? Let's just say it was because he didn't have a whole lot of friends to even participate with it in. It was mainly due to his short temper and his lack of communication. Whenever he would lose a match he'd blame his team for the most part. Though the loss also fell onto him he didn't want to acknowledge it. Sometimes that would happen in Salmon Run too, but at least in there you could cover up mistakes and loss of communication with getting eggs into a basket. His sour demenor would continue until the events of Splatoon 3, once he himself had been chosen to be the new Agent 3. At first he was really reluctant to be apart of this "Squidbeak", especially after learning that there was no pay to it. But as the events went on he grew more and more curious about the things that were happening. Overtime his short temper subsided and his bond with those that he came to meet grew deeper. By the end he had practially been reformed, saving the world would do that. He still will occassionally still have his short temper, but now he'll openly communicate with his teammates and is more open to the possibility of friends. He still dedicates most of his time to Salmon Run, but he'll also do Turf Wars more often than he used to. He used to have a specific team, but their whereabouts are unknown.

Age: 12 Splatoon. 14 Splatoon 2. 19 Splatoon 3.

Eng Voice: Micah Solusod. Ex. Soul "Eater" Evans

Jap Voice: Shinnosuke Mitsushima. Ex Satoru Fujinuma

Theme: Ride or Fry

Team Theme: Clickbait