Ikameshi Somen



1 year, 6 months ago


A self absorbed inkling that came from a rural town and adopted the one you know as Blue! Meet the father, but don't meet your hero. An ex-secret military soldier that had retired from the force and was keen on starting a new life with someone that he had cared about deeply. However as the story we know goes, tradegy strikes as his home town is destroyed with little to no surviors left. All save for a small blue squid to which Ikameshi picks up and decides to raise on his own. His first intentions with the squid are... not so fatherly to say the least as originally he was going to raise this baby to be a living weapon! This all changed when the babe in question offered a smile, melting the aging mans' heart. Though this didn't stop him from teaching the kid how to defend himself in combat and Turf War ettiquette. And that was mostly it beside basic education before he left Blue on his own. His reasons for leaving had been unknown to the young inkling, however to himself... he convinced himself that it was for the youngins' safety. Maybe it was so that he wouldn't get TOO attached. Who was he kidding? Of course he was attached, he was his son. In the wake of his leaving, he became a wonderer, scouring the land in search of Octarians that might've been making their way to the surface, deafeating any who were unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. Before he knew it a couple of years had passed with this life and eventually he ran into Blue again. A duel broke between them with the younger inkling as the victor. With that whole fued settled Ikameshi was more content to be near his son again, still wondering, but occasionally dropping in to check on him. Even staying in the city for a few days when the times come. Currently he is still wondering, but he frequently sends letters.

Age: 36 Splatoon. 38 Splatoon 2. 43 Splatoon 3.

Eng Voice: Reuben Langdon. Ex. Dante (DMC5)

Jap Voice: Kenjiro Tsuda. Ex. Silver Fullbuster