Xander James



1 year, 5 months ago


Xander James

  • Full Name - Xander Allen James
    • Nicknames- James, Slug (by Sam), Old Man (by Hickory and Felicity)
  • Race: Human
    • Family Tree- while he has family, they all abandoned him long ago. He has a sister and a brother but his parents are deceased
    • Place of Origin- Earth
  • Physical Info
    • Gender - Male
    • Sexual Orientation - Bi-Questioning
    • Age - 35
      • Birthday - December 10th
    • Height - 5' 9"
    • Body type - a mix of slim and dadbod
    • Skin - Fair
    • Eyes - Brown
    • Hair - Brown with Grey sides
    • Markings - none that we know of
  • Mental Info
    • Mental Health - Xander is a bit strange in this regard. as he spent a lot of his life being abused by his family or coworkers he does have the most stable mental health but he works very hard to cover this up. He tries not to get in anyone's way but still stands out in a crowd. Xander struggles with really bad OCD, and ADHD as well as having high-functioning Autism. He gets overwhelmed easily but is very good and masking his discomfort he also doesn't really know how to deal with certain social situations. This struggle with mental health has made him make some strange decisions, to say the least. 
    • Strengths - Xander is extremely smart in certain regards like technology, and random facts, and is very experienced because of his past endeavors. Xander is also quite good at winning people over and has a very friendly personality. He's very funny and is a great person to be around if you want a good laugh. 
    • Flaws - Xander has a track record of making questionable decisions from time to time. Xander is sometimes a little too honest with people to the point where it begins to get hurtful. Xander has a very addictive personality and quickly falls into peer pressure. 
    • Personality Type - ESTP
    • Goals - "Find the job that will truly understand my full potential", "understand how to make true friends"
    • Fears - Learning that everyone actually hates him, being useless, being evil, and that the government wants to end him.
    • Alignment - Chaotic Good
  • Relationships
    • Hickory Anderson
      • While Hickory and Xander don't know each other on the same level that Shannon and Hickory know each other Hickoy does not like Xander because Xander has no problem calling Hickory out on his BS. Xander has been sent on many secret Solo missions without Shannon's knowledge to capture artifacts that Hickory and Felicity were going after. Hickory and Xander do not like each other but in some ways share similarities which they do realize on their own terms.  
    • Felicity Brown
      • Felicity despises Xander. Every time she loses an artifact to him her hatred for him grows. She likes to bother him and manipulate him to get under his fragile ego while out on the field. 
    • Shannon Valle
      • Shannon is Xander's best friend and partner in crime. When they first got partnered up they didn't get along as well but over time they learned how similar they truly were and now they are an iconic spy duo. They work together on almost everything and care deeply about each other. 
  • Extra information
  • Xander has been in multiple accidents before his job as a spy which has given him many scars, one in particular across his chest. 
  • Xander was born in Newburgh NY and moved to DC when he was 25.
  • Xander has a collection of books he has never read but uses it to look cool. 

Shannon’s apprentice, as well as a current partner in crime under the agency they work for. He’s quick-witted and very upfront about things as well as making his view very well-known thinking he’s a lot more experienced in the field he’s training for and asks “Why does she have to train me if I already know what I’m doing?” Eventually, he eases up to the idea of being trained, realizing that Shannon is really amazing at what she does, and they end up working very well with each other. He does however still make comments about her ways of teaching and sometimes states that he just can’t figure out how to do something or that it just won’t work for what he’s trying to do, calling back to his somewhat stubborn nature. He does truly get along with her very well though, and he has a big soft spot in his heart for her.

Xander holds onto his past like it’s the only thing he has left. Ever since he was very young he spent most of his time studying anomalies and looking into how the world works. He spent much time wondering what really happens to the people who get caught for crimes they didn’t commit and the true morality behind certain crimes committed. Xander was bullied throughout high school but eventually began to get his revenge. Running scams and ploys on his classmates that did him wrong. Xander knew though, that it felt like someone was watching him, so for a while, he fought down his urges for revenge.
Spending most of his early 20s jumping careers, Xander thought that he was going to go down the path of a lawyer, and eventually graduated law school, he went into work as a public defender for a while, but eventually lost his passion for the job and went to work as a waiter at an Italian Restaurant. This job quickly became very boring to him as well, he always wanted more out of life so he moved from his hometown of Newburgh NY to Washington DC. Xander started a job as a night guard at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Alongside this gig, he couldn’t help himself but give into his old habits of running scams to get extra cash. He didn’t see this as to bad and justified to as he knew these people were snooty terrible people, who deserved to be taken down a peg. Xander knew that this still wasn’t going to be enough for him. One day whilst zoning out on the job he wondered how easily he could steal art from the museum as he was quite literally the guard who was supposed to stop the thief. He also knew that he had enough knowledge of the Law to get himself out of trouble if he needed to. He started this habit of stealing and eventually, it all caved in on him. He was caught.
Xander thought there was no way out of this and that his past had finally come back to get him, but suddenly he was offered an opportunity he didn’t know was possible, it all finally made sense to him. The NAoAP, offered him the opportunity to come and professionally steal for them as a secret governmental agency, stating that they had seen his past acts and knew what he was capable of. He knew he was being watched and now he knew exactly why. Taking this opportunity he is assigned to Shannon Valle as an Intern and is told to learn from her as her assistant.

Xander likes sci-fi, horror, early 2000s emo music, and pizza. He also has a huge and very active imagination. Sometimes this imagination can get out of hand though and take him down some questionable paths and decisions.

Xander is loyal, honest, funny, smart, crafty, and rebounds really quickly. He’s very capable of his jobs and puts his all into each and every one of them. He’s also very protective of those he cares for.
On the flip side, Xander can also be overly talkative and can occasionally be overly honest to the point where it hurts. He’s also picky, has questionable morals on certain things, has really prominent ADHD and thinks he’s smarter than everyone else.
Xander is a bit of an Alcoholic.  

“The man is by no means prefect, but he isn’t evil that’s for sure. He has a good heart, and I think that’s why we got him out of that situation.” - Ron Teviel