Riley Atherton*



6 years, 1 month ago


[Valiant / courageous]


Riley travels to collect stories and find her missing brother, Morgan. She holds a deep love/care for others and would willingly lay down her life for them. She has a “knight errant” air from afar. Some might even call her dashing at a glance. Those who get to know her find her of a cheerful and sweet disposition. She’s warm and compassionate but also reckless at times. A dorky gal overall. 

For a long while, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. She wasn’t good at painting like Eraseth, or as sharp as Luka. However, she found her passion in stories, whether she was sharing or listening. That’s what inspired her to adventure. Her hobbies include storytelling, sewing (animal accessories), fencing, and sketching (though she isn’t good at it). Loves her wife a lot.

Gender: Non-binary 

Age: ~ 25



  1. Puts herself between others and danger
  2. Gives people the benefit of the doubt
  3. She puts people before the law, but generally follows the rules.
    1. Fiercely loyal to her friends
  4. Knows her own worth. Voices her feelings about a situation, whether she’s happy or it bothers her. Straightforward.
    1. Celebrates being herself and what she can bring to the table 


  • Morgan bit her before they adopted him. Not even her parents know this.

Possession w/ meaning:

  • Aegis - Sword of Tides (Tide’s Defender)
    • A flamberge rapier with a blue blade. Forged by the light of the full moon to give it durability. Given to her as a proposal gift by Tikah. The blue steel is a staple where Tikah is from.


  • Tries to see the good in others, even long after it isn’t warranted
  • Often acts on whim/jump in without thinking


  • Often gazes off into the distance when conversation lulls/before it is initiated. Resting cool face
  • Tends to stumble over her words / talk fast when she’s excited
  • Likes to make others laugh

Character bits

  • A dork with a bright smile 
  • Sweet
  • A bit of a troublemaker 
    • Often acts on whim (like Eraseth)
  • Supportive
  • Likes to make others laugh
  • Adventurous 
  • Eager to learn
  • Azareth (1)
    • Feels like she has to step up to meet others' expectations and be like Eraseth and Luka, while also struggling with wanting to be herself
  • Interplanar travels
    • While traveling and through doing things on her own, she learns to be more comfortable being herself 
  • Return
    • Wants to share the stories of all the different planes, to help, even in the smallest way, bridge the misconceptions she encountered in her travels
    • Celebrates being herself and what she can bring to the table 
Traveler of planes and timelines


  • A picky eater 
  • Eats a lot 
  • Likes to draw the places that she’s been to
    • Keeps a visual journal of her travels 
  • Was spoiled quite a bit by Luka, Aelwyn, and Morgan

Knows how to
  • Tell stories 
  • Play the lute
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Sew (and uses it for the best things)
    • Chicken hats
  • Draw (not well)
  • Climb trees
  • Use swords (and to a lesser extent, lances)
  • Use magic

Misc facts 2:
