Zhèng Jinhai



9 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Physically 17, mentally a lot older




Fucanglong dragon / sniper rifle

Significant Other

Takeru Kato (though he does not remember him)


  • Jinhai is the sniper rifle weapon that belongs to Gale Gentry. He currently does not have a physical form other than the weapon, and resides within Gale's thoughts as a second voice. His humanoid / dragon form is only visible through the use of special technology on Deus Ex Machina and a borrowed body that lasts only a few hours a day.

  • Jinhai is calm, mild-mannered, serious, and intelligent. Most of the time he'll sound as if he refuses to crack a smile (if he could smile, that is), keeping a level headed and mildly disapproving tone to his voice a good portion of the time. However he has a very dry sense of humor - when he actually lets himself be amused by anything.

  • Jinhai became a weapon voluntarily. While in school at Amityville, he was a student who stuck with his routines and kept things neat and organized constantly. Well-liked, quiet, and studious, he was the type of student who would do what he was asked because that was what was expected of him. When it came to deciding on whether or not he would make that step towards gaining more power, Jinhai took it - without knowing exactly what he was getting into.

  • It has been a long time since that time; he does not remember much, if anything, from when he was a student or when he was changed.

  • Jinhai cares a great deal for Gale, and has a very symbiotic (100% professional) relationship with his hunter partner. They have been bonded together for almost four years.

  • He has a very complicated and bittersweet relationship with Takeru Kato, his former best friend that he never got to confess to. They are both weapons now and do not remember each other, but there are moments when Jinhai almost recalls the feelings he had when he was with Keru. It brings him great sadness as well as a desire to be closer without knowing or understanding why.