


1 year, 5 months ago



Humanity's greatest strength is the ability to adapt to change. unless its name is capitalism what?

theyre gonna bring change, though itll takea jsut a widdle bit of violations of morals and ethics. its fine, morality is just a concept invented by Big Church to sell you more indulgences /j /j /j 

Anyway id say that experimenting on random (unwilling) people is kind of the worst way to "give power to the people".  

pretty much the areas theyve resided in are thrown into chaos because of the influx of superhumans (successful or not)

well learned in body modification, even in a newer field of fusing the meats with the botany. 

Theyre basically a mad scientist / medical professional with VERY QUESTIONABLE morals

so they have this purple stuff. I call it LEAN™ for the memes but lets call it like tyfon because i cant come up with original names. They synthesized it from a monster or something

LEAN™ basically forces spontaneous growth. for the monster it allowed them to adapt quickly to enemies, but for most people the results arent pretty. obviously the usage of this on people wasnt very hippocratic oath of them but surprisingly its actually a pretty coveted substance, being able to boost your ability is no joke, and some people risk the high chances of accidents for whatever reason. 

because of the amount of people theyve experimented on theyve actually managed to create quite a few characters with unusual traits. so while its QUITE unethical but one can argue that there are some results. Think of the potential if someone could make a safe version of this

Their ability allows them to grow plants anywhere. concrete? metal? flesh? green thumb does it all   combine that tyfon and you have a ton insta-grow plants (although they wither quickly)

and with their medical knowledge they have and sell many mechanical parts. Many weaponized. Someone should arrest them already theyve probably violated the geneva convention at this point

uh yeah their design is inconsistent im working on it :(

snong (fnaf warning)

okay but like fr tho playlist