


1 year, 5 months ago


The Birdcage
internal structure and agent list
The Keeper

The Birdcage's mysterious Boss figure.
More affectionately called 'Father' or 'Daddy' by some. May be a woman...?


Administrators. Not 'leaders', but they tend to secretarial tasks.
These agents have been raised or born within Birdcage-funded families. They're integrated and familiar with the internal workings of the syndicate. Some may even have met the Keeper (unlikely). Hackers and mechanics (without assassin skills) are considered Council members. They can have grunts/lackeys, but codenames are kept to non-predatory birds.

.Database .Codename .Region
Restricted Blackbird --
Restricted Canary (Deceased) China, USA
Restricted CRANE (Deceased) Southern Vietnam, Southern USA
RESTRICTED Dove Canada, Singapore, Malaysia
Restricted GREY PARrot East Asia, Russia
OPEN Kookaburra Europe
Restricted Mute Swan SE Asia, France
Restricted Nightingale East Asia, Europe
Restricted Peafowl Southern Vietnam, Southern USA
Restricted Pelican --
Restricted Penguin --
Restricted Seagull --
OPEN Shortwing --
OPEN Starling Nigeria, South Africa, Antigua
Restricted Warbler (deceased) --
Restricted Woodpecker --

Regular members. Occasionally utilized by Council and Keeper to carry out missions. Clipped members generally have 1-2 specialties.

.Database .Codename .Region
OPEN Black Kite Japan, South Korea, Western USA
Restricted Cormorant Eastern USA, Europe
OPEN Crow Eastern USA
Restricted Hirundine East Asia, Russia
Restricted Hummingbird East Asia, Russia
Restricted Kestrel --
Restricted Kingfisher Southern USA, South America
Restricted Loon --
Restricted Magpie --
OPEN Mockingbird Vietnam, Southern China, PNW USA
OPEN Oriole China, Taiwan, Australia
Restricted Ostrich Philipines, Australia
Restricted Peregrine Western USA, Europe
Restricted Pigeon South Korea, Central USA
Restricted Redswift --
Restricted Seagull --
OPEN Secretary Western USA
Restricted Sparrow Hong Kong, South Vietnam, Eastern USA

Contracted members of the Birdcage. Can be mercenarial or coerced.
Whether willing or not, Flightless members have less security clearance because they are either temporary units (mercenaries) or instable units (angry/coerced/blackmailed).

.Database .Codename .Region
Restricted Manakin Eastern USA, South America
OPEN Redstart Japan, Southeast USA
Restricted Screech Owl USA
Restricted Vulture Canada
Sub Agents

Subordinate agents to main Bird agents. Often times a relative of the original Bird or at the least an high ranking member of the faction.

.Clearance .Codename .Faction
Council Bluebird Nightingale
Council Bluewing Kookaburra
Council Macaw Grey Parrot
Council Oxpecker Starling
Clipped Peahen Peafowl
Clipped Red Kite Black Kite
Clipped Vireo Oriole
Society of Free Birds
Fronted by Condor [Ezekiel Isaacs].
The Society has been recruiting members and expanding for the past 8 years.
Some from the Birdcage have defected to the Society. Many of the Society members hold vendettas against the Birdcage or specific members of the Birdcage. The Society is responsible for killing the Keeper and several Birdcage agents.
.Database .Codename .Region
Inaccessible Baygull Orbital Space
Inaccessible Cockatoo --
Inaccessible Condor --
Inaccessible Finch --
OPEN Flamingo --
OPEN Harpy Eagle Southern USA, Mexico, Russia
Inaccessible Lyrebird Europe, North America
Inaccessible Paradise Western USA, Japan, South Korea
Inaccessible Raven --
Inaccessible Rook --
Inaccessible Rooster --
Inaccessible Shoebill --
Inaccessible Shrike China
Coded by elim__08