Helin (persona)



1 year, 7 months ago



Title The Spooky Cookie
Gender Female
Orientation Undecided
Age Slowly aging child
Species Human poltergeist
Residence Interstellar Embassy
Role Writer / Dh'ethulfo Disciple

''Would you like to travel with us throughout the vast reaches of the universe? Feel free to tag along!''

Hélène Le Petit Gâteau, better known by her nickname 'Helin', is the persona of the Interstellar Embassy's writer. She is the adopted undead daughter of Kosshi and Madelief.

Helin has two distinct roles within the 'Helin & Kosshi' social media dynamic. It is almost exclusively her (with Kosshi's parental guidance) you will interact with on social media. Her second role is writing reports on those met on their magical journeys, which takes the form of these Toyhouse profiles.

The embassy members will star in an upcoming webcomic. These stories will detail the family's history and dynamic. It is here that we learn of Helin's origins as a French heiress who was killed in an eldritch ritual and subsequent rise as a poltergeist.

There are minor spoilers on this profile regarding the webcomic, although longtime followers should already be fairly aware of them.

Social media persona

Helin is one of the two active members within the 'Helin & Kosshi' social media dynamic. They are members of the art community. Her role centers around interactions and writing stories, while Kosshi is the visual artist.

Originally, both members of the duo were equally vocal online, but Kosshi's time commenting was downgraded to make it easier for followers to know who is speaking. However, he still closely watches over her during online activity and often interacts through personal messaging.

Aside from sharing their work, the duo's online goal is to spread a little bit of positivity in a world where people are prone to be negative. With Helin's childlike innocence and optimism making for a much stronger representation of this ideal, she became the face of the 'brand'. As such, much of the promotional content depicts Helin rather than Kosshi.


Interstellar Embassy: Guidance

As the origin story on how the duo met, Helin plays a central role in the first book of the webcomic. The tale is narrated by Kosshi as a bedtime story.

The flashback opens up with Kosshi visiting a haunted estate with the goal of collecting the wayward poltergeist within. Very quickly, it is revealed the source of this haunting is Helin herself, who in life was the heir of the estate. He is shocked to find out she died as a child, which causes him to question his duty.

After she regains her senses, the duo discovers that Helin's own parents were responsible for her death after they had fallen in with Kosshi's eldritch master. Taking pity on the girl, Kosshi invites her to stay at his side with the goal of becoming his apprentice, keeping her safe from his master's hunger.

At the end of the story, the present-day Helin wakes up to see that her foster parents have drawn a happy family portrait to replace the sullen one that hung in the old estate.


Interstellar Embassy: Happy Heaven

This book opens with Helin and Madelief going shopping. They recall that their first meeting took place in a very similar setting, after which the scene transitions to another flashback.

The story starts with Helin locked in the deep pits where D'ethulfo lurks. She discovers that she was meant to be eaten, if not for Kosshi's intervention. She meets directly with D'ethulfo, but nearly loses her mind after being unable to grasp the eldritch being. Ultimately, she survives the encounter and is appointed Kosshi's successor.

After Kosshi decides to go on a secret mission, he leaves Helin with his secret contact. This turns out to be Madelief, who gleefully shows Helin all around the shopping center known as Happy Heaven's Mall. Much of the remaining story shows Helin having fun with her future foster mother, but also depicts her as depressed after everything that she learned.

At the end of the flashback, Kosshi regains the memories and learns that Madelief was once his girlfriend. The two rekindle their relationship and accept Helin as their foster daughter, giving her a new family.


Interstellar Embassy: Sisterhood

The book opens up with an old friend visiting the embassy. She gives Kosshi digital watch, but much to Helin's annoyance, fails to elaborate on its importance. During the night, Helin activates the device, after which it projects a sentient virus shaped like a creepy little girl. It is soon explained that this girl's name is Sanne and used to be Kosshi's sidekick on previous adventures.

Much of the book centers on Kosshi and Sanne reacquainting, with Helin becoming increasingly jealous of their relationship. However, she eventually bonds with the crazy program, becoming a big sister of sorts.


Kami's Assistant: Reblessed

Helin has a supporting role in the game Kami's Assistant: Reblessed.

Under specific circumstances, Helin can first be encountered in Kami's office. After picking up the package, Umeko can attempt to return to the hallway. If done so four times, Helin will suddenly manifest, blatantly telling Umeko to jump out of the window instead. This event will repeat itself every time that the player tries to enter the hallway again.

She also makes a small a cameo appearance in Umeko's flashback sequence. If the player enters the southern exit at the train station, they will encounter a hidden scene with Helin, Kosshi and Madelief talking about Umeko's imminent death. She is clearly disturbed by what is going to happen, but ultimately sticks around even after her parents offer to take her home.

Helin is slated to have a bigger role in later chapters, currently in development.


Noble brat

No mere mortal can deny the call of an elder god. In the early 20th century, on an estate in Northern France, there lived a young girl. The only child of noble parents, much was expected of the child. She was raised to understand dignity, etiquette and a sense of duty to the family. Although nothing but an unloved requirement to their status and family's future, the girl became a true successor to her parents: snobby, arrogant and somewhat ruthless. The staff loathed the bratty Hélène and avoided her whenever possible.

So did time pass, with little to no change. However, one day, the parents were enthralled by the words of a rich man of even higher status. He told them of a new religion, through which they could have glory thrown upon their bloodline for all eternity. Ignorant to the fact that they were already rich and influential, they sank deep into the teachings of the evil elder god, Dh'ethulfo. Yet, to speak with this being between realities, they needed a messenger...

The messenger

Although they claimed themselves to be unworthy of meeting with their new god, the reality was simply that they did not wish to undergo the required ritual themselves. Instead, they picked their young daughter, madly believing that their deity would reward them greatly for this ultimate sacrifice. Hélène was brought before them, but would remember little else. Her next memory was that of a stranger, dressed in black robes, standing in front of her.

Although fearful at first, she met the stranger's gaze and an instant bond was formed. This young man, later revealed to be Kosshi, was known as the Jailor of Dh'ethulfo. He explained to Helin (as he accidentally called her) the truth: she had died and returned as a ghost! He had been summoned to collect her soul, but hesitated. Instead, he helped her discover the reality of her final moments. Her parents had willingly infused her with a portion of their new god's power, killing her, but allowing her soul to connect with D'ethulfo. However, the unexpected result was that Helin's soul turned mad with power and chased her family away from the estate! The bloodline would dwindle, and the surrounding area became nothing more than a ghost story for the locals.


Although their goal was to create a messenger, the parents had misunderstood the meaning of the ritual. Instead, it was meant to lure the god's jailor, ultimately bringing Helin's soul to D'ethulfo to be devoured! After a hundred years of restless haunting, that day had come with Kosshi's arrival. However, for the first time since his duty started, he wished no more of this. Suddenly dreading the fact that he had brought thousands of poor souls to be eaten weighted deeply on him. With some hesitation, he announced that he would save little Helin instead! As it was his right to choose a successor, he picked her to be as such, thinking that it would be the only way to keep her from being eaten by D'ethulfo. However, he did not intend to stop with merely saving one soul.

Together, they would go further and cast away the influence that the elder god had. They would destroy the eldritch horror from within and scatter his remains across the universal bounds! Knowing it was now their dark task to destroy the many eldritch pieces once and for all, a base was set up from where the duo could travel across the many universes: the Interstellar Embassy. However, for Helin herself, something much more important had taken place. She had finally found a family that would truly come to love her.




Born as the latest scion to a noble French family and raised on a rich estate, Helin used to be fairly conceited. Despite her young age, she often looked down on people, giving her a very bratty reputation. However, this behaviour was nothing but an expected imitation of her birth parents. They saw their daughter as a tool rather than their child; a necessary requirement to pass on the family's wealth and bloodline. Helin learned etiquette and was taught English as a second language, the latter being attributed to the many English business partners of her father. However, after being turned into a poltergeist and adopted by much more loving parents, Helin would make a great change. The young girl would slowly turn from a brat to a curious and friendly child. Although a little bit oblivious to certain things, her etiquette and language lessons have helped her greatly in making her seem much more refined and less naive than most others her age. However, do not let her wholesome smile fool you, for she is still a poltergeist! Mischief follows her wherever she may go, which often gets her in trouble. While this does not often manifest online, during formal meetings or simply at home, she can be a menace! However, Helin's undead heart is truly in a good place. She has a great desire to spread joy and positivity in this sometimes depressing planet we call Earth!

speech pattern

Fitting for a young girl, she speaks with an enthusiastic and high-pitched voice. However, her high society upbringing centered around etiquette and manners, which also includes the way she talks. Also, despite speaking proper English, she purposely mixes in various French words and almost always refuses to use contractions. Helin speaks with a Parisian French dialect, although the time spent with Kosshi and Madelief has diminished her heavy accent a bit.

Persona disclaimer

  • Helin is one persona of the two people behind the daughter/parent artist duo 'Helin & Kosshi'. Specifically, this is me, myself! However, I will write from a third-person perspective from now on. When referring back to my real self for context, I will use the name 'Hélène'.


Height 59.4In (151CM)
Body type Fairly average
Hair color Strawberry blonde
Hairstyle Twintails
Eye color Ghostly orange
Skintone Fair
  • Despite being a poltergeist, Helin is often depicted as opaque. This is because she becomes a physical being when near Kosshi or when she is within the borders of the Heavenly Realm, which is most of the time. However, her supernatural bright orange eyes are always present. Her reference artwork also depicts her alongside blue flames.
  • Her hairstyles are based on how Hélène usually styles her hair. While more often simply tied into a ponytail, she styles her hair in proper twin tails during formal settings.
  • Hélène's age is never officially mentioned, but her Helin persona is generally designed as a pre-teen or young teenager. The reference artwork has constantly evolved to look a little older every time it is redrawn, but her exact age is up to interpretation.

Equipment (formal)

  • Having roots in minor nobility, Helin's clothing has a couple of noble touches. These include the lace/ribbons that tie her dress and hair, her long socks, formal leather shoes and her princess gloves. These were partially picked to represent French culture, but are moreso inspired by fairytales.
  • While it could be seen as a stereotype, Hélène actually often wears a beret. The patch on this piece of headwear represents her personal crest, designed by Madelief. Due to limitations, her hat was often mistaken for a scout's girl cap in previous artwork.
  • This personal crest represents a cookie. This is an inside joke within Hélène's adopted family, where everyone has a cute nickname related to confectionery. Hélène's nickname alternates between 'the Spooky Cookie' or 'the little cake'. She is also sometimes referred to as a chocolate chip cookie, a combination between Kosshi's and Madelief's nicknames (cookie and chocolate respectively).
  • Although based on Hélène's actual clothing, some liberties have been taken to make the persona look cuter than reality. One example is her shawl, which is more richly decorated with frills. In previous drawings, these frills were not present.

Equipment (casual)

  • Helin also has a much more casual alternative look, intended as a secondary outfit for the brand. The colors were retained from the formal look as a deliberate reference.
  • While her formal clothes are fairly old-fashioned, Helin's casual outfit looks more like how a young girl would dress in the modern age. This includes an overall dress over a simple shirt. Although still wearing a large ribbon made from the same lace, most of the other noble touches were removed. Finally, another cookie patch was added to her overalls to complete the look.

Seasonal events

  • Helin has been part of nearly every 'Helin & Kosshi' event, dressing up alongside the guests. She was a constant part of this up until Halloween 2023, which did not include the Interstellar Embassy cast at all.
  • The first event hosted by the duo was Magical March 2021. Here she was dressed as a magical girl, which was the only time where she truly loathed her outfit, throwing a disgusted look at the camera. Ironically, a lot of the frilly details would come to inspire her current reference artwork.
  • Helin was also part of two Halloween events. In 2022, her outfit referenced 'Hellin the Poltergeist' from the Harbingers boardgames, while in 2023, she actually attended while possessing a doll wearing the same outfit. These were chosen as a deliberate reference to her similar name and poltergeist status (see facts).
  • She was also part of the 2022 and 2023 Christmas Carol events, playing the role of the Ghost of Christmas Past both times. The second time, she was drawn in chibi form. She was chosen for this role since this spirit is often depicted as a young girl in media. However another reason was simply because Madelief and Kosshi fit the roles of Present and Future better.
  • As a replacement for our Christmas Carol event, Helin was featured in a casual family setting for our 2023 Christmas artwork. Here she was portrayed in her casual outfit, gleefully holding a wrapped present while Kosshi stood in the background.
  • Another event that Helin was part of was Mermay 2022. Here she was portrayed as a chibi mermaid, featuring a swimsuit version of her formal outfit. Additionally, she wore a shell on her head instead of her usual beret.
  • Helin appeared in the 2024 Easter artwork alongside her 'little sister' Sanne. The two were portrayed hunting eggs together, with Sanne being the better seeker (cheater!). Both girls came dressed in seasonal attire, but designed around their usual colors. Helin's outfit was heavily inspired by Bo Peep, mixed with details taken from her formal clothing.


  • Helin was supposed to be dressed up as fictional characters to act as our take on fanart, which we rarely do. However, his project is put on hold and currently only features a drawing of Helin as a Little Sister from the BioShock games.
  • In our current commission sheet, Helin represents the basic options. Kosshi is also present, representing the chibi option and is therefore ironically depicted as much shorter than her. She is shown mischievously taking her dad's hat away from him, much to his annoyance.

Persona disclaimer

  • As stated before, this profile has been written by Hélène herself, but told from a third person perspective. As a matter of fact, she has written all of the profiles and descriptions, albeit with the help of Kosshi and Madelief, who both have a stronger grasp of the English language.


  • 'Hélène' is the French form of the Greek name 'Helen', which translates to 'shining light'. By extension, all versions of this name (including, of course, 'Helin') have the same origin. Another example is 'Helena', a Siren girl from the Symphony series.
  • There is some confusion on how to pronounce the name 'Helin'. However, within the family unit, it is pronounced as 'hell-inn'.
  • She almost exclusively calls herself Helin instead of Hélène. This name was an accidental nickname given to her by Kosshi. It has been confirmed that he unknowingly made a connection based on childhood memories playing the Harbingers series of boardgames, which featured a character known as 'Hellin the Poltergeist'. While the character does not resemble Hélène in any other way, the similar name and shared poltergeist status have resulted in various inside jokes (for example, her Halloween outfits).
  • Helin's recorded last name of 'Le Petit Gâteau' translates to 'the little cake' from French. As stated before, this is based on a nickname given to her by Madelief. Her real surname is not recorded online to protect her privacy.


  • As mentioned before, Helin's favorite pastime is making up stories and she has a great talent for putting it all to paper.
  • As a poltergeist, Helin has inherited some powers of the eldritch D'ethulfo. She can levitate, has some control over telekinesis and is able to possess inanimate objects. The latter ability is used when she can not take physical form, using the body of a doll instead so she can still perform tasks.
  • Helin will one day take Kosshi's role as the eldritch jailor, albeit hopefully in a world without D'ethulfo. Unlike previous jailors, she has a lot of time to hone her skills before she will take this role. Because of this, she has the potential to be the most powerful mortal jailor yet.


  • Instead of celebrating her birthday, Helin celebrates the day she died (Deathday) on October the 13th. 13 is known as the most unlucky number, while October is the month of Halloween. The date featured online (April 9th) is actually Kosshi's birthday, being the owner of their online profiles.
  • Helin telling Umeko to jump out of the window in 'Kami's Assistant: Reblessed' was put in place after some playtesters were confused on where to go. However, it also ties into the story and sets up Helin's future sidequest.
  • Despite part of a dynamic, Helin is often the face of the 'Helin & Kosshi' brand. She was featured solo in the current profile icon and the 'updates' artwork. The current icon depicts both Helin and Kosshi, but the former is still featured more prominently.
  • The cookie patch on Helin's hat also equals as the symbol of the Interstellar Embassy itself. This refers back to all members having nicknames related to confectionery. However, the design also has a vague resemblance to a collection of planets in space.
  • Being undead, Helin does not age like a normal human. However, after taking up the role as the jailor's successor, she started aging again, albeit extremely slowly. An adult Helin is hinted to travel from the future in an upcoming book, although this is still being written.

As a member of the Interstellar Embassy, Helin is part of the series with the same name. Most of the stories are told from her perspective, with Helin often being new to the various situations the embassy encounters, just like how the reader is.


Foster father / mentor

Kosshi originally accepted Helin as his successor for the position of D'ethulfo Jailor, but he would eventually adopt her has as his daughter. In daily life, they operate on the same social media profile to share their art and writing.


Foster mother / supervisor

Madelief is much more protective towards Helin, often fearing for her safety. However, Helin has an easy time talking with Madelief, and they can become incredibly girly together. She is a very friendly, understanding, yet slightly ditzy parental figure.


Arificial sister

Helin was initially jealous of Sanne's relationship with Kosshi, but learned to love her artificial 'sister'. She is nevertheless extremely competitive with Sanne, though the latter does not seem to care much.


Eldritch enemy

This ancient eldritch deity is indirectly responsible for Helin's undead state. For a while, it was Helin's master under Kosshi guidance, but they were able to destroy it. However, it's essence has survived through multiple souls and it instinctively aims to be reborn...

html by Euna


*Some of the tabs are bugged and do not open on the first try. This is strangely fixed by first clicking on a few others, after which they become active.


**The 'Connections' tab has its own bug where it only opens once, but refuses to do so again when another is opened afterwards. This is simply fixed by refreshing the webpage.