


1 year, 6 months ago


Undisciplined monk, untrained fighter, and unpaid janitor.

    An orphan abandoned at a martial arts monastery, Chaksha never became interested in fighting, ending up as a caretaker of the place. Heavily disconnected from the local monks and their training, he never felt at home, always longing for any release from the monotonous routine.
   One day, while walking in the city to buy produce, he suddenly became interested in martial arts after witnessing them as a theatrical performance, instead of simple, boring training of body and spirit; although, they still pretended not to be interested in order to avoid the harsh training, preferring to continue cleaning.
   Chaksha started to copy advanced moves and learn it in an extremely irregular manner; and, after enough years of "practice" (mimicking movies seen onstage), he developed an extremely sloppy and undisciplined style, although unpredictable and quite versatile. As all martial arts knowledge they gathered was from watching stage plays, his view of fighting is quite childish and limited, founded purely on the basis of how "cool" it may look.
   They don't seem to take much seriously at all, often playing pranks and fooling around with their opponents, but it is mostly a desperate tactic in order to get the upper hand on others.

   Physically, he used to portray a striking resemblance to Mallory when younger, and this is no coincidence. Chaksha, despite being the near polar opposite of them in attitude and mannerisms, (with a slouchy posture, youthful body, and lazier conduct, while Mallory is quite strict, mature, and tense), was originally meant to be the vessel for Mallory's reincarnation. However, as their soul was never reaped and brought into the life and death cycle, another soul was brought to fill in their place.
   Due to this, Chaksha feels quite mismatched with their body, confused and with mixed feelings towards it, although both souls share some similar, deeply ingrained emotions, such as those of uncertainty and not belonging. Chaksha enjoys experimentation most, despite all the confusion that may come with it, while Mallory is quite restricted and discrete, apparently fearful of other's judgements, but mostly afraid of their own.
