


1 year, 5 months ago



awh what a cute little lady!

Nicknames Ana, Tausia
Gender Demigirl (she/they)
Orientation Lesbian
Age ~5000
Birthday February 13th
Species Yumenari
Type Delusion
Type of Dreams hearing whispers and laughter, distorted reflections
Masterlist O-580
Designer killercleric
  • [C] Cloudy Miasma
  • [C] Three Tails
  • [C] Partial Veil
  • [UC] Eye Aura
  • [A] Encroaching Flames
Items Used
  • Item Name (dd/mm/yy)
  • Item Name (dd/mm/yy)

Anatasia is a friendly and uplifting Delusion, at least to other Delusions she is. If one is unlucky enough to earn her ire though, she becomes a cruel gossip who will use her positive reputation to spread outrageous lies to have her target ostracized. To normal Yumenari, Anastasia is infantilizing and mocking. They do take a liking to some though, and will view them as their pets.

Anastasia enjoys tormenting humans as Delusions do. She makes them hear whispers and laughter that is directed at the human. They will also make a human's reflection distort to accentuate that human's insecurities.

  • Punk music
  • Spicy food
  • Alt fashion
  • Dates
  • Men
  • Children
  • High heels
  • Tight clothing
Trait one Trait two Trait three Trait four Trait five Trait six

Write an extended version of your character's information here! Could include personality, history, more stuff into what they do, ect. This section scrolls as well, so feel free to go all out in writing!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ullamcorper mollis dignissim. Maecenas in lacus ultrices, pharetra nulla non, porttitor risus. Morbi volutpat nisi tortor, quis auctor leo eleifend id. Vivamus vulputate lacus quam, eget elementum mauris iaculis ut. Vestibulum mi elit, tempus sed ante a, eleifend pellentesque dui.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras vehicula gravida malesuada. Nam vitae sem sem. Morbi sagittis laoreet metus, a malesuada mauris porta sed.

Vivamus rhoncus ullamcorper odio sed fringilla. Sed volutpat, enim ut efficitur pulvinar, elit nunc consequat elit, vitae tincidunt justo dui id purus. Sed posuere massa a efficitur luctus.

Duis massa purus, semper ac quam id, vulputate tincidunt nibh. Nullam varius nisi non mauris aliquam, eu luctus eros dictum. Pellentesque sed cursus nunc. Sed sed hendrerit tortor, sit amet semper purus. Cras massa neque, condimentum vel dictum eget, aliquet quis felis. Cras eleifend tellus quis diam semper sagittis.

  • Trivia point one! You can write anything that might be cool about the character!
  • You can add as much as you like, but keep it short if possible!
  • This section also scrolls so don't worry about it!

Design Notes
  • Add any design notes/apperance notes you may have for the character here!
  • Much like the above, you can add as much as possible and this section scrolls, but try not to go overboard!

Character Name // relationship

Write the relationship of these two characters! The default text alignment is "justify" but if you don't like that, you can always change it to "text-align:right" in the code. You can also have new paragraphs!

While this part doesn't scroll, you have more than enough space to write as much as you'd like! That said, I don't reccomend writing a lot or else it might look funky.


Character Name // relationship

Write the relationship of these two characters! The default text alignment is "justify" but if you don't like that, you can always change it to "text-align:right" in the code. You can also have new paragraphs!

While this part doesn't scroll, you have more than enough space to write as much as you'd like! That said, I don't reccomend writing a lot or else it might look a bit weird.


Character Name // relationship

Write the relationship of these two characters! The default text alignment is "justify" but if you don't like that, you can always change it to "text-align:right" in the code. You can also have new paragraphs!

While this part doesn't scroll, you have more than enough space to write as much as you'd like! That said, I don't reccomend writing a lot or else it might look a bit weird.