Scout Lakeland



6 years, 1 month ago


Scout lakeland

Long car rides
Video games
Writing raps
His boyfriend
"why can't you just be our daughter again?"
"you're never welcomed back home"
"stop cutting your hair so short it's ugly"

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Age: Eighteen

Pronouns: he/him

Brief biography: Scout grew up hopping from military to military base with his parents, he was raised in a strict household by typical American parents. They wanted the perfect child that was good at sports and school, her mother forced him to always have long hair that she always put product in to attempt to make it straight, along with dresses and nice clothes. Scout hated it, when he was sixteen he finally came out to his parents and told them that he was transgender. His mother was beyond upset, she tried to kick him out of the house hold; but his dad would have nothing to do with it. His dad was supportive and even started to call him Scout, (his mother still calls him Savannah). After leaving home, Scout moved in with his aunt and cousin Tulip.

Key personality traits: courageous, carefree, cheerful, rebellious, fearless

Bedroom: here.





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