Dwam (Speerites)



1 year, 6 months ago


Speerites are born from Dreamstones, which are crystalized dreams. Because all dreams are different, no two speerites look alike. They are all completely different from each other although they share some features in common.

Speerites are strange, genderless creatures that have bony masks that cover their faces. These masks take a variety of shapes and can have many different kinds of markings and growths. These masks only cover the front part of their heads. Their eyes are solidly coloured. They are all bipedal. Their bodies often have some manner of texture or gradient to them. Not all of them have visible digits, but most of them do.

They don’t wear clothing as it makes them uncomfortable, but they do love to accessorize. They often wear things like belts, cloaks, and pieces of jewellery.

Locked traits

While they don't have traits, exactly, there are some things that are only available to Admins to use outside of certain MYO events.

- crystal growths

- multiple accessories

- heterochromia

- galaxy eyes

- two differently coloured eyes

- a different number of eyes

Biology and Breeding

Speerites are genderless. They refer to themselves by gender pronouns, though this is a relatively new trend and began once the virispree came into existence. They don’t truly understand what gender means and so individuals will switch how they perceive themselves from time to time, depending on how they feel. Among themselves, there is no concept for gender and no word for it in their language.

Because they have no genders, they can’t physically reproduce. New speerites come into existence when dreamstones are formed. New speerites are traditionally cared for by the community, but sometimes a speerite will take a new one into their home and raise them. There’s no stigma against doing so although it’s considered strange. It’s only moderately less strange for a pair of speerites who have decided they’re a couple to raise a young one together.

Life Cycle

All speerites begin their life as dreamstone. Once a dreamstone forms, it takes 12 months before it cracks open.

They have no known age limit. When they die, it’s usually from accidents or illness. A large number of the original speerite population is still alive.

Baby (0-12 years old) - A new speerite has the general body shape that it will keep for the rest of its life, but otherwise lacks the rest of the species’s distinguishing features. It has a basic mask, but this one is soft and easily damaged. It’s always a simple shape.

Toddler (12-25 years old) - Their first mask sheds off to be replaced with a tougher version. This mask sets the basic shape that they’ll retain for their lifetime. Additional changes will come later in life, but the basic shape will always remain.

Child (25-40 years old) - Additional body characteristics are beginning to show, such as hooves, tails, claws, and fur tufts.

Sub-adult(40-60 years old) - Their body is beginning to show signs of their skin pattern or gradient. Body characteristics are fully grown.

Adult (60+ years old) - A speerite reaches adulthood when their second mask sheds and their third and final mask grows in, complete with protuberances.

Elder  - There’s no set age for when they reach this benchmark. Some may not reach it until shortly before their 600th birthday. An elder is designated by additional mask growths beyond what appeared when they entered adulthood.

Ancient (600+ years old) - Among their ranks are the First Ones, the original speerites, who are revered by all who came after. Any who survive to reach this stage are seen as blessed by Amur, god of dreams.

Dietary Needs

Speerites have the ability to manipulate the dreams of others, particularly humans. They feed off the energy they gain from cleansing mortal dreams. It’s their job to keep dreams from running wild and prevent bad dreams from hurting mortals. This energy is crucial to their survival. Their alternate food source is the light from Dwam’s solitary moon. For the three nights of the cycle when it goes dark they require something else to sustain them. It’s during that time when the dream energy becomes particularly important and speerites are even more vigilant about dream cleansing.

Type of Government

Speerites tend to be loners by nature and don’t really have a codified government. It’s generally agreed upon that the elders of the species are to be listened to. Within their settlements they’ll follow the advice of the elders, but may not listen to an elder visiting from a different settlement.

When visiting a different settlement, it’s expected that they follow the way things are done there, which includes doing things the elders there tell them. This is distasteful to many speerites and as such is the reason why many of them don’t travel to other speerite settlements.