Elijah Altergott



6 years, 1 month ago



Age 28 years old
Gender Non-binary [AMAB] | he/him - they/them
Height 180cm | 6'0"
Species Vampire (+ very distant Wolpertinger descent)
SeXUALITYPansexual Panromantic
JOB Winery owner

PERSONALITY · The wannabe-cool fuckboy

+ Friendly + Outgoing + Laid-back looking + Caring
- Entitled - Fake - Cowardy
~ Flirty ~ Insecure ~ Clingy ~ Sweet-talker

Elijah is not quite the usual stereotype of the vampire you would expect: While the sweet-talking, flirty, seemingly laid-back persona works nicely, he remains a fuckboy with serious unchecked entitlement issues.

While he does (somehow) have some success with his pretty face, charming smile, and an ungodly amount of money on hand, the young man is insecure and fake. He lies on the daily basis, trying to fit into people's expectations and what he wants to be perceived as.
When he finds someone with whom he feels comfortable, he will be massively clingy and affectionate. Can't afford to lose someone who wants to stick around, right?

If anything, it however did get much better with his coming-out. Not constantly doing exceptional efforts to be as "manly" as possible is not only relaxing and resting for him, but it also made him much more respectful of people's boundaries.

He does still have a facade of fake-confidence and annoying intrusiveness. But in general, he's a pretty chill and very caring. He's also starting to show a much gentler side of him, and he's doing great with children and younger people in general.


Reassurance and validation, hot steamy baths, nice clothes, roses, fancy aesthetics, expensive wine, bar atmospheres, party nights, hanging in blood bars, shitty romance novels, blood, hot ladies with beautiful makeup and hot guys that could bench press him with no sweat, hot guys with beautiful makeup and hot ladies that could bench press him with no sweat, animals (mostly fluffy ones), friendly tease, sensual blood meals


People being careless when they touch his ears or tail, overthinking everything, Anxiety™, bright or very luminous places, losing even the slightest of composure in public, not having his phone on hand, the smell of very high protection sunscreen (even though you get used to it)

he's rich and he got gender issues (the latter being fixed with non-binary CO and cool friends)


  • He's of Wolpertinger far-off descent, which is the reason why he has rabbit ears and tail. He also has vestigial wings skeletal structure in his back, but they're only visible on radiographs.
  • He likes the smell of wine, even though he can't really drink it.
  • He asks his friends to like and comment on his latest Instagram pictures.
  • He doesn't mind when people pet his ears (they're super soft), but only if they're careful and do it gently.
  • Strange fascination with horses. Not intense fascination, but above-average fondness for horses.
  • He's pretty good with little kids, they usually like him almost right away.
  • He loves playing with people's hair or hands.
  • He LOVES loves loves ASMR, mostly personal attention triggers. He will get ASMR if people trace his face or draw on his skin.
  • He's above-average powered, even for a vampire: While it's very common for his kind to develop a specific unique ability, developing 2 of these with no correlation whatsoever is incredibly rare.
  • Horny on main.
  • In the matter of flirt and seductive games, he's 50% successful and 50% getting slapped very quickly.
  • He works-out, and he's very hunk-ish.

  • TBA

Powers & abilities

· ENHANCED SPEED & STRENGTH, NIGHT VISION Elijah is much faster, and much stronger than an average human being, or than an average creature even. He also has a natural night vision and can see about perfectly in the dark. Much better than in bright light, in fact.

· VENOM Elijah's bite is highly venomous. The venom doesn't soothe the pain itself, but the way it's being felt. It also distorts the victim's perception of reality. It has strong aphrodisiac properties and induces a powerful feeling of ecstasy.


· SLEEP INDUCEMENT Elijah can drag anyone into a deep sleep, usually relying on hand movements or speech to put someone under his hold. While he usually goes for full sleep, he can also put someone into any kind of sleepy trance-like state in general.

· BODY ART MANIPULATION (EGOISTICAL) Elijah can control his (and only his) bramble tattoo, making it move on his skin or manifest physically in his hands. It would apply to any other body-art he'd get, but this is his only tattoo so far, and he doesn't plan on getting any other for now.



"Lulu is quite a fun gal' ! She's great company. She's 10 whole-ass years younger than me, but she definitely brought me a lot. I'm also convinced she could square me up no problem in a bare-hands fight OR a battle royale kinda argument."

Elijah met the young girl a few years after she moved in with her adoptive father, Micolau. Being 16 is really not easy, mostly when you're a vampire who never grew up around your kin. She was very defensive when they met up at a blood bar, with a sharp tongue and cold eyes. And they did not get along at first. However, there was a spark of understanding between them, perhaps because they could both see very easily through the other's facade.

Elijah lowkey took her under his wing, and "taught" her the basics of 101 vampiring: Blood bar, tips for feeding directly on a host rather than from blood pouches, venom... In return, she never minced her words and actually brought him a lot, and pushed him to question himself more.


"He's super chill. Mico is a very kind man with a bright smile, and he always checks on you and on how's it going in your life before you leave when you drop by for a minute."

Micolau is great, to be honest. They don't know each other that much, but Lulu speaks very highly of her dad, and he always lives up to the expectation. He's very kind, and he always spends a moment thanking Elijah whenever the vampire goes back home along Lupe to make sure she doesn't have to walk alone. He always offers a drink or something when you drop by too. Very generous and very caring.

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