Micolau Pastouret



4 years, 16 days ago


"Segons totes les lleis de l'aviació conegudes, no hi ha manera que una abella pugui volar..."

NAMEMicolau PASTOURETSPECIEBeast of Gévaudan
GENDERMale [AMAB]HEIGHT188cm | 6'2"
PRONOUNShe/him - they/themOCCUPATIONUniversity lecturer & researcher in western romance languages
AGE41 years oldVOICE...


+ Dedicated
+ Kind

+ Generous, charitable
+ Open-minded
+ Caring, helpful
- Wary, suspicious
- Pessimistic
- Passive
- Jealous, bitter
~ Skeptical
~ Secretive
~ Circumspect, planner
~ Sociable

Micolau is a bit of a "Mr. Everyone" person. His personality doesn't usually stand out that much. No matter how kind and friendly he is, he remains very secretive, very passive. He's a rather discreet man.

He's not stuck up though, and when he can be quite captivating and laid-back whenever he speaks up. He's usually well-appreciated by his students: He knows how to handle a class, but he's always quite approachable. A few jokes, a few short stories to illustrate his speech... He makes everyone participate and knows most of his students to some extent. He's the cool teacher, not only because of his charming way of presenting his classes, but also because of his open-mindedness and generosity. 

Indeed, he's usually a guy you can easily confide to. He's very attentive and caring, and tries to help whenever he can. However, he will probably not confide anything in return. He tends to be extremely wary, and doesn't give his trust out easily. His pessimism doesn't make it better, and he usually assumes people might wrong him at any given moment if he gets too close too quickly.

Micolau tends to be jealous easily. He didn't have the easiest life, and he feels like he's been through many unfair events. He doesn't really act up, he doesn't try to ruin it for others... But when he sees other people's success, and even when he tries to remember they have their own struggle as well, he tends to feel some unease. He sometimes sounds a bit bitter. A bitterness wrapped in sadness. Nothing extreme and non-handleable, but it certainly is annoying and uncomfortable.

The beast-man is however very sociable and very friendly. Even though he definitely needs his time and space every so often, he loves interacting with his family, friends, colleagues and students.

He's a careful planner, always thinks twice.... maybe 5 times before he organizes anything of some importance. He doesn't like improvising that much, and feels much more comfortable with a nice routine or a decent planning/schedule.


The countryside, its open space and little towns
Linguistics and languages
His job and his work environment
Teaching <3
Occitan culture
Food !!
Beework, taking care of hives, harvesting honey, wax and propolis... And bees, obv' !! 
Other animals too
Hiking, going on long long walks in natural spaces
Practicing handwriting (gotta make it pretty)
Meeting new people, learning about them and their stories
Huge cities and capitals. That can be so stressful.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur, suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra, metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod. Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus, vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur luctus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci  quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur,  suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus  orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem  odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac  cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam  viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra,  metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non  bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod.  Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum  dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus,  vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur  luctus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci  quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur,  suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus  orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem  odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac  cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam  viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra,  metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non  bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod.  Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum  dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus,  vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur  luctus.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur, suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra, metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod. Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus, vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur luctus.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae orci  quam. Suspendisse interdum hendrerit lacinia. Sed vel sem consectetur,  suscipit nunc a, accumsan arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus  orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent varius lorem  odio, vel mattis ex consectetur a. Vestibulum consequat fringilla mi, ac  cursus lacus sollicitudin non. Sed interdum lectus sit amet aliquam  viverra. Morbi mattis semper ipsum nec tincidunt. Suspendisse pharetra,  metus sit amet volutpat sagittis, augue massa faucibus metus, non  bibendum nibh lectus eget turpis. Donec laoreet porttitor euismod.  Integer faucibus eros ex, ut posuere leo elementum eleifend. Lorem ipsum  dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vel tempus lectus,  vel sagittis velit. Integer ullamcorper nunc eget turpis consectetur  luctus.
  • ...

Lupe - Daughter

"I'm so proud of her. I know I'm biased, but I've never seen such a resourceful, strong-minded young adult in my life."

Lulu is the apple of Mico's eyes. He's never been so proud of someone, so eager to watch them grow and follow them through. Both Lulu and him are very busy and have weird time-shifts: they don't see each other daily. For this reason, they strongly ritualized their together-at-home Sunday afternoon.

Elijah - Lulu's BFF

"Your first reflex as a parent when your then 17 years-old daughter tells you her best buddy is a then 25 years-old dude she met at a random bar, and who happens to own a wine-growing region and the manor that goes with it, your first reflex in that situation is to lowkey panic and ask yourself where you went wrong. However, Elijah is actually a pretty good guy."

Far from perfect for the least, but Micolau is pretty trustful of the young man. He knows Elijah helped Lulu feel more confident and comfortable in blood bars, and gave her cool vampire tips in general. As far as he knows, the bunny boy is very attentive and takes very good care of Lulu.

Karaci - Friend (with benefits... maybe more)

"Intoxicately charming, but in a way that gets more intense without becoming an obsession. He has a strong and very comforting aura, in a way. I wouldn't have thought an all mighty, monster-hunting wolf would bring me so much peace, and yet! (Also a good lay, which is a pleasant bonus.)"

They got along pretty smoothly, one meeting after the others. Micolau struggled a lot with himself and his self-worth: meeting such a caring, understanding man brought him a lot on that point. Because they can relate (even though in different ways), because Karaci has a reassuring steadiness in the way he goes in life. Because they're "equally monstrous" and brought each other nothing but peace.

Nothing's official yet, and it's unsure whether someone noticed or not. In any case, the heart flutters in the lazy mornings are getting real big.

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