


1 year, 6 months ago




 Tashon is a Calize/Zeen hybrid. Tashon is the son of Dashon and Sashira. Tashon is the oldest of the litter.

Tashon is Male


  • -Learning new skills ☁️

  • -Exploring with Dashira 🛤

    -Protecting his loved ones


  • -Cowards 😰
  • -Confined spaces 🕋
ZeenCalize Hybrid


  Tashon is the oldest out of the litter. As oldest of the litter, Tashon makes himself responsible for his siblings and often takes the role as the leader of the group.


  • -Brave
  • -Leader
  • -Noble
  • -Strong 
  • -Protective  


  • -Sometimes a bit to protective of his family


  • -Exploring with Dashira

  • -Hunting

  • -Wrestling his siblings 


  •  Hair Color 

    Their Hair Color 

  •  Eye Color 

    Their Eye Color 

  •  Skin Color 

    Their Skin Color 

  •  Height 

    Their Height 

  •  Clothing Style 

    Their Clothing Style 

  •  Skinny 


  •  Curvy 


  •  Frail 


  •  Groomed 


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." 

Nunc vel urna non libero feugiat volutpat. Donec vel lacus arcu. Sed ut euismod magna. Vestibulum iaculis est sapien, eget scelerisque neque pretium et. Maecenas vulputate vitae nisl ac sollicitudin. Sed suscipit fermentum dolor nec maximus. Integer turpis nunc, sagittis quis sem at, volutpat tempus augue. Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui.

Pellentesque semper mi tellus, a scelerisque mi blandit luctus. Nullam egestas sem urna, ac volutpat neque pharetra sit amet. Aenean a metus at sem ultrices sollicitudin et id magna. Morbi congue magna vel nisl semper viverra. Morbi et feugiat nisi. Cras cursus tellus vel tincidunt sodales

Design Notes

  • Etiam ac neque et enim interdum dapibus at nec orci.
  • Nam eleifend tellus augue, id gravida ipsum blandit vel.
  • Aliquam maximus molestie diam, at bibendum eros ullamcorper a.
  • Fusce at sollicitudin nunc, ac auctor ligula.
  • Pellentesque bibendum posuere ipsum, et pellentesque ipsum eleifend eget.
Click for Reference



Tashon was born in the forest as one of Dashon and Sashiras pups. Tashon was the first pup to be born and takes it upon himself to guide and lead his siblings. Tashon is very protective of his family and will put himself in harms way for their safety. 

Present Day

One day, Dashira and Tashon wandered off past the borders of the forest where Dashon and Sashira told them not to go. They soon found themselves lost which caused the other siblings to venture after them after they had realized they weren’t home on time. Dashon and Sashira had no idea where their kiddos went. When the other siblings caught up with Tashon and Dashira they were all more lost then ever. All the Siblings went on a wild adventure trying to make their way home. Soon, Zikorio was accidentally split from the group and later captured to be tested on by one of Demas laboratories after realizing he was the offspring of two runaway hybrids. This caused the remaining siblings to change their plans on going home to instead rescue their brother. A Wild adventure happens and the siblings are reunited, after meeting some friends along the way, everybody soon makes it home and they all live happily again… wiiiith the exception of maaaaybe another adventure in the future *wink*  


After his adventure, Tashon would continue to protect his family and his loved ones. Going on such a wild ride peaked his curiosity and he would often go missing for awhile as he visited new villages and places. He would often take a sibling  or two on each of his trips.