


3 years, 2 months ago




Dashon Is a Zeen hybrid created in one of Demas labs who had escaped. Dashon is known for his loving and caring heart.

Dashon is Male


  • -Sashira đŸ”„
  • -Providing for his family ☝
    -Being helpful 👍
  • -Hunting for fish 🐠 
  • -Walks with Sashira đŸ€Œ
  • -His kids ❀


  • -The Cold đŸ„¶
  • -Strange noises 🔊
  • -The dark 🌌
  • -Being confined 🕋

Zeen Hybrid 


  Dashon is a trustworthy friend, a good soul, and a loving father.  Dashon loves Sashira with all of his heart. Dashon Will do anything for his family and will risk everything to keep them safe! Dashon has a fear of abandonment and being in tight spaces. 


  • -Patient 
  • -Kind
  • -Easygoing 
  • -Forgiving 


  • -High energy at times
  • -Sometimes to much of a pushover 


  • -Hunting with his kids
  • -Long walks
  • -Telling stories


  •  Hair Color  Their Hair Color 

  •  Eye Color  Their Eye Color 

  •  Skin Color  Their Skin Color 

  •  Height  Their Height 

  •  Clothing Style  Their Clothing Style 

  •  Skinny   Large 

  •  Curvy   Flat 

  •  Frail   Muscular 

  •  Groomed   Messy 

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit." 

Nunc vel urna non libero feugiat volutpat. Donec vel lacus arcu. Sed ut euismod magna. Vestibulum iaculis est sapien, eget scelerisque neque pretium et. Maecenas vulputate vitae nisl ac sollicitudin. Sed suscipit fermentum dolor nec maximus. Integer turpis nunc, sagittis quis sem at, volutpat tempus augue. Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui.

Pellentesque semper mi tellus, a scelerisque mi blandit luctus. Nullam egestas sem urna, ac volutpat neque pharetra sit amet. Aenean a metus at sem ultrices sollicitudin et id magna. Morbi congue magna vel nisl semper viverra. Morbi et feugiat nisi. Cras cursus tellus vel tincidunt sodales

Design Notes

  • Etiam ac neque et enim interdum dapibus at nec orci.
  • Nam eleifend tellus augue, id gravida ipsum blandit vel.
  • Aliquam maximus molestie diam, at bibendum eros ullamcorper a.
  • Fusce at sollicitudin nunc, ac auctor ligula.
  • Pellentesque bibendum posuere ipsum, et pellentesque ipsum eleifend eget.
Click for Reference


Dashon was born and raised in one of Demas labs. Dashon, wasn’t tortured or maimed like most of the other victims of Dema. Instead he was completely abandon and forgotten in a tight cage to rot and eventually die. Dashon was alone all of his life, but then a new cage was dragged into the room. It was then He first lay eyes on Sashira and instantly fell in love as she was in the other cage.  He planned to break them both out. Thankfully Dashon was smart and figured out an escape plan. Sashira was hesitant but eventually they both successfully escaped. The two had lived in the forest together as Dashon protected Sashira from every moving thing as they weren’t familiar with the outside world. They both eventually learned to hunt and survive together. Dashon was still very much in love with Sashira but she wasn’t very interested at the time   

 After Escape

One day as fall began to start Sashira Met a wild Calize  in the woods. Dashon thinking he was a threat instantly attacked the Calize in defense of Sashira. The Calize demanded he was friendly and Dashon stopped attacking although he remained skeptical. Sashira fell head over heels for this Calize. Eventually they would take walks all the time and enjoy howling at the moon together as Dashon watched jealous and heartbroken. Eventually Sashira began to shun Dashon and leave him out of almost everything. One day the Calize  invited Sashira to meet his pack in which she happily agreed. Dashon, unaware of where she was, became alarmed about her absence and tracked her to the pack. He was so worried about her when he found her. Sashira Was unamused. The  The pack saw how unamused she was and attacked Dashon, knocking him unconscious and dragging him to a cliff side. Sashira demanded they stop at once but the Calize told her that he would be fine..  Eventually word went lose that there was a high bounty for a missing hybrid Calize  and Zeen. The pack, knowing it was the two of them decided to kidnap Sashira and take her to dema for the bounty, as money was low at the time. The pack attacked Sashira and dragged her off to be taken back to the lab. The Calize that befriended  Sashira didn’t condone the action but did nothing and simply walked away. Dashon felt defeated by all that had happened but he went back to the pack to say his final goodbyes to Sashira. Dashon decided he  would go travel on from that forest and move somewhere else. When he got there, the scent of blood was arousing the air. He knew instantly something bad had happened and set off to find his beloved. He tracked them for miles to days.. When he finally reached her, Dashon aggressively attacked the pack and they went running with their tails between their legs. Sashira begged for Dashons forgiveness and swore she would do anything he asked. He kindly forgave her and comforted her. Sashira learned from her mistake and never left Dashons side. Over time the two grew to truly fall in love with eachother and they both became inseparable.


Over time Dashon and Sashira decided to fully settle down and have some pups together. Together the two had 5 pups! They had Tashon, Zuria, Zikorio, Saria, and Dashira. They all lived happily in the forests together as a big happy family!Â