


1 year, 6 months ago


Name: Jade

Series: Spritetasia

Age: 17

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Devil Sprite

Favorite Food: Black coffee

Element: Dark

Powers: Illusion powers, dark magic, flight, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Out of my way."

Likes: Card games, money, power, dark magic, night time, jewelry, and poetry.

Dislikes: Comedy, disorder, people thwarting her plans, bright lights, and Navi.

Personality: In her youth, Jade was a reserved, but kind child. At some point, her obtaining the throne led to her becoming twisted and power hungry. She shows little remorse for her actions during her conquest for world domination, and is even willing to dispose of her sister if she gets in her way. She rarely shows any emotion other than anger, and is usually rather stoic.

Home: Spritetasia (known as Lectron to the rest of the galaxy)

History: Jade was born on Spritetasia in the Devil Sprite Kingdom as its oldest princess. She has an older brother and a younger sister, Devilica. For part of her life, Jade had no intention of having the throne, but after her brother left the kingdom she quickly took to the role of its crown princess. However, eventually this was not enough for Jade, and she begun to plan to take over the rest of the planet by force if she had to.

At the start of the story, Jade begins her quest for world domination, first by taking over the homes of the Nature Sprites and begins sending her minions all over the planet in order to conquer it. She quickly finds herself opposed by the other kingdoms and by a strange wingless Sprite named Navi. At first, Jade sends her younger sister Devilica to deal with Navi, but after her sister fails too many times she exiles her.

Current-Bio: Jade is currently trying to take over Spritetasia, much to the dismay of the rest of the planet. While she finds herself opposed by many, she considers few of them to be threats.

Meta-History: Jade was created in 2011 and was the first character for Spritetasia that I posted to Deviantart (the rest wouldn't make it until 2013). She was created to be the main villain of the story, and is meant to be the sole main villain in contrast to Animals having three main villains. I named her Jade, but very little about her design is green (her eyes having some green in them in new as of this bio). This is yet another example of how younger me did not understand that jade is a shade of green. She's the third character named Jade that I own, and was created in between Jade the Chaos Puff and Jade the Eevee, and she's the only Jade to be a villain for her entire story. You can never have too many Jades.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Navi: At first, Jade considered Navi to be nothing more than a pest. However, as he gains more allies and stops more of her plans, Jade begins to view him as a threat to her quest for power.

Cheri: Jade only knows Cheri as "Navi's annoying companion" and thinks little of her.

Devilica: Jade and her sister were originally close, but Jade's desire for power has led her to become distant and cold towards her sister. She shows little remorse in exiling Devilica after she fails too many times.

Professor Z: Jade initially blackmails Professor Z into him helping her take over the world with his inventions. However, he is saved by Navi, much to her dismay.

Sugarplum: Jade threatens to harm Sugarplum if Professor Z doesn't cooperate with her.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.