Ancalis Orin (World of Reos AU)



6 years, 6 months ago


Much too old
Cis Male
Eluthian / Blightbeast
Shapechanger / Siphon

Harbinger of the Arcane Blight


In the realm of Reos, Ancalis was celebrated as a luminary among sorcerers, his mastery of magic unparalleled and his potential seemingly boundless. Born into a lineage of revered mages, his destiny appeared etched in the stars from the moment he first uttered a spell. With each passing day, his thirst for knowledge grew, driving him to seek out the secrets of the arcane.

But as Ancalis delved deeper into forbidden realms of magic, his judgment became clouded by ambition. In his relentless pursuit of power, he dared to trespass upon the realm of Exahn, the clandestine god of knowledge, and steal the very essence of his divine magic.

At first, the stolen power seemed like a boon, granting Ancalis unparalleled strength and insight. His shapeshifting abilities flourished, becoming so potent that they were effortless to wield. With each stolen spell, he felt his power surge, his form shifting and twisting with newfound strength.

But unknown to Ancalis, Exahn had cursed the magic he stole, weaving a malevolent enchantment that gnawed at his very soul. The more magic Ancalis siphoned, the deeper the corruption spread, festering within him like a cancerous growth.

As the curse took hold, Ancalis found himself teetering on the brink of darkness. Desperate to maintain his newfound power, he resorted to siphoning magic from living beings, each theft further fueling the curse that consumed him from within.

But the more magic he absorbed, the harder it became for Ancalis to maintain his human appearance and his humanity. His once-noble visage warped and contorted, his form twisted by the dark energies coursing through his veins.

The land around him withered and died, tainted by the arcane blight he had unleashed. Ancalis earned himself a terrible reputation - known as the Blightbearer, a harbinger of doom and destruction. The arcane blight was a catastrophic phenomenon, spreading like a contagion across the land. It was a dark and twisted corruption of magical energies, withering the life force of all living things it touched and leaving behind a desolate wasteland where once vibrant landscapes thrived.

>Hunted down and chased from the lands of Warrenfall, Ancalis fled into the deserts of Thedale, where magic was outlawed and forbidden in the wake of the war. There, he was forced to confront the consequences of his actions and the dark curse that bound him. With nowhere else to turn, he sought solace in the barren wastes, haunted by the echoes of his past and the shadows that lurked within.

In the desolate expanse of Thedale, where the winds whispered tales of forgotten magic and lost dreams, Ancalis found himself a fugitive, haunted by the echoes of his past and the curse that bound him. Once revered as a beacon of wisdom and power, he now wandered the harsh sands as a solitary figure cloaked in darkness and despair.

As days turned into nights and the sun scorched the earth with its unrelenting heat, Ancalis' desperation grew. The curse of Exahn tightened its grip on him, twisting his mind and soul into unrecognizable shapes. Yet amidst the torment, a grim realization took hold - there would be no salvation for him.

Abandoned by those he once sought to protect and hunted by those he had wronged, Ancalis knew that his only hope lay in embracing the darkness that consumed him. With each passing day, he learned to subsist on the scraps of magic stolen from ancient artifacts, a bitter reminder of the power he had once wielded.

Gone were the dreams of redemption and the flickering ember of his humanity. In their place stood a broken man, hollow and empty, consumed by the insatiable hunger that gnawed at his soul. And as the sands of Thedale swallowed him whole, Ancalis knew that he was condemned to wander its barren wastes for all eternity, a wretched reminder of the consequences of his hubris.

Each day brought with it a new struggle for survival, as Ancalis sought to sustain himself by siphoning magic from whatever artifacts and objects he could find amidst the barren landscape. Anui-el, a loyal friend who had stood by him through thick and thin, watched with a heavy heart, trying desperately to steer him away from the path of darkness and destruction. But Ancalis's hunger for power, fueled by the curse that gnawed at his soul, knew no bounds.

Amidst the unforgiving sands, a glimmer of opportunity arose when Ancalis sensed a potent source of magic nearby. It emanated from a powerful keystone held by Riala, the daughter of a revered Scaleborne elder from the veiled city of Helion. Unbeknownst to her, Ancalis seized upon the opportunity when she was distracted, her attention momentarily diverted.

With a swift and decisive act, he wrested the artifact from its resting place, the theft executed with a stealth born of desperation. Anui-el looked on with a mixture of concern and resignation, knowing that he could not dissuade his friend from his course of action. In a flash of blinding light, Ancalis absorbed the magic contained within the keystone, his form pulsating with newfound strength and energy.

But as the echoes of his theft faded into the wind, Riala's heart sank as she realized too late what had transpired. The magic she had guarded so diligently had been stolen right from under her nose, and she could sense the faint magical signature that now clung to Ancalis like a dark shroud.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Riala understood the gravity of the situation. The artifact stolen from her was not merely a trinket or a bauble - it was an essential component of a sacred ritual, one that held the fate of her people in the balance. And now, with Ancalis's dark presence looming over her, she knew that she must act swiftly to reclaim what had been taken and prevent further calamity from befalling her homeland.


  • ⊳ Ancalis's Cautionary Tale: Ancalis's fall from grace serves as a cautionary tale among magic users, warning of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the corrupting influence of power.
  • Esoteric Consumption: Ancalis's method of siphoning the magical essence of a living being involves an intimate ritual where he inhales their very breath, drawing their magical essence into himself, effectively consuming their power.
  • Haunting Synergy: During the act of siphoning magic, Ancalis involuntarily shares bleak memories of his own past, intertwining them with fleeting glimpses of his victim's life. As he drains their magical essence, he becomes an unwilling witness to the passing of their memories and experiences, haunted by the echoes of both their lives and his own tormented history.
  • Eldritch Sight: Ancalis possesses a unique form of sight, allowing him to perceive magical energies and auras, granting unparalleled insight into mystical forces at play.
  • Arcane Knowledge: Despite his fall, Ancalis retains vast arcane knowledge, making him a formidable adversary capable of devising intricate spells and rituals effortlessly.
  • Mystical Interference: Ancalis's very existence disrupts the fabric of magic, thwarting spells and enchantments, rendering even the most potent incantations powerless.
  • Necrotic Resilience: Ancalis's curse grants him a form of undeath, resilient against time's erosion and disease afflictions, conferring a form of immortality and immunity to mortal weaknesses.
  • Corrupted Metamorphosis: Ancalis's shapeshifting abilities, empowered by the curse, have twisted his internal form, rendering his insides inky and iridescent while his exterior shifts between shapes with fluid grace.
  • Ephemeral Existence: Despite formidable powers, Ancalis's existence remains fleeting and ephemeral, bound to arcane forces, teetering between life and death.
  • Arcane Residue and Blighted Nodes: Ancalis's arcane blight leaves barren wastelands called "Blighthavens," devoid of life due to the corruption of siphoning magic; with "blighted nodes" at their core, brimming with forbidden magic.
  • Abyssal Heart: At Ancalis's core lies an abyssal heart, radiating twisted magic, serving as both the source of his power and a reminder of the darkness consuming him.
  • Cursed Arsenal: Ancalis possesses access to any magical power he has stolen, but wielding it comes at a great cost, draining him of vitality with each spell cast.

and hope is fleeting, still tethered to this grim divergence of my being