
Jed Solaris

"I get to lie, cheat, and murder... legally - and for profit."

The View From Halfway Down




Fast on his feet with an even sharper mind, Jed worked as a cipher agent for the Galactic Empire. Under the alias Cipher Nine - Jed was a prodigal secret weapon for the Empire's goals. Cipher Nine was an incredibly skilled agent. Capable of exhibiting calmness and even charming behavior, he's a highly dangerous individual. Calculating, ruthless, and often apathetic, Jed demonstrated impressive skill in combat and manipulation. His talents extended into assassination, espionage, manipulation, seduction, hand-to-hand, and ranged combat. He's prolific with a blaster and has expert marksmanship alongside the use of his trusty stealth generator.

As time passed, so did the stakes. When Imperial Intelligence disbanded, Jed found himself pursuing more independent ventures, outsourcing his work to broader horizons. After excursions of Makeb, dealing with the Revanites on Rishi and Yavin, and the disastrous misfortune that befell Ziost, Jed garnered quite a lofty reputation. Through his extraordinary acts, Jed rose through the ranks, becoming a leading figure in the war that later broke out between the two superpowers (The Empire and The Republic.)

He would eventually become known as "the Outlander" after his capture by Prince Arcann after he murdered the Sith Emperor on Zakuul - leading to his imprisonment in Carbonite for the next five years. After his friend, Lana Beniko rescued him, Jed found himself in a tricky position. His old life gone, Cipher Nine became Commander Solaris of the Galactic Alliance, a group of like-minded people from both the Republic and Empire working to form a resistance against Zakuul's Eternal Empire.


Jed is one to stick to the shadows and observe from a distance, especially given his past and his Intelligence training. He is both practical and visionary as well as a staunch realist. He is imaginative and eloquent, able to problem solve and get himself and his team out of tight situations. As a leader, he is disciplined and thorough, leaving no stone unturned. Jed is strongly independent and is opposed to authority that he doesn't respect.


  • Charismatic
  • Hardworking
  • Intelligent
  • Gallant


  • Driven
  • Investigative
  • Secretive
  • Outspoken


  • Opportunistic
  • Cunning
  • Cynical
  • Dishonorable


Reserved Outgoing

Humble Arrogant

Meek Confident

Reckless Cautious

Loud Quiet

Cruel Kind

Selfish Altruistic

Light Side Dark Side

Introverted Extroverted

Intuitive Sensing

Head Heart

Hothead Even-tempered

Jealous Laid-back

Forgiving Vengeful



Jed is generally composed and dignified. He's always been a little more relaxed than some of his fellow Imperials, but still followed protocol enough to retain the discipline that came from years of Imperial training. As Commander he still commands a certain level of respect from those who follow him, but is generally affable to those he is closest to. Jed is surprisingly affectionate with those he's closest to and will do everything in his power to keep those he loves safe. He's much more gentle and soft spoken, his cadence sweeter and voice gentler.


He can't ever stand perfectly still. A notorious victim of the side lean, it's common for him to loiter in the hallways resting against a doorway. Despite being technically at the center of most conflicts, he often forgets he doesn't have to lurk at the sidelines like an agent would. He sits with one leg lazily crossed over the other, usually relaxed. If he's stiff he's most likely nervous, it's an obvious tell.



He's quite tall and has a brisk stride, it can be pretty difficult to keep up with him if he's in a hurry. In combat he's highly agile and quick on his feet. On base, he's more idly walking around taking in the moments of peace and solace that are available to him.



In part due to how beat up his knuckles and fingers might be due to close combat situations, it's also a nervous tick of his. You can always tell Jed is uncomfortable in a conversation if he repeatably keeps fidgeting with his fingers in any fashion whether he notices he's doing it or not.


When he needs to plan, when he's about to go on a mission, or even something simple - like asking Theron out despite the fact that they're engaged, he's pacing. Usually he'll go on brisk walks to diguise his antsy nature but more often than not he's confined to tread back and forth in a small space given the circumstance.



  • Killing Time
  • Sharpshooting
  • Revenge
  • Physical Touch


  • Sucking Up
  • Unwarrented violence
  • The Sith
  • Helplessness

You can expand upon your character's likes/ dislikes here, or you can omit this section entirely. You can mention why your character likes/ dislikes those particular things and so forth. This section is meant to provide more context to the character's likes/ dislikes.

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  • Dejarik
  • Target Practice
  • Reading
  • Celestial Cartography


  • Pazaak
  • Binge watching holo-dramas
  • Gambling
  • Social Drinking

You can expand upon your character's hobbies/ pastimes here, or you can omit this section entirely. While a hobby/ pastime might be similar, there is a difference in which a hobby is an activity one actively engages in to pursue something like a goal, whereas a pastime is an activity one enjoys doing to pass the time. The difference is fairly subtle though, so you can omit either one of the two if you'd like.

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Jed, formerly Cipher Nine, now the Alliance Commander also known as The Outlander is the central figure in the fight against the Eternal Alliance as well as the ancient dark side entity Tenebrae. Once just a boy from a small unknown planet he never expected to be at the forefront of all of this, but that's the hand he was dealt, so he's going to try. It's all he can do.

March 20th, 11 BTC

Jed is born on Sacorria

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
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The Sacorria Skirmish

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
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  • Text

10 ATC

Becoming Cipher Nine

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

13 ATC

The Battle of Ilum

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

15 ATC

Rise of the Hutt Cartel

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

16 ATC

Forged Alliances

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Late 16 ATC

Shadow of Revan

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Early 17 ATC

The Destruction of Ziost

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

Late 17 ATC

Zakuul Incursion / Jed's Imprisonment

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

22 ATC

Lana Rescues Jed from The Spire

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

22-24 ATC

Battle of Zakuul

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

24 ATC

A Betrayal

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text

26 ATC

Return of Malgus

Details of event. Can be in paragraphs like this, or in bullet points like below. Nunc felis turpis, rutrum in dapibus id, suscipit rutrum leo.

  • Text
  • Text
  • Text



As a young child, Jedidiah came from a tiny community of modest agriculturalists. For the first seven years of his life, he lived fair off. Though he didn't have the closest of relationships with his parents, he still loved them. Their situation wasn't the best, but they made do. However, war struck and their little slice of the galaxy was caught in the crossfire. Jed was struck by blaster fire, directly in his right eye. The wound was lethal and desperately his mother took a final stand to carry him to the Imperial outpost stationed on the planet. Because of his late uncle's contributions to the Empire, Jed was able to be taken into Imperial custody on one condition: he was never to return home again. Naturally, to save her son she agreed to the terms.



For the next 12 or so years, Jed was stationed on Ziost and Dromound Kaas interchangeably as he completed his initiation and mandatory military training. His superiors noticed he had a natural affinity for sneaking around in the shadows, as well as persuasion and ruthlessness. As such, at the age of just 14, he was transferred to the Imperial Intelligence division where he would begin training as an agent of the Empire. He excelled greatly in his craft, especially due to his enhanced cybernetic modifications which allowed for language mastery, night vision, and emotional control.



Praesent nunc mi, vulputate interdum nunc vel, vehicula vestibulum magna. Mauris viverra interdum turpis. In enim diam, tincidunt quis semper sed, feugiat et nisl. In vestibulum purus nunc, at euismod eros tempor ac. Etiam faucibus convallis nibh. Duis vel eros in mauris consectetur lacinia ut sed sem. Proin vel suscipit turpis. Nam ac nibh ac felis varius tincidunt aliquam et dui. Morbi semper diam id odio eleifend, sit amet tincidunt sem pretium. Duis id ex ut nisi tempor vestibulum. Nunc quis arcu et risus congue finibus. Fusce id convallis nunc. Duis mauris arcu, ornare sed ligula vitae, rhoncus faucibus neque. In vel metus luctus, sagittis urna at, sodales augue. Integer et dolor tincidunt, finibus augue vitae, vestibulum odio.


Lana Beniko



Lana and Jed are extremely close, and trust one another with anything and everything. The two would give anything for the other and have a close unspoken bond. Lana is the one exception to Jed's distaste of Force users, but it also helps she is so unlike them. Often she has to keep him in check for his antics but he appreciates her for it. They see each other as equals and any feedback they give is taken with the highest consideration. Lana is especially fearless and will protect Jed if so much as if he stubs his toe.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Theron Shan



Agent boyfriends in love. Not quite enemies to lovers, more so bickering married couple to lovers. Despite being from two polar opposite Intelligence Organizations Jed and Theron have much in common. They're not perfect, but they love each other as they truly are, and its a rarity to find someone like that.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Koth Vortena



Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Arcann Tirall



Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Codename: HUNTER



Toxic, toxic, toxic. Hunter's obsession with Jed has been longer than Jed even knew of Hunter's existence. The two have the world's most rocky relationship in existence. It doesn't help that Hunter was the one who told the SIS about Jed's programming and constantly abused the mind control within Jed's mind. Underneath all that though, somehow they still love one another. It's turbulent and violent and would never last, but that infatuation made the cat-and-mouse game all the more worthwhile. Not that it matters anymore.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.




Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.

Exxus Gun



Describe the characters' relationship dynamic here. In imperdiet velit in sodales ultrices. Phasellus eget semper risus. Vestibulum nec scelerisque eros, aliquet tempor lacus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aliquam lobortis massa eget tellus elementum pretium. Praesent laoreet bibendum lectus eu luctus.


Describe the characters' story here (i.e. how they met, how their relationship progressed to get to where it is now, etc.). Proin at lorem leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla et velit viverra, ultricies turpis at, eleifend leo. Suspendisse ultrices sem urna, in blandit ante vehicula nec. Nunc ullamcorper odio non ante efficitur volutpat. Pellentesque libero turpis, tempor tincidunt mauris a, pretium aliquam tellus. Aliquam luctus dictum sollicitudin. Nullam vitae dapibus libero. Ut sollicitudin metus in dolor sagittis cursus. In tincidunt dolor sed odio porta, non maximus nibh eleifend.


Everyday Life



The seemingly unassuming remote planet of Odessen is where Jed and company reside. Located out in Wild Space, it was unsettled during the war and is the main base of Operations for the Alliance, as chosen by Lana Beniko. It sports a mild climate with varied flora and fauna within its forested environment.

The base itself is the only known structure on the planet, and is massive. It's constructed into the base of a cliff and serves as Jed's base of operations and later, the capital of the Alliance's faction. This base sports a variety of needs, from shuttle bays, to housing, a cantina and the like.


Describe your character's daily routine here. Is their life peaceful enough that they can follow a (relatively) consistent schedule, or is every day completely random to them, and they don't know how it's going to turn out? This can be left as an overview, as the tabs below can go into further details.



What does your character's morning routine entail? What time do they wake up? Do they eat breakfast, or do they skip it entirely? Is their morning hectic/ busy, or is it lazy? Integer in nulla fringilla, molestie sapien eget, rhoncus diam. Mauris at mollis orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquam fringilla nulla, ut faucibus leo scelerisque ac. Vestibulum id eros vitae eros tincidunt hendrerit eget eu ipsum. Donec id congue libero.


Aenean sed aliquam dolor, posuere sagittis risus. Cras consequat, nisi eu dapibus euismod, libero nisl porttitor velit, et dictum purus dui ac neque. Duis a ex vitae eros egestas laoreet ac vitae quam. Aliquam eros libero, eleifend sit amet urna malesuada, lobortis molestie ex. Donec mi metus, auctor ut est sit amet, mollis tincidunt nisi. Etiam lobortis elit vel risus elementum, non pretium massa finibus. Fusce vel feugiat felis, sit amet feugiat ante. Donec et nibh sit amet ipsum ultricies porttitor sed non nunc. Nunc a tincidunt lectus. Duis pharetra posuere metus, eget rutrum massa fermentum et. Etiam consectetur ultricies odio, in consectetur neque tristique quis. In at scelerisque purus.


Phasellus sed consequat augue, vitae viverra metus. Nullam magna ipsum, volutpat eu arcu in, pulvinar commodo mauris. Suspendisse interdum metus quis nisi suscipit, vitae tempus sem varius. Curabitur in nisl lorem. Duis ac mi id enim vulputate ultricies non vitae ex. Donec dui turpis, molestie feugiat rutrum in, interdum non augue. Donec ut dignissim mauris. Aliquam justo lorem, sagittis nec elit et, pellentesque rutrum velit. Etiam ut nisl enim. Nam tellus ante, volutpat in nibh nec, egestas consectetur augue.


Nulla fermentum ex quis bibendum elementum. Etiam tincidunt ante ligula, nec luctus felis vulputate at. Aliquam sagittis semper feugiat. Mauris vitae mi viverra, suscipit massa imperdiet, blandit purus. Phasellus fermentum lectus magna, at viverra dolor mattis non. Praesent imperdiet tempus viverra.



He is in peak physical condition as is needed for his position and career. He can recover from wounds faster than most, and always carries a med pack or two everywhere he goes. Though he is quite stubborn when it comes to receiving medical attention he is not above doing so if worse comes to worst. Mentally is another story, but he gets by.



Jed is very much the kind of guy to pull several all nighters in a row. The only person worse than him is arguably Theron, and both will lecture the other about their terrible habit yet never actively work to fix it. Jed greatly enjoys physical touch, so having someone to sleep next now that he's not alone is very much needed.


Due to his training and combat prowess, he's in excellent physical condition. Muscular and lean Jed is built for operations that require physical fortitude. He trains often, going on runs, sparring practice, or simply weightlifting.


Jed is going through it mentally. There's a lot on his plate and he struggles with managing a collected mask and controlling his inner anxieties. The fact he has cybernetics greatly helps in regulating his hormones and keeping him cool under pressure, even when facing dark lords of the sith. However, these need to be regularly calibrated or else they can actually heighten his PTSD and stress levels to unhealthy degrees. He also suffers from night terrors.


Cybernetic Enhancements

After his fatal wounds, Jed was enhanced with state-of-the-art Imperial technology, implanting cybernetic modules throughout his cranium and brain at large. It's hard to even notice them from the exterior, aside from the two metal plates just underneath his sideburns as almost everything is internal. He also lost his right eye and it's a prosthetic piece of technology. His new eye is capable of many impressive feats, including precise targeting, thermal vision, and face recognition.

Diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive

Diagnosed at Imperial Academy after observations of strange behaviors commonly associated with the condition. Deemed not important enough to be a detriment to his ability, but was marked down to be potentially "erased" using his cybernetics.

22 ATC
Lightsaber Wound

He's not unfamiliar with being stabbed, but a direct impalation from Arcann's lightsaber is another story. After being carried to safety by Lana, Jed collapsed and was under operation for a week, and unconscious for three days following. It's by far the most damaging wound he's had since that fateful day of his childhood.

24 ATC
Diagnosed with PTSD

Night terrors had become something of a common occurance, but Jed never wanted to press the subject until it was finally put down on his record for good.


  • Alcohol
  • Caf
  • Stimulents
  • Cigarettes

He relies heavily on vices, the kind of alcohol doesn't matter, so long as it gets the job done. He favors gins and rums through. Stimulents can help keep his perfomance high even when his energy is low. Just stab with a syringe and you're good to go.


All Jed really wants is some damn peace and quiet, but this is a fantasy he can't have. He'll never stop trying to get revenge for the pain the Emperor caused him and the rest of the galaxy. He runs off of spite and spite alone. Unfortunately for Jed, the battles and trials and tribulations will keep on coming, even after Zakuul has been dealt with.


  • Bolster the Alliance's influence and power
  • Rebuild Imperial Intelligence
  • Destroy the Emperor's wicked regime


  • Get married and maybe even settle down
  • Chart an unknown galaxy/system
  • Reconnect with Shara Jenn, and help her


  • Credits/Currency
  • The Alliance
  • Getting a job done, either as a favor or necessity

Money makes the world go round, and Jed isn't the type for chivalry. If he can get paid, that's going to sweeten the deal. Unless he's protecting those he cares about/sees himself in you better have something to give him for his services. Later, he finds that his Alliance is enough of an incentive for his hard work, and the glory of fighting for something he believes in.


  • Protecting those who cannot protect themself
  • Revenge
  • Glory for a greater cause



  • His access to the Star Cabal's infinite information about the galaxy.
  • He had an affair with Hunter, and secretly misses him.
  • He suffers from chronic nightmares


  • Losing the ones he loves
  • Another 'Ziost' incident
  • Betrayal by his closest allies

Jed doesn't want what happened on Ziost to happen ever again, to Republic or Imperial planets alike. The fact he spent so much of his life there, only to watch everyone and everything die at the hands of the Emperor is his driving force of bloodlust to stop him. Despite being a fiend himself, Jed wouldn't betray his closest allies, but often is terrified they'll betray him.


  • Hitting the slay button
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown

Values and Beliefs

Jed doesn't believe in fate or destiny of any kind. Life is what you make it, and he's here to do his job and his job alone. While he doesn't dismiss the existence of The Force - he's not a fan of relying on it and doesn't have that unfettered devotion to it you see in Jedi and Sith. He has no problem lying and cheating or killing if that's what's got to get done, he simply sees it as a way of life. Jed doesn't intentionally choose to be cruel however, he still has compassion, or else what sort of leader would he be?


Jed used to be far more amoral, back in the days of Imperial service as an agent and weapon of the empire. When given the right incentive, there's not a lot he wouldn't do. Anything is fair game, and anyone can be killed. Despite this though, he was never a fan of harming the innocent, which holds even more true in the present day. As Commander, Jed is far more moral, he is often compassionate and is working on being better. Even if it's hard. Even if he's on the brink of slipping back into his old ways.


Honesty Feelings

Law Justice

Journey Results/ Destination

Comfort Security

Honor Loyalty

Realistic Idealistic




Jed is cynical and blunt, often throwing various jabs at those who irk him. He can be formal if needed but if he senses he won't be threatened for it, then he'll gladly slip into nonchalance. He likes to quip and neg others, especially anyone who's his direct supervisor. He speaks clearly and with a standard Imperial accent. However, he can switch accents if need be for a given job.


When he laughs it can be pretty short, usually punctuated with a wry chuckle here and there. If he really starts laughing then it's uncontrollable, and will usually have him buckling over on the floor. It takes a lot for him to actually sincerely laugh like a madman, but he laughs quite freely, especially if he's smug about something.


He's no stranger to eye contact and it doesn't bother him all too much. He will mimic the behavior of those he speaks to, to lull them into a false sense of security. This is something he learned in his training but has been trying to stop doing, as a Commander it's really not needed anymore. He talks a lot with his hands when he lets loose, but never does when speaking strictly and formally. He's also a big fan of subtle body language, especially to express irritation at the folly of others.


Galactic Basic Standard

Reading Fluency
Writing Fluency
Conversational Fluency



Low Pitch High Pitch

Smooth Rough

Soft Loud

Slow Fast




VOICE CLAIM: Bertie Carvel

"There's no mission like a suicide mission."

"Maybe I'll just start shooting and see who turns up."

"You expect me to go undercover as a droid..? You're kidding right?"

"Is this supposed to involve me somehow?"


  • "Kitten, I'll be honest. Daddy's about to kill himself."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote
  • "Quote goes here."
    —Moment or context for why character said this quote


Describe your character's writing here. Do they write in print or in cursive? If they write in print, are they able to write in cursive? If yes, why do they choose not to? Is their handwriting messy, or is it neat? Do they tend to write in large letters or smaller ones? How spaced out are their letters, etc.? What kind of tool do they prefer to write with (ex. lead pencil, ink pen, marker, etc.)? This section should focus moreso on their actual (i.e. physical) handwriting/ penmanship rather than literacy knowledge, which you'll be able to go over in the "Skills and Abilities" tab.





"This is a placeholder sentence in print."

You can go into further details and/ or re-iterate the details of your character's handwriting here, or you can remove this section entirely.


"This is a placeholder sentence in cursive."

Aenean sed ullamcorper quam. Nulla ut nisl libero. Morbi nec aliquet tortor, id tempor lectus. Maecenas ut euismod nulla.

Skills and Abilities



Stationed on the imperial planet of Ziost, Jed was taken into Imperial custody from the age of seven onwards. Having no family or ties to the planet, enlisting him into the Imperial Academy for young cadets was the right move, especially given the investment that was required for his cybernetics - it would prove to be quite the fruitful endeavor. Alongside his basic academics, Jed was admitted to frequent neurological checkups biweekly for his cybernetic enhancements.

As a young child, children are expected to learn the basics of any galactic citizen from reading, to writing, mathematics and the like. Jed was naturally inclined and with the modifications of his cybernetics, learned and retained faster than his peers. He was often moved up one or even two years above his standing to keep his wits sharp.

Once cadets reach adolescence they are properly trained in martial and ranged combat, as well as advanced subjects pertaining to their field of study. It was quickly decided that Jed was far too adept to be a foot soldier but still too volatile to be preened for a command position. This vested interest in the way he could be controlled neurologically caught the attention of Imperial Intelligence who had him reassigned to the Intelligence division and brought up as an operative.

As an agent-in-training his combat skills became more lethal and precision based. He learned hands-on skills like slicing and data retrieval as well as intense study of the mind and how to exploit those around him using trickery and personality.

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Jed commands over the Eternal Alliance between the Republic and Empire to stop the Zakuul incursion threatening the broader galaxy at large. Command suits him, but the stress isn't all that ideal. As Commander, he oversees the Alliances affairs, recruits allies, and oversees missions (as well as participates in said missions).


Before the disbanding of Imperial Intelligence, Jed was a field agent for the Empire's wishes. Upon his promotion to Cipher Agent, he was stripped of his name and identity, solely being referred to as 'Cipher' or 'Cipher Nine.' As a Cipher, he was incredibly adaptable and often cruel at times. He would never admit it, but he misses those simpler days.

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Jed is a master of lurking in the shadows, literally or metaphorically. He excels in schemes and ploys against his opponents. He also relies heavily on his trusty stealth generator, able to sneak by enemies entirely undetected.


He's very good at turning on his charm to woo others. Being a Cipher Agent means sacrificing everything that makes you, you. It means playing whatever role is asked of you. Jed enjoys missions where he can be charming and dastardly, using snark and attitude whenever possible.


Jed never expected to be a leader, especially not one of Galactic importance. But to his dismay, he's actually quite good at it. Something about his humble beginnings and affinity for the common person makes him incredibly easy to follow into battle.

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Lack of Honor

He is not above betraying others. In fact, he does it quite often. Take advantage of his sparingly polite behavior and you might just find yourself shot in the back (literally). Playing dirty comes with the job but it makes all the more enemies.


According to his track record, Jed is extremely successful with missions and tasks required of him. This has made him overconfident in his abilities, which actually hindered him come the failure of Ziost. Jed is so wrapped up in his agent persona that any blow to his ego reminds him of the scared little boy he once was.

The Force

Jed is practically force-blind. He has no desire or ability to connect to the Force. This makes him particularly weak to the feats of surrounding force users. It doesn't help that he despises almost all of them too.

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He's a prolific marksman. He can use any blaster from a sniper rifle to a common handheld pistol. Jed never misses a target, and headshots are child's play.



He's no Koth Vortana, but Jed is very good at piloting his ship. He enjoys the thrill of the chase and zipping around the galaxy in his glorified space Tesla. Battles aren't ideal, but he won't shy away.



Slicing is one of the most important jobs for an agent to do. Retrieving and destroying confidential data using specialized technology and scramble keys is mandatory training. Fortunately, he's quite good at this and can slice his way into practically anything given enough time.



Any field agent should know how to charm their way out of a situation. They’re professionals after all, not foot soldiers. Jed has always been fortunate enough to have an adaptable charismatic streak that needed little guidance. As Commander, while this feat is off less importance, being the face of the Alliance is far more easy when he can play it up as need be.




Describe your character's ability here. You can mention how this ability affects their day-to-day life (if it does), if they choose to keep this ability a secret (why or why not?), and other general details about the ability. Keep in mind that an ability is different from a skill. An ability is something that's moreso natural/ innate, as opposed to a skill that is moreso learned/ acquired. Some examples of abilities are flight, heightened senses, heat/ cold resistance, and use of magic.

Deus Ex-Machina


Jed is not anyone special, or so he claims. And he really isn’t. He might be force blind but the universe just can’t help but put him in the hot seat whenever it sees fit. Basically, he’s my pookie bear. And while it makes more sense for a jedi/sith to be commander I make the rules.


Reference & Design Notes







168 lbs

Body Build


Body Shape

Inverted Triangle

Eye Shape


Racial Features

Cybernetic Prosthetics

Hair Length



Curtain Bangs



The scar. All that's left after the incident that saw half of his face nearly carved in two.


Aenean at ante tellus. Aliquam in lacus efficitur, vulputate eros vel, tincidunt leo. Fusce tristique lectus sed ornare vestibulum.


Integer augue nisl, hendrerit ut felis porta, tincidunt lobortis eros. Vestibulum viverra ornare magna eget pellentesque. Cras ultricies non tellus eu pulvinar.


  • He's littered in various scars that are mostly obscured under his clothing, including many force lighting related ones.
  • He has cybernetics! Mostly internal but there are two peaking out from the side of his head, just above the top of his ears.
  • Right eye is a prosthetic, it's more red and is noticeably a piece of technology rather than a traditional fake eye.
  • Knuckles are always slightly bruised, unless he's been out of combat for too long.
  • Has very faint freckles, especially in the summer seasons.




Modified blaster pistol. Light color is ice blue.



A relic from a time long forgotten, not the most subtle of weapons - but not so easily deflected by a saber.



A humble ring given to Jed by his fiancé, Theron Shan. He keeps fastened on string beneath his turtleneck so that it remains safe.


Value Tracker



  • He is ambidextrous, and uses a variety of different weapons depending on the given scenerio. Usually he favors a pistol or a sniper rifle.
  • Jed is excellent with kids and animals, he gets very soft and sweet and knows just what to say to them, especially in times of distress. He often took care of the younger recruits back in the Imperial Academy.
  • His favorite color used to be navy, and he'd wear it a lot in his downtime. However, these days its the red color of Theron's jacket as seeing it always reminds Jed of him.
  • ...
  • ...


  • The Unchosen One: Jed is a man of the people, he stands up to do what's right not because of a prophecy, but because who else will?
  • Deadpan Snarker: Prone to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides.
  • Code Name: To protect his identity, and undergo several top-secret missions Jed is given a codename: Cipher Nine.
  • Human Popsicle: Jed is frozen in carbonite for five years, under the issue of Arcann in the first chapter of KOTFE.
  • Agents Dating: Regarding Hunter and Jed / Theron and Jed; Two agents from different factions should not have feelings for each other. Nonetheless, they go on one or more dates.


Jedidiah: Beloved of the Lord.


The following are little trivia notes that may or may not necessarily be canon (i.e. "officially true") to the character.


  • List general headcanons here.
  • Nunc pellentesque nisl non quam iaculis finibus.
  • Maecenas sed ex posuere, euismod diam at, sodales lacus. Integer ac elementum libero.
  • Sed id pulvinar elit, nec consequat arcu. Proin tempus magna id tempus rutrum.


  • List headcanons here according to the header you chose.
  • For example, if your headcanon header is "falling in love", list headcanons of what your character is like when they develop feelings for someone.
  • Do they fall in love at first sight, or do they have to take time to know them?
  • List other headcanons here.


  • Curabitur eros neque, pellentesque sed pretium id, eleifend quis turpis.
  • Ut fermentum justo sit amet dui placerat varius. Morbi id accumsan nisl, vel ultricies ipsum.
  • Morbi a finibus odio. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
  • Vestibulum vitae mollis arcu, eu accumsan turpis.




Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's design (if applicable). They can be from existing characters/ designs, colours, and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. In porta, tellus a mollis consequat, metus justo rutrum mauris, vel vehicula tortor augue vel magna. Donec commodo enim a volutpat viverra. Nunc nec erat ligula. Nullam in tellus nibh. Donec elementum nibh sed sagittis auctor. Sed vitae massa mi. Sed mollis lectus nisl, eget mattis erat pellentesque.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration


Describe where you got your inspiration from for your character's story. They can be from existing media and/ or certain themes. You can use paragraphs or put a list like below. Curabitur at tellus aliquam, accumsan velit vitae, accumsan dolor. Duis sed sodales nisl. Aliquam ac ante tincidunt quam ullamcorper eleifend. Vivamus semper urna vel magna hendrerit, vel tincidunt lacus faucibus. Nullam at metus at mi convallis suscipit. Cras pellentesque, tortor ut tincidunt lobortis, turpis quam sagittis urna, quis tincidunt lorem sapien eget urna. Vestibulum lorem leo, molestie id nisi eu, molestie finibus odio. Curabitur orci urna, dapibus id mattis eu, maximus nec dui.

  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration
  • Inspiration



Answer goes here. This section can either be general questions that you answer as the creator/ owner of the character, or these can be questions that your character answers as themselves, similar to if they were being interviewed. Donec porttitor enim pulvinar nulla placerat elementum. Praesent sed tellus quis nibh porttitor porttitor eu sed nisl. Integer iaculis dolor consectetur turpis egestas fermentum. Proin ut metus quam. Nullam ornare blandit ante, id dapibus justo lacinia vel. Duis a risus tellus. Morbi a lacus lacinia, dictum orci quis, suscipit ipsum.


Nam et suscipit dui. Nulla vitae maximus odio. Maecenas quis feugiat nisi. Quisque justo lectus, mollis at volutpat nec, viverra ac tellus. Aenean hendrerit nibh felis, sed auctor urna accumsan ac. Nullam ante elit, facilisis et tempor sit amet, commodo vitae est. Integer nisl metus, porta nec libero consequat, porttitor dictum nibh. Vestibulum et velit leo. Vestibulum enim erat, viverra a malesuada efficitur, sollicitudin quis velit.


Nam porta tellus sit amet nisi interdum, nec suscipit erat scelerisque. Phasellus mi sem, luctus at dui ut, fringilla ullamcorper purus. Proin vel euismod ex. Vestibulum dolor nibh, consectetur suscipit sodales a, lacinia ac ligula. In placerat mauris vitae est congue ornare. Phasellus molestie nisi a justo scelerisque suscipit. Phasellus sed ligula lorem.


Phasellus ac commodo lorem. Vivamus non ligula et ligula cursus posuere ac eget ante. Phasellus risus lectus, tempus sit amet lectus venenatis, maximus aliquet quam. Vivamus convallis pharetra justo, eget blandit elit laoreet in. Donec a neque ut magna facilisis sodales. Nam eget tellus ac nunc dignissim viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut et augue erat. Aliquam ac eros ut dui euismod consequat. In hendrerit eros vitae pulvinar feugiat. Mauris nec fermentum mauris. Vivamus ullamcorper arcu vitae diam efficitur sodales.


Vivamus ac auctor lacus, eget tincidunt augue. Ut suscipit, eros id ullamcorper tincidunt, felis dolor mattis urna, commodo vehicula dui odio non ligula. Mauris sodales, justo id euismod luctus, lectus turpis tempus nunc, non fermentum nisl nisi quis felis. Etiam facilisis neque vel lorem laoreet, at auctor arcu gravida.


Cras fermentum commodo eros euismod iaculis. Suspendisse consectetur justo ac velit consequat ullamcorper eu eu dolor. Nunc leo mauris, imperdiet eget egestas in, consequat ac leo. Nunc iaculis accumsan ante et consequat. Nullam non blandit magna, a convallis dolor. Etiam in massa eu libero malesuada pretium in eget nisl. Ut pellentesque sem non egestas efficitur. Vivamus sollicitudin risus ipsum, et ornare tellus efficitur dignissim. Maecenas ornare mi turpis, eu imperdiet sapien aliquam nec.


Vestibulum non diam vel nisi tincidunt placerat. Morbi vestibulum tortor orci, eu faucibus justo vehicula pulvinar. Aliquam erat volutpat. In iaculis enim orci, ac viverra dolor tempus eget. Nullam feugiat elit eu mauris fringilla, eu sollicitudin lorem aliquet. Donec arcu sapien, convallis cursus placerat at, pharetra sed elit.


Sed nisi diam, malesuada ac augue non, congue sollicitudin libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas ipsum elit, venenatis in purus at, tempus fringilla est. Nunc nisi felis, malesuada ac eleifend ut, volutpat et erat. In quis vehicula metus. Suspendisse fringilla ante lobortis massa bibendum blandit.


Suspendisse lobortis purus mi, nec dapibus lacus maximus eu. Fusce pharetra venenatis accumsan. Curabitur vitae dui dui. Nam tempus lacus id odio euismod feugiat. Nullam venenatis eget ex nec viverra. Etiam velit sapien, tristique in neque ut, consequat mollis nisl. Etiam facilisis consequat erat sed iaculis. Aenean ac neque at lacus molestie cursus. Sed sem magna, ullamcorper sit amet lectus non, accumsan dignissim eros. Ut vel nunc id neque malesuada pellentesque. Duis accumsan pellentesque volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Integer porta risus in nisl hendrerit, ac dignissim neque interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus at tellus vitae leo sollicitudin pellentesque.




Obtained via



Alliance Commander



Voice Claim


Gift Art/ Writing
Different Outfits
Different Hairstyle
Interacting with your OC(s)

Open To...

Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships


Full Name

Jedidiah (Jed) Solaris

Nickname(s)/ Aliases

Cipher Nine
Commander Solaris
The Outlander

Age (Biological)


Age (Appearance)



March 20th



Dominant Hand



Human - Augmented






Alliance Commander (former Cipher Agent)

Social Status



Imperial Intelligence
Sith Empire
Republic Strategic Information Service (undercover)
Yavin Coalition
Eternal Alliance




Reluctant Chosen One

Romantic Orientation


Sexual Orientation


Voice Claim

Face Claim




Pashi Noodles


Créme D'Infame








Lana Beniko


X-70B Phantom




Cold / Temperate


Life Day



Enjoy the Silence
Depeche Mode


Never Let Me Down Again
Depeche Mode


Blue Monday
New Order


Wicked Game
Chris Isaak


Nothing's Changed
Chris Isaak


No Church In The Wild


The Chain
Fleetwood Mac


What's Up Danger
Blackway, Black Caviar




Tainted Love
Soft Cell


Run Boy Run


Crystal Castles


Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears






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Banner Image

Moodboard Image(s)

Character Image(s)

