🕹ī¸ | Arcade Fish!




I'm happy for years and years and only eating the occasional maintenance man. Only driving a few kids to madness

fish / arcade / urchin
male : he/him
infected axomaur


Fish is a collector of names and stories, he spends much of his time realm-hopping and creating memories. He tends to hoard sentimental objects and tries to get along with as many people as he can - he desires to live a life full of memories and with much to be remembered by. Arcade is often seen nearby bodies of water or around any public gathering places.

He tends to be incredibly appreciative of smaller things and refuses to 'cringe' at any non-harmful interests. Urchin will defend people regardless of whether he likes them, he believes to live is to enjoy yourself and he refuses to stand for bullying.


Fish is strongly set in his ways, he rarely changes habits or opinions unless they directly harm others. He still refuses to try foods he disliked as a child - despite his mostly adventurous attitude. Arcade will try things at least one - unless a part of his strict list of things he will not try. He's simulatenously spontaneous and incredibly calculated.

He is sociable and gets along with others, although he tends to mimic their mannerisms - an old habit from when he first infected his host. Urchin seems laid back and chill at first, though once he becomes comfortable he is much more energetic. He mimics noises he hears and often reacts impulsively to positive feelings - doing binkies when excited or grabbing interesting creatures/items.

travel, exploring
collecting items
the limitations of mortal life
cringe culture, conventional expectations
he is autistic with adhd and ocd
he fixates on odd numbers & the direction left
the less sleep, the more energy he has. coffee and energy drinks tend to calm him down


The news reporters reported that I died - but all my organs were living on inside

Urchin was part of a small group of buzinya, they lived in the sewer of Igroven. One day, a group of lythians came to exterminate them and Arcade was the only one who made it out. He only survived as he stumbled upon an axomaur nest, the pup was tiny and Fish barely had a chance to think about it. The mother returned and raised Urchin as her own, unaware her real pup had been infected.

The Amphibious Pup

Growing up, Arcade felt strongly about trying to prove himself as a 'real' lythian, the way others spoke of buzinya made him feel like an imposter that had stole an innocent life. Urchin began collecting trinkets, going by multiple names, and exploring all sorts of realms. Fish is sociable but distrusting of others and they way they speak of his kind - though deep down he knows what they say is true. He began realm-hopping with his friend, Nimbus, and later met Tigoth, Lem, Blu, and Ber. The group often travel together and Arcade is incredibly grateful for his friend group.

Urchin discovered the realm Gaguro and decided to make his home there, nearby a small pond to keep his skin moist even in the rocky enviroment. He often returns to Igroven, bringing his friends to tag along.


Nimbus friend

A fellow explorer, Nimbus and Arcade have been friends for a long time

Tigoth friend

Fish and Tigoth bonded over both feeling like impostors, Tigoth is the only one who knows of Urchin's origins

Lem, Blu, Ber friend

Urchin often gets up to mischief with the trio, he defends them like younger siblings

Name Surname relationship

Nullam ac lorem sit amet urna euismod lobortis. Aenean metus justo, feugiat quis tempor vitae, imperdiet in lacus. Aliquam ac velit rutrum, elementum magna quis, euismod orci. Vestibulum suscipit fringilla turpis id semper. Ut non sagittis ligula. Duis ut eleifend nulla, sit amet luctus nisl. Pellentesque sed urna erat. Donec quis tristique neque. Quisque lobortis semper aliquet. Pellentesque semper sem nisl, id imperdiet turpis elementum et.