Casper & Grey



1 year, 6 months ago


This character is not for sale. Do not offer or ask for pings.


Name Casper & Grey
Called N/a
Age --
Pronouns He/they
Height 5'
Build Average
Species Phuzo
Stock Intellect
Role Criminal Manager
Demeanor Timid
Masterlist OFF-113
Theme Song link


  • knitted fabric
  • trust
  • deception
  • violence


  • idleness
  • hesitation
  • fools
  • disloyalty




Casper, the sheep head of their shared body, has built his career out of being as unthreatening as possible. He is timid, his voice always shakes, and he frequently stumbles over his words. This is mostly an act he puts on: in order to seem as though he is not a threat, he always wears the mask. It is unshakeable; it is also entirely fake.


Grey, the wolf head between the two of them, has a reputation for being vicious and without mercy. He attacks without warning and takes no prisoners. Be it in self-defense, defense of Casper, or defense of their colleagues, he is known to strike first and ask questions later.

Criminal Connections

Casper & Grey are the right hand to Rose, a crime lord in Praque's undercity. They are responsible for managing her empire: contacting hackers and information brokers, organizing their collected intel, even the broader strokes of money management -- all of it falls into Casper's capable hands. They are indispensible to their organization.


Casper & Grey are a pair of minds sharing a body: Casper is the sheep, putting on timid airs, while Grey is the violent wolf, protecting them both. They are accomplished actors, each playing their respective role with the knowledge that the way one is perceived in this world is everything. Casper's nervous, weak appearance makes others underestimate him; Grey's aggression keeps them from looking too closely. Some even come away pitying Casper: the poor thing, stuck forever in a cage with the wolf.

They are con artists and criminals, whose lives are dedicated to the organization they work with. Rose is their boss, and she puts enormous trust in them -- trust they will not betray.

Before Praque's Fall

Casper & Grey have not been together from birth.

Casper grew up in a family which was poor but loving, and eventually found himself managing their small business as his parents aged. He tried to keep his living honest, but the money they made was never quite enough to live comfortably. Casper turned to crime in order to make a bit of money on top of what he already had, and discovered his talent for grifting along the way. By pretending to be someone else, opportunities opened before him. When his parents finally passed, he sold their business and dedicated himself entirely to the life of a con artist.

Grey came later. After a job went awry, Casper elected for some covert gene splicing to get his enemies off his trail. Grey emerged as a surprising mutation, with his own mind and his own thoughts. The two of them did not get along at first; Casper was frightened by the sudden turn in his life, and Grey itched for control of the new situation he had found himself in. They fought often, over everything: control of their body, food to eat. Their only common ground was that they were criminals, with criminal goals.

Eventually, the two of them learned how to work together. They shared a knack for pretending to be people they weren't, and together they devised the greatest act of their life: the personalities they now present to the world. By playing into peoples' unconscious expectations, they are perfectly able to disguise their true natures: vicious, unrepentant criminals with unshakeable loyalty to their crew. When Rose hired them, she saw them for what they were -- and she asked them to do a job they knew they would be good at. They found a home in her organization.

After Praque's Fall

Casper & Grey were one of the few people Rose took with her into hiding; their single goal was to defend her with their lives. When they found a safe place in one of Rose's hidden shelters, their goal shifted: defend the organization they had poured their life into by any means necessary. They got to work attempting to track their members, contact their contacts, and assess what had been lost.

Plenty had been lost. People vanished off the grid, either hacked or driven out of Praque. There wasn't much left to salvage, but Casper & Grey continued their data collection regardless. Eventually, something had to change; they would be ready the instant it did.



Rose [ boss ]

The only person Casper & Grey swear allegiance to, Rose is a sharp-minded, ruthless criminal who has placed her absolute trust in them. They manage her criminal empire; without them, it would collapse. They are absolutely loyal to her; they could not be convinced to defect by anything.


Willow [ colleague ]

Another member of Rose's inner circle, Casper & Grey have grown to trust Willow. She is like them: putting on airs, becoming something she isn't because of the expectations of others. When they are alone, they can be themselves: Willow becomes quiet, communicating only in sign and sitting companionably on Casper's shoulder.


Ihanelma [ colleague ]

Rose's most trusted poisoner; a chemist who defines herself by her detachment from others. Casper & Grey know her about as well as anybody does, which is not very much at all, but if Rose trusts her, Casper & Grey trust her.


Archimedes [ contact ]

One of many hackers who Casper & Grey keep in touch with. Rose does not employ in-house hackers; instead, she extends jobs to any freelance hackers who prove themselves useful. Casper is responsible for coordinating all of them.

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