


1 year, 10 months ago



Called Varia

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 25

Species Inkling

Weapon Splatterscope Charger

Theme Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!

HTML Pinky


Varia thinks highly of herself in the sense that she is incredibly talented. She is aware of her skills and believes others are nowhere near her level. She loves compliments (though does not know how to take them and acts as if she doesn’t) but is often very show-y with her moves, and communicates on the field with her teammates a lot, only because she wants to win. While she is incredibly talented, she can make simple mistakes by being lost in thought or being very brash. She ranks very high, averaging 12 kills average per turf war round. Any death she has, she will blame on a teammate.

Her appearance, as she has grown older, has shifted to be more off-putish. Varia, while desiring a connection, doesn't want to go through the cycle of people abandoning her again. Varia has grown so accustomed to being alone, she believes she is better off alone than with anyone at all. Visually, she attempted to make herself look unapproachable, standoffish, and cool, hoping that people do talk about her.

She is often annoyed by other teammates who die frequently, try to talk to her, and give her too many compliments, thinking it is an attempt to become friends. Varia does not like being touched, even in a friendly way. She will express discomfort with a scowl or an ugly remark, and make sure the person knows to never touch her again. She hates other people who put themselves on a pedestal or act as if everyone is their friend.

Despite Varia's harsh appearance, she would never physically harm someone with evil intent. Even provoked or hit at, she fears her own strength and the damage she can do, and would most likely refuse to lay a hand on another person. In small scenarios, like protecting Melody, she would throw a hit.


Height 5'7"

Build Lean/Buff

Eyes Blue

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color Chartreuse

Demeanor Brash, Fiery, and Unlikeable

Piercings Eyebrow, Tongue, and Ears


  • Fryfish Biscuit Bandana
  • Barazushi Wrap
  • Mako Bucket Hi-Tops


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Tidy Messy
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Her ego is unmatched and she will always claim to carry her team on her back. She wants nothing else in life but to win.


Though a frugal spender, money helps her live her life in comfort. She sees it as more of a prize for her hard work, and enjoys spending it on high-end gear or nice ingredents for a meal.

Salmon Run

Nothing is better than winning and earning money!

Squid Sisters

Their melodies are irresistable to all types of cephalopods. No one is immune to the sweet poppy tunes of the Squid Sisters!



Although necessary, Varia wishes she can 1v1 anyone she runs across, even if she would lose.


The main reason for not liking teammates.


People in general are often an annoyance to her. She has no interest in becoming friends, thinking it will just end poorly.

Being Alone

While she's formed her life around being lonely, she often feels a sting seeing other cephalopods enjoy their life around each other.

Eras of Life

Please check tabs for more in-depth information. This is a TLDR.


Growing up in Inkopolis, Varia lived with her aunt Myra and enjoyed Turf War. As a gifted child, she joins an exclusive team, but does not get along with any of them. She ends up accidentally injuring one of her teammates, being kicked off the team and her aunt removes her from her house.

Inkopolis Square

Varia moves to Inkopolis Square after cutting her hair, deciding to take up jobs with Grizzco and partaking in the Salmon Runs. Eventually, she runs into Melody during a shift. Seeing her on the streets and needing a partner who can carry her own weight, she offers her apartment begrudingly so the two can work shifts together. As roommates, Varia slowly drifts back to enjoying Turf War and Splatfests.


Moving for more work, Varia decides to head West to the Splatlands to work for Grizzco in different locations. Once again, her and Melody get an apartment, and their relationship bursts into a more-than-friends scenario. Sadly, Varia gets tied up again with a couple of her old teammates, resulting in her hurting Melody. She runs from her problems, back to her first home.

Return to Inkopolis

Confined to a new studio apartment in Inkopolis, Leit runs into her old teammate she injured, Leit. He invites her to play Turf War again, and their friendship sparks into something she never expected. When a Zapfish disappears, Melody comes storming in to reveal it was her, working to find her again. Leit wave the two off back to the Splatlands.

A New Life

Varia, desiring to live a better life, beings to go to therapy while her and Melody decide to live seperately for a while. The two's relationship blossoms into complete love and care for one another, Varia eventually moving in with her family to save money. The two plan to buy a home together after declaring their love for one another.







Varia feels as though if Melody were the only person in her life, she could make it. She has a deep and passionate love for this silly Octoling, and is so glad she persisted to become her friend, though she rarely admits it. Varia will protect her with everything she is, and harm anyone who even thinks to lay a hand on her. Varia has learned to treasure every moment she spends with her, learning to accept Melody's love in return bit by bit.




An acquaintance from her past, Leit knows mostly everything Varia's been through that new people have no clue about. He has never held a grudge against her for the injury she gave them, and she's confused as to why he still wants to be friends. Nonetheless, she has admitted once she is feeling fine to have him back.



Girlfriend's Brother

Off to a rocky start with Melody's brother, Varia feels like she's been judged poorly by him. He teases her often, and with Varia not being used to a kinder form of bully, she asks Melody if he actually does like her. She only wishes for approval to date his sister.



Not Friends.

Varia doesn't really get why Ika hates her (it's because she's mean.) Varia makes some efforts to be better than just straight-up enemies, but Ika just takes any sign of peace as something from Melody.


Captain 3

A Quick Meeting

Varia appreciates the short meeting between her and Captain 3. Though it was two short meetings, it helped open her eyes to issues she had with herself and made her actually talk and face her problems.



Got off the the Wrong Foot

Varia's favorite idol despite their awful interaction. She is an inspiration with her attitude and with her skill with a charger. Varia hopes to make things right one day, but Marie doesn't even remember the experience.




Struggling to adapt to someone who is so feral and energetic, Varia has learned to at least appreciate Neon's skills and attempt to become friends. When she watches her splat people, she wonders if this is how people view her. She's glad she doesn't have to be in the field is Neon is on the team, but does worry about her kill count being lower than hers.



Knowledge of

Not really too sure about this fellow, she only remembers their one Salmon Run shift going so poorly and swears she remembers him crying. She likes how he doesn't talk too much so she can just tell him what to do if they ever play Turf. Table Turf was a struggle for her to learn from him, and she can never win, despite him only being level 3. At least he's quiet about winning.




Varia is already picky enough with people and her taste in music, but she only sees Annie and someone who has been trying way too hard to reach something Varia can never see possible. Her only comparison is the Squid Sisters, and she knows Annie will never live up to her standards. She hates she has to lie though--she does like her style more than she thought.