
1 year, 9 months ago



Name Neon Loosejaw

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Age 24

Birthday October 17th

Species Inkling

Main Weapon Dualie Squelchers

Secondary Weapon(s) Custom Jet Squelcher

Theme I'm Alive!

HTML Pinky


Neon is like opening a small box thinking it's a present, but being greeted with an explosive mist of glitter in your face. A bundle of chaos, Neon enjoys disrupting the peace, albeit in usually inoffensive ways nowadays. She often scares strangers with her plastered grin coupled with her bright pink eyes.

Although she has endured hardships throughout her life, Neon tries to stay positive and active, trying to play with as many friends as she can. Even if she falls into a rut, her friends and partner are ultimately there to help her get back up again. She hates the concept of having to work, but finds herself enjoying defeating the salmonoid bosses and always wants to bite the Cohozuna. She is quite skilled with dualies and shooters, and prefers to splat with others at or above her level. This however, wouldn't stop her from helping a newbie if need be. More short tempered and mean in her teenage years, Neon slowly simmered her bully tendencies and now is considered relatively positive. Despite still being loud, proud, chaotic, and destructive, she tries to use this energy in more productive ways.




Height 5'1"

Build Average build with slight curve

Eye Color Light Pink / Dark Pink / Green

Skin Tone Super Pale

Hair Color Bright Blue

Piercings Two lobe per ear, one cartilage on left ear

Demeanor Fiesty, Chaotic, Aggresive, Silly


Usual Gear

  • 💙 Pilot Goggles 💙
  • 💙 School Cardigan A 💙
  • 💙 Pink Punks 💙


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious



Neon finds catharsis in going for those sick kills. She often laughs like a pyscho after mutliple splats.


Onyx is her adopted octoling brother and only family around with her. They have had many heart to hearts, even if Neon did most of the talking. They met in the Deepsea Metro, but Neon does not remember this. He is much softer than Neon, but you wouldn't know it on the battlefield.


Tetra is her fist real friend in Splatsville and eventual companion / girlfriend. They have been inseperable for 2 years now. Onyx thinks she is funny and approves of her making his sister happy.

Punk clothing

Neon expresses herself with studs, black leather and more. This style matches her bold personality.

Splat bombs

Neon holds splat bombs near and dear to her heart and usually will use a weapon with them as the sub. She loves the feeling of throwing a bomb on an enemy's super jump spot.

Gifting Handmade Presents

Starting at a young age, Neon became crafty and learn how to make fun items such as origami, bracelets and little clay figures. She always sends them back to her family during birthdays and Christmas. As she starts to try to make more friends, she tends to make personalized gifts and leaves them in the recipients locker.



Neon is a sore loser and gets angry very easily. This is how she has accrued some of her penalities in the past.

Personal Attacks

She is quick to take something personally if attacked verbally. Especially if it is about friends or her individualism.

Chores, Rules and Order

Neon does what she wants, when she wants. She thinks the order of everyday life and any menial task is very boring. For awhile, it was hard for her to stay in line, but was met with a big fat reality check later in life.

Being Alone

Despite being alone in her journey of splatting, she actually longs for comfort from other people. She tends to isolate if she is feeling unwell and has a hard time reaching out when she is sad.

Bad feelings and emotions

Distraction is Neon's best friend. She will try to avoid any sense of feeling negative emotions, although they are sometimes invietable. Coping was not her strong suit during most of her teen and young adult years.

Work (sorta)

Work for Grizzco is usually Neon and Tetra's best bet to pay rent, even though turfing does give -some- money. Neon loves to not show up for work until the very last second. Neon hates the obligation of working but will admit it is fun to squish the salmonoids.



Early Life and Teens

Growing up, she was used to having fun by herself, finding ways to play or pretend on her own. This was often a sad reality for her, as many other kids were scared of her looks and boisterous personality. Eventually in her mid teens, she set off from her family to Inkopolis Square to try to make it on her own in the world, having a vision of making a statement in turf wars and creating an awesome team that loved her. Things didn't go as planned, and a big fat dose of reality hit her in the face like a ton of bricks.

Fresh faced, younger than most and ready to splat, Neon was loud and energentic, but tried to be helpful. Although she had a few notable moments, teammates would often ditch her for one reason or another. She never felt like she fit in, and seemed too eager. One game, she finally felt herself, laughing as she saw the tides turn for her team. Lost in the moment, she saw only ink, going out of her way to practically bully the other team into spawn. Neon was beaming with enthusiasm when the match ended, but only saw unhappy and frightened faces. Neon dropped her Splattershot and ran off that day, feeling lost. She eventually embraced this scary deameanor and tried to enjoy her role as the local punk.

Inkopolis Square and Disappearance

Neon disappeared from Inkopolis Square for a couple months when she was 17, after wadnering in the wrong place at the wrong time. She reappeared feeling as if she was hit by a truck. She didn't remember anything after being knocked unconscious. A lone octoling was attempting the Deepsea Metro tests to get to the promised land, when he became stuck on the chamber Neon gaurded. He tried working on it for days, but could not defeat her. During this time, Commander TarTar's reign fell, and the octoling stuck in the test stayed with Neon as she fell from command. He made his way to the surface with her.
She found her pupils were permanantly clouded and a green ring glowed in her bright pink eyes. Because of her bad experience in the metro, Neon became excessively aggresive, moody, and confused now more than ever. She resigned herself to being the scary inkling in town, and found it her fate to be feared, not bothering to change. This continued for awhile, although her brother helped her eventually simmer.

The hunt for a Fresh Start

After Onyx suggested the move to Splatsville for a fresh start, she became a bit overly excited, thinking it was a new day with new people. Because of this, her personality started to shine again. The first interaction she had in town didn't go well. Her demeanor crumbled faster than any time before, starting to fear she was just plained jinxed. Frustrated, she started taking it out in turf wars and Splatzones. Repeating the cycle, she became aggresive, and felt a bit sadistic while splatting. Gossip spread about her reckless behavior, and more often than not, teammates would steer clear of that feral blue haired inkling. For about a year, Neon struggled and continued to feel bitter and angry, causing problems and accruing penalties. She has been temporarily suspended from Turf Wars, Tower Control and Splatzones on seperate occasions.

After feeling like she was resigned to the same fate as in Inkopolis Square, she confided in her brother about how she felt unapproachable. She felt like if she couldn't be herself, it wasn't genuine. Onyx felt of little help, offering his comfort and positive reaffirmation about the future. He told her he would always be there for her as a sibling. Little did she know, a female inkling working as an Elite for Grizzco was actvely looking for something different in life. Friends and teammates became a little easier to find after making her first friend in Splatsville and eventual companion.

Neon now lives the best she can, actively distracting herself from her hardships with Turf Wars and shifts at work (as much as she complains about it). She has ups and downs, as anxiety and anger from the past may creep in when she doesn't want it to. Sometimes it may cause a strain in her life, but she works back up again to try to enjoy the things around her. At her best, she is the loud and proud punk who's loyalty is unwavering.

-Please check tabs for more in depth information on the eras of her life, this is just a general summary!(WIP)-







Tetra is the first person that made Neon feel accepted in Splatsville. After transferring over in late childhood, Neon found it hard to make friends due to her boisterous personality. It often scared other kids away. Tetra found it both amusing and charming, and from there, their relationship sparked. Tetra and Neon were friends and on and off co-workers for about a year when Neon felt "those weird fuzzy feelings that drive her mad". One day, Neon felt pressure build up inside her and suddenly plunged a kiss onto the other, reacting to her adrenaline and other "fuzzy yet rock hard" feelings in her stomach. Tetra looked at her and blinked for a second before casually taking Neon's hand. They started flirting casually and naturally just became a couple. They now live together and Neon causes loving chaos wherever Tetra goes.




Onyx met Neon while -REDACTED, SEE SPLATOON 2 TAB-

Onyx is very grateful to Neon for her guidance on the surface and eventually adopts some of her mannerisms and aesthetic choices (for better or worse.) Although she has become attached to him as a brother, she secretly becomes a bit jealous that he is able to make friends easier than she does. He has his own friends and a job now as well, but they still make it a habit to splat with each other on the weekends. Onyx is very quiet and tends to talk very little, however, the two siblings still communicate well. Onyx is now known as a quiet rebel and when he teams up with Neon, the other players tend to fear the duo.


Melody (Mel-Mel)


Her absolutely best friend in the Splatlands. Neon felt overwhelmingly excited in a match seeing the blue octoling joyfully and loudly enjoying the turf war. Neon gave her a great big smile and waved from a distance before getting splatted by an E-liter. Neon swears she can still hear Mel's laugh even after being splatted. They've loved to splat together ever since and have a secret squee language. Despite their silliness, the girls have a strong bond and are a shoulder for the other to lean on when life gives them lemons. In fact, they will demolish the lemons together. Life has no more lemons to throw at them because they keep eating them. Delicious.



Friend (?)

Another good friend Neon made in turf, through Mel. Varia has a stoic composure and seems to take the games super seriously. At first, it was hard to be able to find common ground as Neon was too excitable, but over time they have had a handful of nice conversations. Neon is always very flattered when Varia compliments her splats, even if its so much as a thumbs up. She admires her for being skilled with a charger, as they are Neon's weakest weapon class. Despite this, Neon is unsure how to interpret Varia at times and occasionally is left frustrated. Neon has left small handmade presents in her locker before, hoping to become a bit closer.



Friend / Awesome Idol lady

Neon saw Annie once performing as a solo indie artist mistook her for a real new idol at first. She loves to support her and her music career. Although Annie doesn't like turfing as much, Neon would still offer her a spot on the team if she wanted to play. Neon thinks her style is really unique and cool and asks Annie to make her a cool idol outfit one day.



Favorite Inkling to Tease

Soup is the epitome of the type of person to be scared by Neon's antics. Despite seemingly being just another inkling to freak out, Neon took an odd liking to him. He's quiet, clumsy and agreeable. Some days, Neon tests his patience, teasing and jumpscaring him. Other days, she'll sip on a drink and casually ask him how his day is going. This charade amuses Neon, and she interprets it as an odd friendship. (but don't tell Soup she said that) She often remarks how he's like a little brother to tease, although states her actual brother could "splat you before you could blink".



Reliable Teammate

Despite not knowing much about Ika so far, Neon respects her as a mutual skilled player. Neon thinks her hair is cool and has told Mel that she "wants to eat it". Mel agreed. Neon also knows Ika's dislike for Varia. She finds it both concerning and amusing. One day, after a frustrating streak of loses, Varia once again throws her teammates under the bus, including Neon. Neon stood up from tying her boot and lost her cool, shouting, "Oh get off your high horse, Varia! Shit Happens!" Neon remembers Ika bursting out laughing.