Ayah Geier



1 year, 6 months ago


Heir to the Geier Clan, and plotting to overtake the D'Achlys' position of authority over Tirenadh.

    Ayah has since a young age been set to be the next leader of the clan, nurtured to grow into a strong shield for the Geier pride (and envy). Joining the Navy of Cenedra as soon as she became of age, she ascended through the ranks fiercely, quickly reaching the rank of captain, and still set on the path of becoming admiral. With such a high rank, she plans on spreading her influence internationally, seeking to dethrone the D'Achlys off Archlyad, so she may establish a marine Empire and rule over the Four Oceans, turning the Geier Clan into the most influential family not only on Tirenadh, but worldwide as well.
    While remaining a captain only for now, it's nothing stopping her from presenting herself as an "Empress of the Seas", despite still battling her cowardly fear of the other far more (in)famous tripulations in the Caputean Ocean, but none who serve under her dare contest her on this matter.
    She uses a rapier, equipped with a derringer-like contraption hidden under the handguard, in order to ensure victory in duels. She has little to no regard to honor, and is quite macchiavellian in her schemes, seeking personal glory and fortune for her and her clan, and tries hard to upkeep a "clean" image, despite her dirty deeds; rumors spread of her dishonesty and cheating often result in cut throats and broken legs.
