


6 years, 3 months ago


Woolynes are a closed species, you can find them here
You can find the registration sheet here

Name: Ra'am Stormborn

Age: Young adult (around 24)

Gender: He / Him

Residence: None (Wanderer)

Battle Class: Forger (lightning mage)

Personality: Ra'am is a quiet woolyne. He has a huge admiration for the beauty in nature, especially storms. Usually, he is quite calm and cheerful. He tends to go where the wind takes him and not get involved in things unless somebody is in danger. He tends to put protection of nature as his priority, sometimes even before other people. He has a bit of a one-track mind which leads him to be a bit forgetful. 

History: Ra'am is the son of a to-be duchess who ran away to be with her lover and personal guard. He travelled with them until sometime in his early teenage years when they were attacked by bandits and one of his mothers got hurt. They managed to get her to a healer in time but she was left in a coma. Distraught, his other mother sunk into depression, and Ra'am had a hard time functioning afterwards so he took his mother's sword and headed into the world.
Nowadays he travels doing odd jobs and chasing storms. He studies lightning lyss from watching nature which means his lyss is more wild and unpredictable but much less controlled. 

Theme song: Talking Heads- Road To Nowhere