
1 year, 6 months ago


Miles OFF-084


Motorcycle street racer under the name Tomb Drifter. Stoic & quiet, with a deep, soft voice, Miles listens carefully when spoken to. He doesn't talk much himself; many people perceive him as being too cool and aloof to interact with anyone else, but in reality he is just painfully shy, and he doesn't know how to approach anybody who doesn't approach him first. He is somewhat close with Flip and Dominic, two of his fellow racers who were not deterred by his quiet persona. Despite Dominic's best efforts, Miles is too oblivious to realize that he's being flirted with.

Miles is extremely good with mechanics. He does all the work on his motorcycle himself, including upgrades; he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and is always studying up on new breakthroughs and improvements to any machine he might work with. He's always happy to hear others' opinions and discuss upgrades -- some might say it's the happiest he gets.