Hiiro Haguma



6 years, 3 months ago


  • Coffee
  • Chocolate
  • Rubber Ducks
  • Treasure Hunting
  • Sports
  • Games
  • Ghosts
  • Bullies
  • Snakes
  • Medicine
  • Studying
  • Storm

"I'm not stupid. I'm just not that smart."

Hiiro Haguma
Human Clone
16 Years Old
169 cm
72 Kg
10th October
Arma Lucis
Dark Affiliate
Igniter Offensive


An orphan who lost his only family member, his older sister to a Noro attack. He was merely eight when he lost his sister. Since then, he was taken from orphanages to orphanages. However, nobody wanted to take in a child that was categorized as a victim to a Noro attack. Haguma spent his life unable to trust the adults and in anxiety of being a worthless child until Hiiro Ayase came and adopted him. However, despite Ayase's kindness of taking him in, the older man claim to adopting him for merely paying his debt back to Haguma's sister.

Haguma was as normal as any teenage boy could be. However, lately he started having nightmares of the night his sister was killed and tossed around in his sleep, sometimes even screaming and choking himself unconsciously. Because of that, he gets labeled as the "defected" person once again. The more he tried to get away from his nightmare, the more he fell into distorted thoughts. And thus, he started blaming himself for his sister's death, thinking that the nightmares were his sister's doings. That she wanted him dead.

He was saved by an individual named Lucea Vermenti, a Nura that was passing by as well as a regular at Ayase's cafe. Lucea awakened Haguma's eyes, and thus sparked Haguma's desire to follow him on the same path. Especially after he learned that his sister was once a Nura as well. Determined to retrieve his fractured memories of his sister, Haguma sets out to become a Nura as well and learn the truth of his sister's death.

What Haguma didn't know was that he wasn't related at all to his sister. And that his true identity was a man-made clone of Eugene Ingway, created to become a vassal of the legendary dragon Kiamat's cores. Haguma was one of the most successful experiment as he was able to live with the core residing within his body. His sister, Saya took him away from the laboratory to save him and went in a hiding. However, the lab found out of her location and pursued her. When they were attacked, Haguma awakened to his power and killed their pursuers. However, he also killed Saya in the accident. His trauma shuts in his memories and he ended up forgetting a large portion of his memories. This also includes the memories of his childhood friend, Lucea.

Haguma and Lucea became friends when Haguma found Lucea in the snow after the later was running away from Noros. Haguma and Saya brought him back and nursed him back to health. After finding out that Lucea has nowhere to go, Saya decided to raise him as well and the three of them became a family for a while until the laboratory pursued them.

After Haguma killed their pursuers, the international military force, Yatagarasu guild came and took them. There were unable to identify the cause of the death, so they concluded that it was a Noro attack and that both Haguma and Lucea were survivors of the attack. Haguma was sent to an orphanage while Lucea was taken in by the Yatagarasu who realized his potential as a Nura.

Now after joining Lucea's guild and became a Nura, Haguma is an energetic Igniter Nura who relies on physical strength more than wits. He likes any kind of sports and working out. He doesn't like sitting still. The longest he could stay still in a room is probably only about 20 minutes until he starts complaining or walk around. He's a natural when it comes to learning fighting techniques.

He's quick to anger, and will pick a fight with someone who annoys him. However, he was pathetic when it comes to occult stuff like curses and ghosts. He also dislike being restrained or told not to do stuff unless it comes from someone he respects or trust. He's mostly cheerful and likes making new friends. But he will show no mercy to anyone who bullies his friends.

Having his memory sealed, Haguma is unaware of Kiamat's power. When his memory resurfaced, Kiamat's nature overtake his personality and he became someone more cruel and sly. Kiamat's personality loves to torture someone and destroy stuff. When he's influenced by Kiamat's nature, Haguma's eyes will glow red in his left eye, and he becomes more sadistic in nature. This personality is somewhat controllable with Lucea's presence. Probably because Lucea is the only person Haguma ever cared for before his memory were sealed.

He likes Rubber Ducks because that was the first toy Saya gave him.

He's the type that cannot learn by text and prefers practical method to learn stuff. He can't memorize stuff from text books, but he can learn a physical technique after trying it once.

His favorite animal is duck.

profile html by Hukiolukio