Lucea Vermenti



6 years, 3 months ago


  • Music
  • Cafe Latte
  • Mushroom Pie
  • People Watching
  • Classical Concerts
  • Dancing
  • Winter
  • Noise
  • Peppers
  • Extreme Rides
  • Malice
  • Bad Liars

"Only when people work together, they can create harmony."

Lucea Vermenti
Half Eastian, Half Hywestern
16 Years Old
167 cm
65 Kg
30th December
Arma Lucis
Void Affiliate
Balanced Weaver


Arma Lucis' leader as well as Haguma's childhood friend. Lucea is a kind, very patient and quiet person. His silent personality often made people misunderstood his intention. It doesn't help that he got a feminine appearance that makes people mistook his gender often. He's socially awkward and had a hard time conveying people his intentions. He has a special ability to listen to soul stream, which made him able to hear souls in the forms of music. Having that ability made him difficult to listen to people's conversation as the sound clashed with their conversation.

Lucea's ability to hear souls, Soul Sense, was actually a family heritage. However, his father didn't inherit the ability but rather his uncle Luca Vermenti. This ability allows him to hear people's souls in form of music. He could distinguish a person's emotion depends on what kind of music that plays. When a person is happy, the music will be cheery. When the person is angry, the music will be loud and noisy. Of course, this does not actually tells him what the person is feeling or thinking, but after years living with it, he could somewhat deduce what they are thinking. Sometimes this ability allows him to detect lies, because then the person's music will be off-key. But if the opponent is a professional liar, he might not notice if he didn't concentrate enough. This ability also allows him to locate a person in the distance within 5 km away.

Lucea's father, Mikhail left the Vermenti house to pursue his dream in becoming a musician. As he didn't inherit the Soul Sense, Lucea's grandfather write him off the Vermenti family and cut ties with him. As he pursued his music career, he fell in love with an Eastian female dancer and went out with her in secret.

Lucea was born without marriage. Because his mother also wanted to pursue her career as a dancer, she left him under his father's care. His father raised him well and taught him how to play Piano and Violin. One day, his father received a message from his mother to meet up after so long. It was supposed to be his first time seeing his mother. However, they were attacked by an Noro instead and both his parents were murdered on sight.

He was saved by Haguma and Saya at his attempt to run away from an Noro who killed his father. He was adopted by Saya and then lived with them until she died. They were found by a Nura guild, Yatagarasu and taken into custody for some time. Yatagarasu's leader, Leyvan, found out about Lucea's Soul Sense ability and offered to train him as currently Lucea was unable to control his own power and it could be a potential harm to Lucea's life. Having been told that his power could be used to protect the people important to him, Lucea agreed and trained under Leyvan's wing.

Lucea started his training as a Nura at 10 years old. Having living his life around the military and seeing more hurt and death than he should, Lucea slowly lost his ability to express his feelings. Noticing this, Leyvan decided to send Lucea to enter the Academy to train as a Nura instead of staying with Yatagarasu in hope that he could find a friend his age who could retrieve his emotions back. Lucea protested at once, but after being told that it was an order, he agreed and proceeded to live his life as a student. He met up with a pair of girls, Himegyllis and Akane whose dynamics managed to bring a little bit of his emotions back. Together, the three of them formed Arma Lucis, a multifunctional guild whose goal is merely to help the people in need. When Haguma showed potential to sense Soul Energy three years later, Lucea immediately recruited him as a Nura and made him join his guild.

Little by little, his guild grows, and along with that, so does Lucea's ability to laugh and smile. Arma Lucis became his new family, and Lucea has sworn to himself that he will protect his little family with everything he had.



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