


1 year, 5 months ago




Name Scoop
Machine Basis JCB backhoe loader
Gender masculine (he/they)
Animal Basis Dog (& lion)
Orientation panromantic
Engine Type internal combustion engine
Build Date August 5th, 1989
Role insecure leader


  • strategy games
  • playing the odd prank
  • working himself to death


  • being brushed off
  • being laughed at
  • having "too much" leisure time

Scoop is a backhoe loader with versatile replacements for both his front loader and backhoe bucket. In his middle and biped forms, he's a dog modeled after multiple working line breeds with a full "mane" and exceptionally long tail. His frame is fairly athletic, not as bulky as some of the other members of his team but not lanky, either. His eyes are light purple and his bodywork is gold yellow with silver accents - he's not obsessive about keeping it tidy, but it does usually look better than you might expect.

Scoop isn't deeply attached to any particular labels for his gender, although the way he describes it could be close to demiboy. He'll answer to he or they pronouns at any given time, although the former is preferred.



Size & Weight

Scoop weighs about six tons in all forms.
In vehicle form, he's 20' long from the tip of his lowered front loader to the back of his cab. His backhoe is an additional 15' long when fully extended. He's 12' tall to the top of his cab roof.
In middle form, he's 12' long from nose to rump and 10' tall. His tail is 10' long when fully extended.
In biped form, he's 16' tall. His tail is the same length as in his middle form.

Physical Limits

Scoop's top speed in both vehicle and biped form is about 45 mph. In middle form, he can top that at about 55 mph.
Scoop's more made for versatility than strength, so he can carry about four tons when using both his front loader and bucket. He can't carry quite as much in his other two forms.

Other Physical Notes

The same hydraulics dedicated to Scoop's front loader power his shoulders and jaws in his middle and biped forms. His bite force is incredibly strong given his size. The steel used to make up his front loader creates a thick and sturdy "mane" in his other two forms as well. Both his front and hind paws are outfitted with thick steel claws, and although they're fairly dull, he only unsheathes them for work.


Scoop is headstrong, hardworking, and very emotional. In a way, he wants to be a caretaker figure for his friends, dependable and strong enough to handle everything by himself. He's also dorky, insecure, and rather pushy. He always has a very clear vision of what "should happen" and gets thrown off easily when others don't follow his script. But his friends are often so light-hearted and quick to adapt that they help him regain balance fairly easily.
He genuinely enjoys leading, but his need for validation spurred on by his inferiority complex often gets in the way. He's an overachiever because he believes his work equates to his worth. He's always putting far too much on his plate and purposefully making life harder for himself, denying himself assistance from his team or any shortcuts. More labor, more output effort means he's doing a better job in his eyes. He also has a tendency to be a bit overprotective, which only feeds into his need to take on all aspects of work alone. However, he can still make for an exceptional leader when thinking with a clear mind - he's a very perceptive judge of character/ability and a great strategist.


Scoop was built in 1988 by a mass manufacturer. As soon as he passed his safety checks, he was listed for rent and got straight to work on various projects in the area. Work was constant and, being that he spent this time fairly undeveloped, he was piloted through every job. He didn't make connections or learn much. However, he would later internalize the fast-paced environment, the prioritization of completed work over the emotional or physical needs of laborers, and the constant need to stay busy.
In the end, Scoop spent his first 3 years like this. He stayed in relatively good condition through this period, but like all machines do, he became significantly cheaper to rent or buy over time. Bob was able to purchase him in 1991, making him the first member of the team. Not only was Scoop used for jobs almost daily - both because his purpose is fairly versatile and because he was the only machine available to assist Bob - but he and Bob had plenty of time to form a bond. Scoop developed quickly and thoroughly enjoyed learning all he could about his work.
As time went on, more members were added to the team, and while Scoop remains one of the most frequently ustilized machines, he did often feel the sting of "missing out" when work he technically could do was passed on to the others. This sting has lessened over time, but he does still struggle with putting far too much on his plate.

Potential for Development

Scoop is still deeply affected by his time spent working before joining Bob's team. He retroactively learned from these experiences that his worth is only measured by his work output. Not only does this affect his health, but it seeps into his relationships with the other team members.
He needs to unlearn the lessons captialism taught him. He needs to understand that what makes him a great team leader is not his ability to shoulder all the work himself, but his care for his teammates and his deep understanding of their abilities and needs.


Autistic Coding

Scoop's special interests mostly include strategy games. The Pokémon franchise is his favorite by far, although he loves virtually any strategy games that don't enforce a time limit. He is also interested in animal training and enjoys learning about animals, mostly domesticated ones.
One of his main struggles would be his need for a very clear schedule and his reluctancy to change plans after they've been created. He has a hard time adapting to sudden changes in his routine. He also generally struggles with emotional regulation.

Behaviors & Habits

  • He wags his tail, happy sighs, or purrs (very rarely) when happy.
  • He'll bark (literally or metaphorically), bay, growl, or roar when angry or riled up.
  • He whines when upset, although it sounds more like the high pitched hiss of pistons moving.
  • He tends to open mouth pant a lot.

Fun Facts

  • He's a combination of a Chinook dog and a Persian lion.
  • His design draws from the Arcanine and Boltund evolution lines.
  • His star sign is Leo... with several Virgo placements.
  • His birthday falls on Work Like a Dog Day.
  • He's prone to destroying things with his tail, so he holds it at an odd angle.
  • He favors steel and electric type Pokémon.



Scoop and Muck sound and act a lot like siblings. They have almost the exact opposite responses to the same problems. When Muck first joined the team, Scoop was incredibly jealous of her for getting "half of his work" and for "taking" away some of his time with Bob. They eventually grew close nonetheless. The two unwittingly shaped a lot of each others' personalities, as Scoop was the first machine Muck bonded with and vice versa. Scoop has the best understanding of Muck's self esteem issues, and is often best equipped to help her navigate them.


Dizzy gets the benefit of having become the youngest member of the team after Scoop had already worked out the worst of his complexes. He loves her unconditionally, but doesn't baby her and doesn't underestimate her value to the team. Dizzy's not afraid to give him a mouthful if he acts up, and while it's difficult to accept her criticisms in the moment, he does eventually take them to heart and learn from them. Dizzy tends to pose the most challenges to his need for a clear-cut schedule, but he's getting better at adapting for her sake.


Scoop can't decide if he admires or is frustrated by Roley's carefree attitude. Roley tends to give Scoop hell in the same way Muck does, but it's more subconscious and not done in the same loudmouth manner. More often than not, it just flusters Scoop. He was also initially offput by the fact that Roley is decently older than him - even though Scoop has team seniority, he is a little less quick to flex that on Roley for this reason.


While Scoop was relatively well-adjusted by the time Dizzy joined the team, he wasn't quite as well-off when Lofty joined. He didn't struggle with jealousy towards em, but he does still tend to baby Lofty, partly because of a genuine understanding of eir needs and partly because it's an excuse to keep more work to himself. Aside from that, the two get along well - Lofty still acts a bit more passive around Scoop, so he doesn't challenge his less healthy behaviors very often.