


1 year, 5 months ago




Name Muck
Machine Basis freelance designed
Gender genderfluid (he/she/any)
Animal Basis Bull (& caterpillar)
Orientation toric (masc preference)
Engine Type internal combustion engine
Build Date March 22nd, 1990
Role class clown


  • competing
  • demolition
  • YTPs & similar humor


  • quiet moments
  • being bossed about
  • coming in second

Muck is a caterpillar-tracked dump truck with a bulldozer blade attached to his front. In her middle and biped forms, she's a bulky, short-legged bull with oddly curved horns. His build is muscular and fat in equal measure. Her eyes are a light green and her hydraulic cylinders are silver. His bodywork is a bright, flaming red, although it's usually dulled by layers of dirt and scratches.

While most machines don't care much for human gender labels, Muck is explicilty genderfluid. In "canon," her pronoun preferences depend on the day, but in a meta sense, any pronouns are fine at any time, and he or she is always a safe bet.



Size & Weight

Muck weighs about ten tons in all forms.
In vehicle form, he's 27' long from the tip of his lowered blade to the back of his dumper. She's 15' tall to the top of her dumper or 14' to her cab roof.
In middle form, he's 16' long from nose to rump and 14' tall, including his horns.
In biped form, she's 23' tall, including her horns.

Physical Limits

Muck's top speed in both vehicle and biped form is just about 35 mph, though he can't reach that speed often. In middle form, she can easily charge at speeds over 45 mph.
Muck's made for hauling heavy loads. He can haul just under eight tons when using both his dump bed and his blade. She can carry about the same weight in both other forms.

Other Physical Notes

The powerful hydraulic systems and sturdy chassis that allow Muck to lift and carry heavy loads in vehicle form are repurposed in his other forms. Though she's still not very dextrous, she has an incredibly strong back in her middle and biped forms - she can still lift about eight tons total through all forms.


Muck is a very vibrant character. He's playful, energetic, and kind-hearted. She has a lot of big feelings and he has no problem communicating them with her peers. He's also rather cheeky, impulsive, and unpredictable. She tends to leap before he looks, making her fairly clumsy, but she's quick to pick up after herself when she causes trouble.
He has a raging case of middle child syndrome. Having the overachiever of the century as an older peer shaped her into an extremely competitive machine. He's not so much motivated by hard work as he is motivated by recognition - he wants to be "the best" at something, and he's known to run himself ragged doing whatever's necessary to earn that title. She hates feeling shown up by her teammates, but she knows he's only the second strongest, second fastest, and second largest on the team. And while no one else measures him by those standards, it informs his attitude and self worth constantly.


In 1990, Muck was built on commission by a small group of freelancers. Since his design was so experimental, it took a couple of years of tweaking and rearranging and rebuilding before he was ready to work. Being built by such a personal group rather than an assembly line, she wound up slightly more developed than your average machine. He was kind of... gassed up at this time, and he daydreamed about outperforming other machines and about being lauded for having such a unique build. Her final design wound up not being a good fit for the commissioner, so the freelance group needed a new buyer.
Bob purchased him in 1993, making him the second machine to join the team team. She and Scoop immediately developed a sibling-like dynamic, and Bob was excited to have such a versatile machine on his team. He's always looked for creative approaches to his work, and he was easily able to work off of Muck's many strengths. Despite having an occasionally contentious relationship with Scoop and despite his budding self-worth issues, Muck was exceptionally well-cared for (as is the case with the entire team), and he quickly developed into the firecracker he is now.

Potential for Development

There is truly no one like Muck, both because he's such a unique character and in the sense that he's a freelanced one-of-a-kind design. This can make her feel incredibly isolated at times, which only adds to her hunger for recognition and attention. He truly believes that he's worth less than the other members of the team if he's not "better" than them in some capacity. She loves to compete, but she suffers so greatly when she winds up "losing."
He needs to learn how to appreciate his uniqueness and to stop treating his friends as reference points for success or failure. Sbe also needs to become a bit more emotionally independent.


Autistic Coding

Muck's special interests revolve most around soil science and geology. He keeps a rock collection, although he collects based on how interestingly they're formed rather than how pretty they look.
She loves to vocal stim by parroting or recording/playing back words and phrases, especially dialogue from YTPs. Since her sense of touch is so well-developed, she struggles with tactile sensory issues often. The worst offender is water, although it has more to do with being wet for long periods of time than with touching water at all. He doesn't mind a car wash quite so much if there's a drying tunnel at the end.

Behaviors & Habits

  • He prances or dashes when excited. He might bleat on occasion.
  • She snorts, wags/flicks her tail, and paws at the ground when frustrated.
  • He roars when angry, he doesn't usually growl.

Fun Facts

  • He's a combination of a Camarague bull and a Monarch caterpillar, specifically.
  • Her design draws from the Tauros and Scolipede evolution lines.
  • His star sign is Aries.
  • Her birthday falls on National Goof Off Day.
  • He drinks stagnant water impulsively.
  • Her most prized possesion is a chert rock.
  • His favorite YTP is YTP Sexer.



Scoop and Muck are very much like siblings, getting on each others' nerves on purpose and bickering frequently but without any real malice. Muck does see Scoop as his biggest competition in a way, especially since their roles are so similar. However, they understand each other the best and know how to look out for each other when it matters.


Muck adores Dizzy. They have the most in common by far, and she matches her energy level perfectly. They're rarely seen apart from each other. The two have a bit of a reputation for getting into trouble together, and Muck can be a teensy bit of a bad influence on her. Although he does genuinely care for her, part of the reason why he struggles so little to get along with her is because she doesn't feel the need to compete with Dizzy on any level. He doesn't disrespect her work, but his competitive mind doesn't read her as a "threat."


Muck and Roley are too similar in some ways and too different in others. They're either getting along perfectly or they're butting heads with each other even more than Muck butts heads with Scoop. This is partly due to Roley's very binary energy level and Muck's relative immaturity. As Muck gets older and evens out, she'll be able to connect with Roley a bit more evenly.


These two actually get along very well - they're more like compliments to each other than they are opposites. Muck is exceptionally good at drawing out Lofty's dry, somewhat sarcastic sense of humor by playing the comic to Lofty's straight man. Muck never underestimates Lofty, he seems to know exactly what his limits are and doesn't try to protect him otherwise. Muck is admittedly jealous of Lofty's size and strength, but she's not set off by it very easily as Lofty utilizes his full strength so rarely.