


1 year, 6 months ago


Chloe mostly keeps to herself. It's not like she can't make friends, other people are just so terribly boring. Always losing themselves to pointless relationships, addictions, and make-believe social norms. In childhood, she got sick of the constant arguments between her parents and escaped to the farm not too far from her house - resulting in many missing person reports, as she would never tell people where she went. At the farm, she was welcomed by Kiel, a boy slightly older than her who wore a smile bright enough to burn, and an enthusiasm that even convinced her to let him string her along on his daily activities. He played his guitar for her, showing off the techniques his grandpa had taught him. He showed her how to tell when crops were ripe and picked them together, before cooking them for dinner. He introduced her to the animals, who she loved as if they truly were her friends. But, things can't last forever. Kiel moved away, promising to keep in touch, but soon enough failed to keep his promise as his addictions spiraled. 

So, she keeps to herself. She still does some work around ranches and farms, taking care of livestock and crops, but ultimately just does enough to survive. She lives in her car that she drives around to various camping spots where she stays the night.

I should note that while I focus on the sadder parts of her story from her youth, she's an adult now and likely does not care much anymore. She still has trust issues but had to let go at some point. She enjoys her independency and is strong and capable of caring for herself while finding the little joys in life.

Chloe's playlist

suggestions for art of her

✩ Interacting with animals, especially farm animals or cats.
✩ Reading books, maybe while sunbathing somewhere.
✩ Camping or hiking


Nathan Her brother. They're not on bad terms, but they don't really speak, either. She admittedly looks down on him a bit for being too empathetic and weak for trusting other people, but recognizes his past, and feels guilty since she wasn't ever home to help him with the bullying that occurred at his school when they were young.

Kiel She absolutely hates his guts, and wants nothing to do with him anymore. He's pathetic, and was proved to be just like everyone else.

Esteri She has been shipped with Esteri in the past and I think she still can be, but I don't currently have a canon explanation for how they would get together.